Pierre Gasly - I want to hold your hand

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You are a member of the F1 staff. More specifically you put your mechanical engineering degree in good use. Life has been amazing these days. Working for red bull is a dream. The team's results are more than perfect and you couldn't been prouder of your teammates.

You spend a lot of time with both Max and Checo and you ended up being amazing friends. They have been sweet to you the whole time and they listened to your strategy plans which helped them win a lot of races.

It was a typical Sunday noon , after a win of course and the boys were celebrating after their success at the podium. You were clapping for them and they both ran to hug you after they were done. You smiled at both of them and congratulated then for their results. "You were amazing guys! I am so proud of you.." you said and looked at both of them happily

"We wouldn't have these results if you weren't giving the best instructions ever! You were amazing as well Y/N" Max added and Checo nodded giving you a thumbs up."What are you doing later y/n we have a party with the rest of the drivers and we were told to invite whoever we wanted" Max continued speaking and looked at you in curiosity

"Um, honestly I am completely free but are you sure that I can come, most of the parties are strictly for the drivers and their partners/close frien-" you started saying but Checo cut you off "You are one of our closest friends, of course you can come.." "I know but guys are you sure.." "We are positive.." they said together and they patted your back

"Fine then , I'll think about it.." you said and slowly got stuck in your thoughts. I have never been to such a party. What should I wear. I barely know the rest of the drivers. Will they talk to me at all? A lot of thoughts were racing in your head as you were heading back to the garage to take your car and go home

Pierre's POV:

I had just finished with the race and I was hella tired. I was walking around the  area beside the podium since I wanted to cheer for Charles. He never fails to make me feel proud to be his friend. Too many fans. They were asking for autographs, pics, videos. Kinda difficult to please them all but still did.

I stood beside Carlos and smiled "Charles did so good today, however we should see you on the podium too mate.." i jokingly said and he raised an eyebrow while laughing "maybe if lord Perceval lets me next time.." we both cheered for him tho. He is family to me.

After the champagne shower I turned to the side and saw a pretty girl talking to Max. "who's she? And how does she know Max. He's so off her limit" I thought to myself but these thoughts ended up being sentences which came out of my mouth. Carlos looked at her as well "She's wearing a red bull t-shirt, maybe she's part of their engineering team. She's pretty I can't lie.."

"Do you think that she's coming to the party later? I'd love to meet her!" I said and Carlos poked my hand "Aw look at you , the french boy is in love? Love at first sight? How romantic!" He started mocking me but I signed him to shut up because the red bull team began to walk behind us to go to their box. And then it happened. I locked eyes with her and I couldn't stop staring at her pretty face

Your pov

I finally reached my house and ran inside to get ready. I chose a blue velvet dress to match my team's colours and did my makeup quickly. I grabbed my phone to text Max

Max, are you coming to pick me up? And if so when. I am ready actually:)

Ice age dude 🧊
Oh yes y/n I'll be there in 5!

Get ready to be impressed!

Ice age dude 🧊
Will do 👍🏻!

You quickly grabbed your purse and went outside to wait for Max. After some minutes he showed up in a white sports car. You opened the passenger door and sat inside. " Wow y/n you are gorgeous! I have never seen you wearing anything other than the red bull uniform. Once again tho blue suits you well!" He said and eyed you down

"Say less.." you said and smiled as he began driving. The scenery was so pretty and you were happy to be beside such a successful driver. "Are you nervous?" He asked you and you shook your shoulders "I am not sure, it's just the first big event that I am actually attending. I don't know how to act, what to do or who to greet.." "don't worry , I'll be beside you the whole time" he said reassuringly and poked your shoulder.

Soon enough both of you were at the after race party and everything was going okay. You were the center of attention since you looked stunning. You were getting some drinks with Max but he got asked to reply to some questions for an interview so suddenly you stood there alone. You took a sip of your drink and looked around you seeing a handsome guy with blue eyes who was already staring at you.

Pierre's POV

She was there , at the event. Looking even better than before. I was sitting beside Charles and I couldn't help but notice her every movement. Her proud presence beside Max who was holding her close. Are they together? Are they something. "When are you going to talk to her bro.." I heard Charles saying "I don't know honestly, she's always close to Max I don't think that I'll ever get the chance to actually talk to her.." his face lit up "I have an idea , recommend a song to the DJ ,one of these old ones that you like. She's going to love it.."

I thought about it for a while and then walked to the DJ talking to him about the song. I walked across the room again , close to her and saw Max leaving. Perfect I thought to myself and stood beside her. She randomly turned to me and caught me staring. Shit , shit, shit! The DJ interrupted the moment with an announcement "I was asked to play this song for the girl with the beautiful blue dress.." he said and played I want to hold your hand by the Beatles.

I then smiled , got closer , greeted her and pulled her hand close to me kissing her palm. I could see her blushing while looking around awkwardly "I am Pierre by the way, Pierre Gasly in case you didn't know" she smiled at me and introduced herself "I am y/n, thank you for the song , I love old rock songs , I am pleased to meet you.." "The pleasure is all nine.." i said and pulled her close.

I could see Charles cheering for me , from the other side of the room. "Y/n I saw you earlier beside the podium. And just like the song , I meant to tell you , I want to hold your hand.." I got the courage to say and she smiled "I have never spent time with other drivers except from the red bull ones. But I'll make an exception for you.."

After the party, we exchanged numbers and said bye to each other. I hope that her work staff won't be mad at her. I enjoyed every minute with her and I want to get to know her better. Once I arrived home I texted her almost immediately

Hey , I hope you arrived home safely. We should find some time to hang out again. But you know just us 2. Bonsoir ma belle!

It was lovely meeting you, and yes a date sounds fun if that's what you meant!

Should I make a part 2 for this story? Please let me know!

Also my trip to Brussels was amazing. Belgium is one of the prettiest countries I have ever been to. Take care y'all and have a nice day

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