Get it all out

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Its the Friday after and the twins, Mia and James are staying at the station tonight before spending the day with James' parents tomorrow. Its about 3pm and they are heading to the nursery to get the twins as the episode is starting.
Vic: ..... play nice.
Mia: Oh wow all go here again already?
Vic: Mini Bishop i forgot you guys were coming.
James: We can go home if you want.
Vic: Ahh don't you even think about it.
Mia: Well we're gonna go do our homework up in the lounge.
Vic: Okay, i gotta stay here but I'm here if you need me.
Mia: See you soon Auntie Vic.
A little later Mia and James hear water running.
Mia: What in the, give me a minute. JAMES! GET THE TWINS OUT OF HERE NOW!
Vic: No, no, no, no.
Mia: I don't know what happened.
Vic: The twins??
Mia: James has took them down to the barn. We've only just noticed i was just about to grab the fire extinguisher.
Vic: Yeah its alright I got it, just stay back.
After the fire is out. Mia goes to get James and the twins.
James: That's dinner off the menu.
Mia: Not funny. Are you okay?
Vic: No, no im not.
Travis: Looks like you got your wish.
Mia: Can everyone stop with the jokes please this isn't funny.
Andy: Oh my god what happened?
Vic: I forgot... the food was out, and I dont know, i guess, somebody left a burner on....
Theo: Are you kidding me? Are you telling me one of my firefighters left the stove on?
Maya: Hey you 4 okay?
Mia: Uhm... yeah we're alright.
Theo: Is this a joke? Another one of your pranks?
Andy: Yeah, yeah, it's a prank. We thought it'd be hilarious to flood the beanery, ruin dinner and put 4 soles at danger because for all we knew they could have been sitting in here.
Jamss: Yeah luckily we weren't we had decided to sit in the lounge today.
Theo: Did you do this?
We all look to see he's acusing Andy.
Andy: Why the hell would I do this? Wh-- Do you really think I would intentionally--
Ben: -Okay. Okay, okay.
Theo: - Come on.
Ben: - I'm sure it was an accident.
Theo: -Are you? 'Cause ot seems like exactly the kind of thing one would do to make a new captain look incompetent.
Travis: Come on.
Andy: Okay, thats ridiculous.
Over lapping chatter.
Robert: Hey, listen, Ruiz--
Theo: It's Captain.
Robert: Captain Ruiz, accidents happen. All right? This was an accident.
Mia: Yeah listen I know this is alot but how could you think that any of them would do this on purpose, knowing Me, James and the twins were here? None of them would do that.
Theo: Clean this up now. Then we're running drills. Obviously, we need it.
Vic: I... I will go... talk to him.
Mia: I'll help clean this up. James will be okay with the twins.
Once the clean up is done everyone leaves apart from Jack and Andy and Vic comes back. Carina, Maya and Ben go on a call.
A little bit later Mia is heading back upstairs when Jack falls down them.
Mia: Uncle Jack are you okay?
Jack: Yeah im good go on get upstairs i think James is in over his head.
Mia heads upstairs and starts helping Andy with dinner.
Vic: Trav?
Mia: What is going on here today?
Eli: Travis?
Travis: Eli...
Eli: Are you planning on coming back? All right listen this is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. Guys like osman, guys who are more concerned about outcomes than ego or power do not get into politics. So let's go back in there, tell him what he wants to hear, and close this deal.
Andy: Oh my god.
Mia: Uncle Jack!
Vic: Jack?
Ttavis: Hey Jack?
Andy: Heart rates good. BP's little low. Pupils are dilated, but responsive.
Vic: He had a headache earlier. And he was repeating himself before he said he wasn't feeling well.
Mia: He lost his footing on the stairs earlier, could that have something to do with it?
Andy: Did he? That could be it.
Jack: I-I took a little tumble, before we went out on the call earlier. As I was turning off the burners, I slipped and hit my head and I'm thinking that maybe the fire was...  -Was my fault.
Andy: Okay, come on.
Jack: I'm sorry Mia.
Mia: Hey we're all good you didn't do it on purpose.
Jack: No, i'm... I'm sorry, Captain.
Theo: No, Nobody got hurt. Well, nobody but you. You need to go to Grey Sloane and get checked out. We've got an aid car on its way.
Andy: I'll go with him.
Theo: I'll do it.
Andy: I don't mind, I'll be happy to--
Theo: I said I'll do it, Lieutenant. He's my firefighter, I wanna make sure he's okay.
Andy: Yes, Captain.
Jack: You think they have like a frequent visitor discount? Or like a yogurt card. Every fifth visits free?
Travis, Eli and Osman head back into the lounge whilst me , Andy and Vic carry on with dinner. James and the twins have fallen asleep in the bunk room. We all watch when Travis drops out of the race and gives it to Osman, Eli was not best pleased.
Travis: Think he's ever gonna want to date me after this?
Vic: Noo?
Andy: Date you?
Travis: Yeah. I mean, it wasn't a good idea but we slept together the other night, and....
Andy: Laughs.
Andy: I'm gonna... I'm gonna go... I'm gonna go get some air.
Mia: Whats up with her?
Vic: Uhmmm, well... Andy and Eli... were dating. Or atleast she wanted them to be? But I guess... you took care of that.
Mia: Ohhhh.
They then have to deal with garbage truck fire.  After Maya and Carina kiss she tells Maya to call her she then goes to find Mia, James and the twins. She finds them in the bunk room sleeping on two separate bunks and the pram in the middle, each of them has one hand resting ontop of one of the twins stomachs. She snaps a cute photo before heading out and warning the team not to wake them up.

Mia BishopWhere stories live. Discover now