Charles Leclerc - Drunk words are sober thoughts

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It's finally winter break. You have been meeting to go see your childhood best friend Charles Leclerc since his last race in Monaco. However it would always get delayed. University studies would get in the way, family problems would get in the way. Everybody found their way to get in the way.

The thing is you couldn't even tell Charles because it was supposed to be a secret. Winter holidays were the perfect time to finally make some time to see him. You got in touch with some of his friends. You knew that they wanted to spend most of their time skiing at their favourite ski resort.

That's why you decided to book a room as well and go surprise him. The truth is you had missed spending time with Charles. You just wanted to feel like you two were young again. His friends were so kind to you, willing to help you out.

You would text him as if you weren't about to board on a plane which would take you to him. He didn't even suspected anything when you were ignoring his texts, since you were flying. You arrived at the resort during their skiing session meaning that you would have time to unpack.

You even had some time to get a proper meal after one long day of travelling. After some time you got a text from Antonio, saying that they were coming back to the hotel. You smiled at the thought of seeing Charles again.

You have to stick to your plan. They are going to have dinner sooner or later and you'll just stand behind Charles for a while, and kind of shake him to surprise him. The boys will act like you are not there so that Charles won't suspect anything.

Perfect plan. You decided to take a shower before the surprise and freshen yourself up a little. You got another text Antonio, saying that you are free to go whenever you want.

That's your time to shine. You grabbed the key card, opened the door and left your room. The corridor isn't that log so the journey to the elevator didn't last long. It hit you suddenly. All the nervousness. Seeing your favorite person in the world after so much time  had never felt so stressful before.

You reached the dinner area, facing Charles' back. After some minutes you placed your palms on his shoulders. He flinched a little, surprised by the action and he immediately turned around to see what's going on.

His grimace turned into a smile. "Y/n? You are here, I missed you so much. It's been a while.." he said and stood up to hug you. You hugged him back and said "I wouldn't be here without your friends' help..".

He turned to them again. "Were you all part of the plan..?" he asked and they nodded. "Traitors" he added but smiled. You spent the rest of the dinner with him. Then you decided to go back to your rooms. Some minutes later you got a text from Charles.

Whatcha doing
Do you want to come to my hotel room?

Is there a specific reason?

Just want to hang out
Just like the old times
You know what I mean

Yes Charlie I know
What's your hotel room number?

Can't wait to see you again.

You changed into a comfortable outfit and gathered all your courage so that you could go see him. Just like earlier, the corridor walk didn't take a lot of time and soon enough you were outside of his door.

You took a big breath and knocked on it. The door opened wide after some seconds. Charles greeted you with a hug and you hugged him back, messing his hair a little. He didn't complain about it at all but he tried to attack yours as well.

"That's a hit under the belt Leclerc, I cannot let you do this.." you said and he started laughing. "You need to make it up to me.." he said and pouted. "We'll figure it out I promise.." you replied with a grin.

Charles had ordered alcohol for you two and you spent the whole night talking about the past when you two were younger. "Do you regret all the tough decisions you had to take, related to your job of course ..?" you asked.

"I mean it wasn't easy to leave my family and my favorite people behind. That's why I cherish every moment that I spent with them. F1 life is so difficult.." he said. He then let out some hiccups.

"I understand.." you said. Typical Charles. His alcohol tolerance is not that great. You were half way drunk though as well, so you couldn't really blame him. "What are you going to do after you get your university degree..?" he asked.

"Well I'll finally become the architect I wanted to become as a kid. We both wanted that. I can remember you having that phase at least.." you replied and laughed a little. "Well you are accomplishing it for the both of us then. I am proud of you y/n.." he said.

"Do you get along with all the drivers in the grid..?" you asked. "Well most of the times yes, our question seem like truth and dare questions to be fair.." he pointed out. He wasn't wrong honestly.

"We are still teenagers mentally.." you said. "Do you know what's funny though..?" he asked. You shook your head in a negative way. "As a teenager I was so scared to do this, but now it's coming out naturally.." he said and he leaned closer to you placing his lips on yours.

They were soft and the kiss was so delicate. Your cheeks got a bright red color. He pulled back after a while. You two stared at each other without saying a word for a while. It wasn't that awkward at all but silence made things feel right.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts they say.." You managed to say after some time. And you were right. Because the feelings were mutual from both sides, but teenagers are so scared to fall in love.

He pulled you closer to him. Held you protectively. You continued talking until it was time to get some rest. He waited for you to fall asleep in his arms. He wanted to admire you for a while, before sleeping at least.

New one shot yay. I know that this one is quite short but I have been through a lot the past week. Comment your requests for the next one. See ya!

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