Maya Dont

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The next morning.
Maya: Oh good morning why aren't you at work and why aren't you at school?
Carina: I said she could have the day off Bella, before you start i know she has had enough time off but there's something you need to know and you have to promise to listen and not kick off.
Maya: Sounds onimous but just give me 15 minutes to get showered please.
Mia: Yeah sure whatever.
Carina: Bambina do not chicken out on me now.
Mia: I don't know if i can do this Carina.
Carina: Bambina please you need to tell her, we will get through this together. Me you and Maya.
Maya: So what so urgent?
Carina: Maya loose the attitude.
Mia: I'm sorry Maya this is all my fault. Crying, I lied to you both me and Lilly didn't fall out and I didn't spend the night on a park bench I was at Lilly's all night.
Maya: Mia please tell me you are joking with me right now..... we were/are in a pandemic you should'nt have even left let alone have a sleepover. Did you have a nice time huh? Watch a movie eat snack and drink fizzy pop, stay up really late all whilst you were supposed to be at mine and Carina's wedding reception. You and 19 asked me to get Carina to agree to this and then you go and blow it off for a girl that you've known not even a year and seen once?
Mia: I know okay I know and if I had known then what would have happened I would have stayed but Lilly said she needed my help.
Maya: Yeah help with what picking out her pj's?
Mia: She was drunk, plastered and couldn't even stand straight she needed my help.
Maya: So she threw a party? And even though you had a party with us you still went to her party. Did you get drunk? thats why you spent the night at her house isn't it?
Mia: No its not but if you want to think that then you think that.
Carina: Both of you cool off.
Maya: Carina are you not angry?
Carina: Yes I'm angry Bella but this is not her fault im not angry at her just listen to her, Mia please tell her.
Maya: Tell me what? HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD, no I don't want to know that.
Maya: Please tell me she wasn't, Carina please.
Carina: I'm sorry Maya but yes she was she told me everything, there's more she's uhm pregnant.
Maya: Crying No, no she's not long since 13 she's so young, why didn't she tell us?
Carina: Because she was afraid of this you flying off the deep end and she was scared we would blame her and not believe her.
Maya: I- I need to make this right.
Carina: Just keep your cool and you will be fine.
Maya: Knock, Knock, Mia please can I come in?
Mia: Sniffles Yeah its not locked.
Maya: Mia I am so sorry, I should have listened to you, I should have let you explain, can I have a hug?
Mia: Yeah, Lilly is my friend and when she said she needed help I had to go help her.
Maya: I know thats what makes you really special and lovable. All your friends are lucky to have you.
Mia: Crying Maya I'm scared.
Maya: Hey come here I've got you, me and Carina are here for you we will get through this as a family. Although I'm not sure where you are at the minute.
Mia: The police have got some evidence which will put Lucas away, thats Lilly's brother. I still need to give my statement and actually tell them what happened. I still don't completely understand what happened. And then we only just found out about the pregnancy so there's that as well.
Maya: Okay well one thing at a time, first today me and Carina will take you to the police and tell them what happened and then later me and Carina will explain what happened to you. Take one day at a time. Sound like a plan?
Mia: Yeah I guess so.
Maya: Okay gey ready and I'll go tell Carina. We got you.
At the police station.
Mia: Hi, I'm looking for officer Wendy.
Receptionist: Can I take a name?
Mia: Mia Bishop.
Receptionist: Okay take a seat she will be out as soon as she can.
Maya: Thankyou, you okay?
Mia: I will be when this is over.
Carina: We will be there for you.
Wendy: Mia good to see you again, are these your guardians?
Mia: Yeah they are this is my big sister Maya and her wife Carina.
Wendy: Hello, sad we have to meet under these circumstances.
Mia: I'm ready to tell you what happened now.
Wendy: Okay you can all follow me but unfortunately Maya and Carina won't be aloud in the room but they will be just outside.
Maya: You got this.
Carina: And if you need a break im sure thats allowed.
Wendy: it is you're right.
Mia: Lets do this.
Wendy: Okay can you confirm that you know im recording this?
Mia: Yes i know your recording this.
Wendy: Can you tell me your name and in your own words why your here today.
