Lance Stroll - I am outside your door

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You have always liked f1. Well of course because your brother Pierre Gasly is driving for alpine. However it was never possible to follow him when it came to his races. He would either be very busy with interviews and his training sessions or you had a lot of things to keep up with back in France.

But Pierre is thrilled to have you with him at the Australian Grand Prix, so you spent a lot of time planning and organising the whole thing. His team made it easy for you to stay at the same hotel with him and the rest of the drivers.

You had just unpacked your bags when you heard a loud knock on your door. You weren't really expecting anybody since Pierre told you that he would be busy. You walked to the door with and opened it only to see a driver but his shirt's colour didn't look like alpine's.

"May I help you..?" was the only thing which escaped from your mouth. "Um no, I am sorry I must have mistaken your room for someone else's. Sorry for bothering.." he replied with a shy smile. With a second look you noticed that he was blushing.

He studied your face a little bit before leaving and before you closed the door. You didn't really pay attention to that incident. It's not that he would bring it up to your brother later. You called Pierre only to make sure that you'll meet up right on time with no delays.

Some minutes later, found you sitting at the hotel's lobby waiting for Pierre. He wasn't late at all and the first thing he did was to hug you. "I can't believe that you'll be able to watch me race from our garage. It's going to be amazing you will love it.." Pierre said with a grin.

"I was looking forward to Pierre, how have you been? How did your interview go..?" you asked and started a conversation with him. Somewhere halfway through the conversation you noticed the guy from earlier. The one with the unfamiliar green shirt. He passed right beside you two and greeted your brother.

"Hey Pierre! Excited for the race..?" he asked. "Same feeling as always Lance.." Pierre said with a smile. "This is my sister by the way y/n Gasly.." he added.

"Oh right nice to meet you.." the Lance guy said but not with a surprised tone at all. "Have you two met before or something..?" Pierre asked.

"Eh not really. I have never come to any of your races dummy.." you replied awkwardly and fake punched Pierre's arm. "Yeah no, but she looked familiar at first. You two look alike.." Lance pointed out.

"Just good genes and stuff. But you have to pick your favourite Gasly sibling.." Pierre said and smiled excitedly.

"Seriously Pierre, the last time you asked a person to choose between us, we were on a call but Charles still chose me.." you said and grinned.

"Charles is a menace. Maybe Lance has a different opinion.." Pierre said. "No I'll actually agree with Charles on this one.." Lance said and you could feel your cheeks heating up.

"That's 2-0 Pierre.." you said and laughed. "I am the best Gasly sibling for my fans and that's enough for me.." he said but you started sticking your tongue out at him playfully.

You accompanied him to his qualifying session, along with his girlfriend. After a successful p5 you three went out to have dinner together. It was amazing and you got to know his girlfriend Francisca better.

When you were done with your meal Pierre drove you back to the hotel. You were just waiting behind the traffic lights when a dark green Aston Martin passed in front of you.

"It must be Lance or Fernando. Aston Martin lends them such fancy cars.." Pierre exclaimed. "I'd really love to have dark green car. It looks so vintage.." you said.

"You should ask Lance to take you out then.." Pierre said and you just blushed a little. "Oh come on now. I don't even know him.." you replied and rolled your eyes.

"Great. Blind dates are even better.." he said and he started laughing. "You are unbelievable.." you replied but you couldn't do anything at all because he's the driver.

After going back to the hotel you returned to your room. Pierre and Francisca are sharing one anyways. "I have seen the way he's staring at her. Maybe I should give him her number. He's a good guy after all.." Pierre said.

"They would look goofy together. Do it. And if anything happens we can all blame you Pierrot.." Francisca said.

"I have such a supportive girlfriend.." Pierre said and they both laughed a little.

Text messages between Pierre and Lance

Hey man
You didn't get it from me but that's y/n's number
Now go shoot your shot mate

Oh my god Pierre
You are a saint
Thank you thank you
I promise I won't hurt her

You better not
Also we saw your car yesterday
She already likes its colour

The next day you watched your brother driving and cheered from him, from his team's garage. He managed to maintain the P5 from the qualifying session and score some good points for alpine.

You returned to the hotel together to go get ready because Charles invited y'all to party with him since he won the race. You picked out a dark green dress to wear. Just like the car you saw yesterday.

You were about call your brother and let him know that you are ready when you suddenly received a text from an unknown number.

Text messages

I am outside your door
Don't be scared
You should thank your brother though

You were skeptical at first and now you were dying to call Pierre just to find out what's up. But in the end you opened the door only to see Lance.

"Hi um he gave me your number. I would be too shy to ask.." Lance said. "Yeah Pierre does such things because he knows that I am also shy.." you said and smiled.

You closed the door behind you and looked at the other side of the corridor only to see Pierre and Francisca checking you two out. And that's when you received a text from Pierre.

Text messages between you and Pierre

You alone
Lance alone
You and Lance = a date
Hotel trivago

I am not really back with the one shots. I just got some inspiration to write something here because I kind of miss writing one shots. You can go check my other books "more" and "sober". See you on the next one :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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