Max Verstappen 🌶️ - Please me

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Another race day for Max, this time in Mexico. You were always there for him , cheering at every race of his. Even Max has admitted that if he doesn't feel like racing, you motivate him a lot to keep going. He always says how lucky he is to have you since you have helped him a lot with his anger issues and with finding a way to express his feelings calmly. Even if he has a bad day you always manage to make it better.

There were only some laps left and you were already cheering with some of the red bull mechanics. The distance between him and the following driver was enough to make assumptions about the race's results. Max was very focused on today's goal and he achieved it easier than he thought. After the podium celebration he ran to you with a big smile on his face. "Thanks for being here, I had an extremely bad morning today but I still managed to win this race, thanks to your positive energy.." he said and kissed your forehead.

"Aw Max, it's not only my positive energy, you should also thank yourself and your dedication. You should feel proud of yourself for once.." you said and wrapped your arms around his waist pulling him into a hug. "The height difference is real.." he said and teased you a little "but thank you y/n I appreciate it.." he added and held you close to him. Max's arms could also be used as a shelter for you, physically speaking. Talking about shelters though, you are Max's shelter, his anchor in life.

After his interviews, both of you were finally able to go back to the hotel. These you were thinking about adding some spice in your relationship, and decided to buy some lingerie to surprise him. Once you got back to your shared hotel room he ran to take a shower you pulled out the bag and waited until he was done. He got off the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist after some time and kissed your forehead once again. "Maxie can you do me a favour.." you said as a slight smirk formed onto your lips.

"What's up my love.." he asked and his eyes met yours. "Please don't get dressed and wait for me there.." you said and you pointed to the bed. He nodded and made his way to the bed as you walked to the bathroom holding the bag. You changed to the black lingerie quickly and spent some time checking yourself out after looking at the mirror. Some minutes without a sign of you passed until you finally shouted "Are you ready Max?.." "Yes , please come here I am curious now.." you heard him saying.

You took a big breath and walked outside the bathroom making your way to him. His eyes widened. "Y-n I-i you a-are gorgeous.." he managed to say and tried to stand up but you lightly pushed him back down on the bed. "It's was a little surprise for you.." you said as you sat on his lap facing him. "That's the best post race workout.." he said as he started attacking your neck with kisses.

"Νot so fast cowboy, after all I started this, I should make the first move.." you said as you ruffled his hair. Max couldn't help but eye you down every now and then licking his lips out of excitement. You let him rest back on the headrest as your hands moved onto his muscular body. "Y/n be quick, I need you to please me.." he said as he panted a little. His hands reached the towel pulling it to the side. You could finally see his growing erection. You curled your fingers around it and you stroked it slowly.

Max was so focused on the feeling you were providing him with, and his thighs were shaking. You leaned closer to his lower body. "You can continue.." was the only thing he managed to say in-between his moans. Some minutes later you were already flicking your tongue across his length , letting Max's gasps fill the room.
He let out some Dutch curse words as placed his hands on the back of your head , slowly guiding you and helping you build the right pace.

He didn't want to break the eye contact. His pale blue eyes were lit up because of the pleasure. He couldn't get used to that perfect feeling, similar to ecstacy. "Y/n, p-please stop , I can't cum right now. Not before f-fucking y-you.." he managed to say. You nodded and pulled back, going back to facing him without uttering a single word. The height and strength difference made it easy for him swap your places. He was staring at you with admiration.

"Your lips feel amazing, but since you treated me right , I gotta return the favour.." he said as his hands met the back of your upper waist and quickly undid your beautiful black bra which was decorated with lace. His hands cupped your chest and he smirked, leaning towards you only to kiss you. "Let's not waste more time.." he said. You were blushing as if it was the first time he was seeing you naked.

Even if he tended to show his aggressive side , Max had a way with words. Every sentence of his, dedicated to you sounded so poetic. He placed wet kisses starting from your neck and continuing all the way down to your stomach. With simple and quick movements he slid your black lace underwear off. He was smiling. He have been craving that for a while. His left hand reached the nightstand in order to get one condom from the pack he had let there.

Now he was finally focused on you. He entered two fingers inside you causing you to gasp. He waited until you were able to adjust and started moving them. The feeling was euphoric. Max didn't waste any time and he added another finger using his free hand to put on the condom. You couldn't help but moan and feel vulnerable in front of his eyes which were scanning your body.

He let some time pass and he took his fingers off. He leaned down to kiss you after asking if you were ready and receiving a nod as a reply. He positioned himself and entered you slowly yet playfully. He was making you feel full. After making sure that you were able to adjust his size he started thrusting inside you. "M-Max t-this feels s-so good.." you said in-between your moans. "Please keep calling my name , it sounds so nice.." he responded and sped up his pace a little.

As the time was passing by his thrusts were slowed but harder. You were about to reach your climax and so was he. "F-fuck I am close.." you said and he didn't speed up. Instead he made sure that the last thrusts,before pulling out were deep and enjoyable. You came and so did he. He got up to get a towel to clean you two up.

After he was done he let you lay on top of him. He began to play with your hair and rubbing your back , creating a peaceful aftercare environment. "I love you y/n.." he whispered and kissed your forehead. "I love you too Maxie.." you replied and smiled at the kiss.

New oneshot story of course, it was a spicy one this time. Do you want any other driver's version of please me? Leave a comment if you liked the chapter and leave a vote as well because it keeps me going. Don't forget to request the plot of your choice:)

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