New battalion chief

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Maya: you doing alright with everything?
Mia: How many more times im fine.
Maya: You sure, you could always come to the station with me today.
Mia: No Maya im going to school I'll come to the station after, see you later.
Carina: Thats you told you should be happy she wants to go to school.
Maya: I guess, right I gotta get to work I'll see you later.
At the station after Ross's speech.
Ross: Thank you for letting me hang around here Bishop.
Maya: Yeah its okay, uhmm have you seen.... never mind got it.
Ross: Hope your not this distracted out in the field captain.
Maya: I'm not usually this distracted its.... complicated.
Carina: Hey, oh hello.
Maya: Chief Ross meet my wife Carina Deluca Bishop and she's helping Warren and Gibson with their health initiative proposal, she's a doctor at Grey Sloane.
Ross: Miss Deluca Bishop thank you for helping them with that.
Carina: Your welcome, uhmm I'm going up there Ben text me, thank you for approving it.
Maya: I'll see you later.
Ross: I've seen notes saying you let kids hand around here? The last chief didn't like it did he?
Maya: No he didn't, its my little sister but I'm her guardian so if im working and Carinas at the hospital she comes here, is that okay?
Ross: Well I do have a soft spot for children, when can I meet her?
Maya: Shes at school right now but she should be here later after school.
When school has finished.
Lilly: Hey do you think Maya will mind if I come round to the station.
Mia: Oh uhmm i don't know usually she wouldn't mind but there's this new battalion chief and she's been on one for a couple of weeks now.
Lilly: Okay long story short Lucas is coming home and mum and dad are kicking him out so I just don't want to go back to the house and risk seeing him, please your my last chance.
Mia: Okay come on if they say anything we will come up with something.
At the station.
Mia: Maya, Uncle Jack, Anyone.
Ross: Oh hi, uhm they're all upstairs.
Mia: Oh right uhm thanks.
Ross: Diane is in there says that you and her have an appointment?
Mia: Oh I completely forgot uhmm.
Ross: Which one of you is Mia?
Mia: That would be me.
Ross: And who is this?
Mia: This is my friend Lilly, she can't go home she forgot her key this morning and her parents are at work and me and her can just stay out the way and do our homework, or we can walk to Grey Sloane after my therapy session.
Lilly: Therapy session?
Mia: Long story.
Ross: Theres no need I'll take her upstairs to the firefighters and explain whilst you get in there. Also Carina isn't at Grey Sloane she's also upstairs.
Mia: Oh well that bit of the plan backfired.
Diane: Mia, are you ready?
Mia: Yeah uhmm I'll see you soon yeah?
After the therapy session Maya and the team have been called out again me and Lilly do our homework and then Lilly finally goes home and I get my head down in Maya's bunk.
Three weeks later im back at the hospital for my 16 weeks scan and today we get the genders.
Arizona: Right come on miss Deluca Bishop up on the table, exciting day are you wanting the genders today or....
Mia: No I want them in an envelope and then it wants giving to Bailey, she's organising my gender reveal for me.
Arizona: Right I will put the results in an envelope. You know the drill, this gel might be abit cold, and lets have a look. Right well both babys are measuring right and both have strong heartbeats its all looking good. You keeping stress to a minimum? No heavy lifting?
Mia: Your kidding right between these two and Lilly I barely carry my own backpack at school or at the station.
Mia: Rude I take offence and yes stress is being kept to a minimum.
Arizona: Perfect right well there's the genders and I will see you in another 4 weeks for another checkup.
Mia: Thankyou Arizona we will see you soon.
Maya: Right come on you to the station I'll see you later.
At the station.
Maya: Right go and find Uncle Jack or or Uncle Travis or something.
Mia: Wow thanks for that i'll be around somewhere.
Mia goes and gets ontop of the firetruck, she starts crying as a wave of hormones rush over her.
Ross: Hello, who's up there?
Ross: Right im coming up. Hey what are you doing up here? Hey hey whats up should I go get Maya or someone. Mia? Mia? Mia can you hear me?
Mia: Huh what oh yeah sorry hi.
Ross: Whats going on?
Mia: You mean you can't tell?
Ross: Well I didn't want to bring it up or judge. What happened?
Mia: I got r@ped on Maya and Carinas wedding day by my friends brother.
Ross: And that resulted in pregnancy?
Mia: Yeah, then found out it was twins too, so I've got that going for me.
Ross: How are you going to cope with two babys whilst your doing schoolwork and exams?
Mia: Maya says with her and Carinas help, but I dont know, maybe I need to take a step back at school.
Ross: I don't think Maya or Carina would like that.
Mia: Yeah tell me about it, they would freak out but I dont know what else I'm supposed to do.
Ross: Maybe not hide out ontop of the firetruck?
Mia: Its peaceful up here, we do it alot when Lucas Ripley died we all laid up here with Vic, when Dean died me and Uncle Travis laid up here for a little bit just being with eachother.
Travis: It helps us all sometimes.
Mia: How long have you been there?
The alarm blares telling them that the aid car and engine were needed. They all scramble to get off the engine before Travis runs to join the team and and Mia trudged upstairs to the lounge.

Mia BishopWhere stories live. Discover now