Andy Herrera

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Mia and Maya are just wlaking in for next shift.
Travis: Morning Bishop and mini Bishop... something seems off.
Maya: She's in a mood with me just let her have a moment. Goodmorning Travis, line up in 30.
Travis: Everyones in the beanery the calenders have arrived.
Maya: I'll be up in a second just let me put my stuff down.
Maya: Oh wow these turned out great.
Ben: O-oh my god I look ridiculous.
Vic: You look festive.
Ben: I-i'm a doctor okay this is not the message I want to be sending out im going to be a laughing stock.
Jack: You know Pruitt was a proud man I say we say a few words and have a couple.
Travis: Oh I don't know mr September I think everyone needs to see this. Come on down to Jacks farmers market.
Jack: You know what carrots are good im sending out a positive messa...
Andy: Uhm Andy herrera i used to work here.
Emmett: And you still do.
Maya: Hes right its great to have you back.
Dean: Yeah we missed you.
Vic: Its great to have you back.
Andy: Its good to be back, I missed you guys too. Oh oh what is this!!
Maya: We wanted to help raise funds for a funeral for your dad.
Ben: It was all Vic's idea some of us aren't best pleased.
Andy: Why yo- you all look great and im going to need at least a box of these.
Travis: We are also doing a spaghetti dinner tonight get some foot traffic in here.
Maya: Come on line up.
Andy: So after everything I didn't really get a chance to ask but your little sister, that wasn't a shock at all.
Maya: Honestly I don't know what to do I have no idea what I'm doing, I need to be better than mum and dad but can I really be better than them they are all i know.
Andy: just treat her like your little sister mixed with how dad was with every new probie that came through that door. Plus you have Carina and the rest of the station on your side, where is she?
Maya: I don't know she's angry with me she's in the station somewhere.
After line up.
Jack and Andy are cleaning the engine.
Mia: Andy you're back.
Andy: Hey kid, Emmett can you come and help Jack.
Emmett: Coming where are you going?
Andy: Talk to Mia, Maya said she's upset with her.
Mia: What are you doing put me down!!!
Andy: Why are you upset with Maya??
Mia: I don't want to talk about it.
Andy: Why??
Mia: Because in the grand scheme of things its not that bad but she promised.
Andy: Promised what?
Mia: To bring me some juice to the station.
Andy: Is that it?
Mia: She promised Andy and she broke that promise like everyone else in my life.
Andy: Come on.
Mia: Where are we going??
Andy: First to Maya and then to the shop, come on.
Andy: Maya-
Katherine: I left your father.
Andy: Ohhhhh.
Mia: Mom??
Katherine: Mia I didn't know you were here.
Andy: Sorry I didn't realise she was here.
Mia runs out of the station
Maya: Shit.
Andy: Its fine ill go catch her up i was coming to tell you im going to take her to the shop get her some juice.
Maya: you don't have to.
Andy: I am and I don't have time to stand here arguing with you about it, I'm going to go catch her up.
Katherine: So she ran to you?
Maya: Mum i don't have time for this im trying to organise this spaghetti fundraiser dinner thing were doing.
With Mia and Andy.
Andy: Mia, wait, up, please. She's not following us.
Mia: sorry I just had to get out of there.
Andy: I get it dont apologise come sit here a sec lets catch our breath. I know you've probably already been over this but what happened?
Mia: Katherine and Lane aren't the best parents, Maya told you about Lane when she was young right?
Andy: Yeah she told me bits.
Mia: When she and Mason left i was a new born just a couple of weeks old, as i grew up i guess dad decided to take a different approach because for the past 2 years he's been hitting me when I do something wrong. Mum never stopped him just let it happen i don't get how she could do that but she did.
Andy: come here sobrina all of us at the station won't let anyone hurt you i promise. Never again.
Mia: What does sobrina mean?
Andy: Oh its uh spanish for niece.
Mia: so that would make you my tía?
Andy: Thats right, how?
Mia: I speak a bit of Spanish not much.
Andy: Come on lets get to the shop and get back.
When you get back to the station.
Mia: Can you make me a drink?
Andy: I'm gonna go check on your sister im sure you can make your own drink your a big girl I believe in you.
Mia: b- okay.
Andy: Hey sorry again about earlier.
Maya: Nah your okay is Mia okay.
Andy: yeah she's just gone up into the beanery to make a drink.
Katherine: Maya can we just...
Andy: shes still here.
Maya: I guess so.
Andy: Do me a favour stay away from Mia she's really mad at you and scared.
With Mia she's struggling to get the glasses and ends up smashing all of them.
Emmett: Woah whats going- oh.
Mia: I'm sorry please don't hurt me I didn't mean to I'll clean it up. She starts picking up the glass and cuts herself.
Emmett: Woah okay put it down its okay i got this, uhm someone anyone help!!!
Vic: whats.... oh.
Emmett: I got this just take her get her cut cleaned.
Vic: Got it come on mini Bishop.
Mia: No please don't hurt me im sorry I didn't mean to.
Vic: Hey im not going to hurt you.
Andy: Mia did you get that dri- drink.
Emmett: She tried but now she's curled herself up in a ball and she has a cut one her hand and won't let anyone touch it.
Andy: Okay Vic Emmett clean the glass up i got her.
Vic: You sure I can go get Maya.
Andy: No don't, hey sobrina its tía can you sit up straight for me please.
Vic: She thinks we're gonna hurt her.
Andy: I know, hey look at me I promise im not mad no one is at least you didn't get hurt more its just glasses but I need to clean up your hand.
Mia: Promise your not mad...
Andy: I promise. That looks bad come on I'll take you down to the aid car I've got everything I need in there.
Ben: Hey... woah.
Andy: Yeah uhm Miranda's coming to that spaghetti thing tonight yeah?
Ben: Uhm yeah.
Andy: Can you ask her to call to the store and get some more glasses?
Ben: Yeah i'll call her do you want help with her.
Andy: Is that okay if Ben helps sobrina he's a doctor like Carina so he knows what he's doing, he's done loads of these I bet.
Mia: He won't hurt me, he's not angry with me?
Andy: No one's angry with you.
Mia: Okay he can help.
For the rest of this story watch station 19 season 2 episode 14, everything else happens the same at the spaghetti dinner Mia sits with Miranda and the boys.

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