Lewis Hamilton - If the world was ending

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It's Christmas Eve. You are spending it alone in Monaco since your family cancelled all the gathering plans because some of the family members got the flu, and you decided not to risk it.

You asked an old friend to meet up and you were waiting for his reply but you got a notification from another contact. Your ex. Lewis Hamilton. The last time you talked was the day you two broke up.

You decided not to open the chat, even if curiosity was eating you alive. You sent another text to your best friend Amelia, for advice.


Yo yo
What's up

Lewis just texted me
Can you believe that?

After almost a year?
What the fuck does he want
Did he got stood up or something?
What did he say

I have no idea
I never opened the chat
I don't want to seem desperate
Plus I tried my best to get my life on the right track again

I wanna know
You made me curious

Shall I give him a chance?
Just to see what he has to say after all of this time

You have nothing to lose y/n
Keep me updated if you can

Yes ma'am 🫡

You were about to open the text but your childhood friend called you. "You are outside my house? Great I am coming in 5. Once again thank you David.." you said and hanged up. You collected all your things, grabbed your keys and left your house.

Your old mate David, was waiting for you beside his black Porsche. You couldn't help but admire the shiny colour. "You like what you see.." he asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yes it's a nice car.." you replied and smiled back. He opened the passenger door for you and let you sit down before going to the driver's side. After some time he starred the car and began driving. "Are we going to our all time favourite.." he asked.

"Where else could we go..?" you asked and he just nodded. "So how's life treating you..?"he asked after some minutes. "I mean my work is good, my family is okay. Except that they cancelled our family plans because some of them are sick so yeah. Everything's fine.." you said with a smile.

"I am sorry to hear that, glad to be your plan B. It's been a while since the last time we hanged out.." he said. "I am fine as well, but work is kind of stressing me out.." he added. "I understand, how's that working out..". He smiled a little before replying.

"You know the rust-eze line from lighting McQueen right. The insane amount of luck thing.." he said with a smile. "I get that I get that.." you replied and chuckled.

You reached your favourite coffee shop and sat at a table together. You sat there talking about your lives, the past and your dreams  for the future. David posted a pic of the hot cocoa with the caption "fav place with my fav girl". You had that little inside joke.

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