Charles Leclerc - surprise ‼️

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You and Charles tend to spend a lot of time away from each other because of his work. You have been trying your best to follow him on his races and travel with him. Even if your schedule gets messed up it's worth every travel you do for him. You were supposed to stay in Monaco for work but his birthday was coming and you knew that it's his special day and it should be one of the days you can spend together. That's why you took a week off from work and decided to surprise him in Austin. Charles makes sure to text you all the hotel details everytime he travels so it wouldn't be difficult for you to actually make plans.

Sadly you couldn't go to Qatar due to work and you had to cheer for him from a distance. You started packing your things and then decided to make a group chat with some of his friends who would help you do the surprise

Surprising Charles ; on going

Hello everyone, my flight is today late , late afternoon. It's not a direct one so it'll take me some time , but I'll surely be in Texas tomorrow night.

You'll be staying with Fransisca in her room for the night?

Fran ✨
Yes , that's why I booked a room with two beds

I am sorry I thought that you had separation anxiety but also didn't want to stay in my hotel room.

Fran ✨
I love a good girls night

Not our main matter
And yes I am staying with Fran

Carlos 🌶️
We'll keep him busy and stuff so that you'll have your time to get ready

I am pretty sure that he's going to love it , he always talks about you and how much he missed you when you are not around

Carlos 🌶️
That's true. Take care and have a safe flight , make sure to text us if you need anything.

Yes of course
And thanks for everything

Once you packed everything, you drove to airport. You pretty much enjoy late night flights because it feels like changing universes or something. On the other hand , the airport security checks are so annoying. All the flights went smoothly tho and you made it to Austin easily. You were wearing a black hoodie so that you wouldn't be easily recognisable and you checked in. You quickly went to Francisca's room and knocked on the door. She was there with Pierre. They both greeted you with a smile and a big group hug. "I was honestly so anxious about making it here on time.." you said and left your luggage on the floor.

You ran to the bed and jumped on it "Now I get why Charles like you , you are as childish as him.." Pierre pointed out but you just mocked his accent. After five minutes of quick rest you gathered their attention. "So the plan is , you pretend like nothing happened, like it's not his birthday. For half of the day, and then we surprise him at his suite.." you said "We'll try to keep him busy, and I'll get his second key card for you.." Pierre said and you nodded. "The thing is , we have to hide you as well, from the paparazzi and him.."

"Ι can wear a cap and sunglasses when I am not in the hotel room, we have to get a cake after all. And I can spend most of the time here.." you said "It actually feels like helping you sneak out or something.." Pierre said and laughed. You smiled as well "Once again , thanks for everything, I wouldn't be able to do anything without you.." you said "Aww , Fransisca can you do such a surprise for my birthday as well.." he asked "I mean it's already spoiled now.." she said and patted his hair "Poor Pierre, our little boy won't get surprised for his next birthday.." you said and laughed.

After some time Pierre left to give you two some personal space which was pretty much very needed after the long flights. You two slept early so that you would be full of energy the next day. You woke up around 9 am the next day and decided to check your plan once again. You and Fransisca decided to get ready. You had to wear the hoodie and the glasses which were not an actual big deal. You just had to walk behind her all the time and not talk at all. When you got to the breakfast hall you sat at a table away from the majority of the people, grabbed some food and decided to chit chat.

You texted Charles happy birthday as if you were in a different country, and not a person across the same room and you continued talking to Fransisca. When you were done you two went shopping for flowers and the cake. Austin is actually so much different from Monaco. Once you returned to the hotel , you met with Pierre and he gave you the second key card. Fransisca and you walked back to your hotel room and decided to get ready. After all it was almost afternoon and you had to set everything up.

Pierre texted Fransisca that him and Charles were officially away from the hotel and you were finally able to go to Charles' suite. "Damn this suite is huge.." you said out loud "I know right , it'll take some time to decorate it.." Fransisca added. You decorated the suite with his favourite colours and you texted Pierre that they can come back. You hid in the balcony. Fransisca lit up the candles on the cake and she left it on a table beside the kitchen the suite had. After that she quickly hid behind the door when she heard the key card sound.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Charles:) happy birthday to you.." everyone sang and Charles quickly ran besides the cake. "Make a wish.." Pierre said "Well I wish that y/n was here to celebrate with me.." Charles said and smiled. "Careful what you wish for.." Fransisca said and opened the balcony door , signing you to come in. You ran to Charles and immediately hugged him. He couldn't believe his eyes. "Well happy birthday baby.." you said and looked straight into his eyes with a big smile.

"Did you plan this..?" He asked you and pecked your lips "yes but I wouldn't be able to do anything if I didn't have the help of your dear friends.." you said and you laughed a little. "Everyone was involved.." Carlos added. "Best birthday suprise ever , thank you so much y/n.."

It's officially his birthday here so happy birthday Charles<3 this was a birthday special oneshot. Don't forget to vote if you liked the story and make sure to request the plot of your choice

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