Mia: I'm Mia Bishop and i'm here because on the 20th August 2020 Lucas Clark had none consensual s!x with me. I was at my sister Maya Deluca Bishop's wedding to her now wife Carina Deluca Bishop, I was getting some air when I got a text message off my friend Lilly Clark. I went to her house because she said she needed help, when I got there the house was lighting up different colours and I could feel the ground vibrating from the music. My instincts told me not to go in there but my friend needed my help so I did. I asked around to see if anyone had seen her, I had to shout and so did they for me to be able to hear them. I eventually found Lilly in the back garden leaning against a tree, she can barely stand up she's so drunk, my plan is to take her back to Maya's apartment where I'm staying but I quickly realise that's not going to work. So I decided to take her up to her room which was a challenge but we eventually got there. I laid her on the bed and I was just going to make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit. My dad would get drunk enough times when mum was away, I sat on the chair that she had in the corner of the room. ⚠️⚠️ TW⚠️⚠️ A little bit later Lucas came in and said "Sissy come here I love you." He was also very drunk he turned to his two friend Lewis Peter and George Smith and told them to " Get her out of here unless she wants to watch like a pervert." I thought they were talking about me but then Lewis and George grabbed Lilly and threw her out onto the landing. Lucas said "Come here i'm your Big brother im not going to hurt you." I told him "No you got it wrong im not your sister they just threw your sister out." Lucas said "I know my sister and you are my sister, come here." He grabs me by the wrists and pulls me to sit on his lap. I tried again "I'm telling you I'm not your sister your too drunk to recognise anyone." He got really angry "Is that so?" He pushed me down so I was laid on the bed, he stood up and just stared at me. I started crying "please believe me im not your sister just let me go." Lucas turned to his friends and said "George, Lewis what are you guys doing just stood there you know what to do." George grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head he also puts his hand over my mouth so I can't scream. Lewis sits on his knees at the bottom of the bed and pushes my legs apart with his hands. Lucas undoes the ribbon on my jumpsuit but when it does nothing he gets angry. George removes the hand from my mouth but keeps my hands pinned and sits me up, he unzips the jumpsuit at the back and Lucas pulls it down to my waist. George then lays me back down and covers my mouth with his hand again. Lucas starts pulling at the jumpsuit and scratches down my hips until the jumpsuit is at the bottom of my legs. Lewis lets go of one leg at a time as lucas pulls the suit over each foot. I bite down on the hand covering my mouth. George screams "OWWWWW, YOU BITCH SHE JUST BIT ME."Lucas laughs "Oh being a naughty girl are we?" Lucas walks over to the drawers and pulls out a pair of socks, he separates them and brings one over he shoves it in my mouth then grabs a rope out of the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door. Lucas ties that around my head and now I can't do anything. Lucas gets ontop of me and starts running his hands up and down my body. I try to struggle but these men are stronger than I ever could be. Lucas pulls my Croptop over my head and rips my pants off me. Lucas ducks his head and starts sucking on one boob as one hand caresses the other and his other hand is still roaming my body, he then switches his attention to my other boob whilst both hands roam lower. Lucas gets to the top of my pussy and I am squirming underneath him he pushes two finger in me and with the other hand reaches into his back pocket. He pulls out a bottle of something as I feel a liquid coat his fingers. Tears are streaming down my face and I am numb I can't move. L-Lucas repositions himself and takes off his jeans and boxers.
Wendy: Do you need a minute?
Mia: No i just want to get this over with. Lucas lubes up his dick and pushes into me so far and so hard but I don't feel a thing. The room is filled with Lucas's moans and George and Lewis's laughter. The sound of skin slapping against each other fills the room, Lucas is moving in and out of me so fast and has a really tight grip on my hips surely leaving bruises. After what feel likes an eternity Lucas screams " Fuckkkk" I feel a warm liquid filling inside me. Just as I think we're done Lucas grabs one hand from above my head now both of George's hands are pinning one hand. Lucas guides my hand to his dick and starts moving it up and down after a while this liquid coats my hips and stomach Lucas dips his head and starts licking it up not once taking his eyes off me. Once Lucas has finished that Lucas then starts eating me out, Lucas then stands up and pulls his boxers and jeans up. All 3 of them use the blue rope from my jumpsuit to tie my hands to the bedpost and then they just leave me. I still can't talk or scream and tears are still streaming down my face, I curl my legs up to try and cover up most of me but it doesn't work. I just lay there staring at the ceiling wishing I was back at home. I don't sleep and in the morning Lilly comes in completely oblivious Lilly unties me and I just go home I don't even lift my head as I leave the house. Thats all I have.
Wendy: Thank you Mia I know that must have been hard, I'll get this saved and put it in with the rest of the evidence. Come on you can go home. She did great we have everything we need for now I'll be in touch when we have some news.
Carina: Come on bambina lets get you home.

Mia BishopWhere stories live. Discover now