This woman's work

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The next morning Maya calls Mia to tell her what happened with Jack after she left, Mia insists on going to the hospital so she packs the twins up and takes a walk to the hospital, James is with her. Mia takes the next week off school but she is never home she is always at the hospital, she's sat around with the other firefighters as the news is on about the ballroom floor collapsing just 36 hours ago, James is at school and he dropped the twins off at nursery on his way because people are in and out and it was decided it would be best if they didn't live in the hospital like Mia and 19. 

Mia: How do you guys do this like all the time it's so depressing.

Andy: This is why we have Diane. 

Vic: Hey did you and the twins get checked, I know you weren't near but after this anything is possible.

Mia: Yeah me and the twins got a standard check over as soon as we got here yesterday morning. 

Andy: Does anyone want anything from the vending machines?

Mia: Can you get me a drink please tia.

Andy: Anyone else?

Everyone else: No. 

A little bit later Vic and Mia are still sat in the waiting room, Theo is pacing and Ben walks in.

Vic: Hey, you talked to Kate?

Ben: Briefly. She's waiting on a neurology consult. 

Vic: Neurology?

Mia: Isn't that head or heart?

Ben: Head. Her doctors being extra careful. Then when that checks out, the department signs off, -she'll be back to wreaking havoc..-... at stations all over Seattle in no time. 

Mia: Why doesn't she like me? she's made my life hell at the station lately.

Vic: It's Chaos Kate, -It's Chaos Kate, not Havoc Kate.

Ben: Yeah. Well, either way, brace yourself. 

Ben steps aside to take a call. 

Vic: Hey don't let what she's been saying get to you, Trav says that's just Kate she doesn't know you like we do.

Mia: Yeah, Okay.

Mia goes to find Maya and Carina whilst Theo and Vic talk. She finds them in the nursery but she's not allowed in so its basically a wasted journey she heads back down stairs, when she gets there Vic and Ben are talking and so are Andy and Theo.

Andy: Hey Sobrina, where did you go?

Mia: I went to find Maya and Carina but they were in the nursery and I'm not allowed in there, I'm just gonna go and get some air.

Andy: Okay well before you go, give me a second Theo, Jack is out of surgery and Ben seems to think its all looking good so.... I thought you would want to know. 

James' pov: At morning break

Charlie: Hey, how's Mia? we didn't get to ask earlier.

James: Hard to know physically she's fine and so are the twins but mentally I don't know she wont talk to me. 

Tara: Maybe she just needs time.

James: Yeah I'm trying but she will talk to 19?

Nick: Yeah but they were there when it happened.

Elle: And they will have seen something like this before probably.

Tao: You just need to make sure you're there for her when she comes to you and make sure your taking care of the twins for her so she doesn't have to worry about them anymore that she already is.

Lilly: Wow Tao talking some actual sense.

James: Why do you think I was so late this morning, we came straight from the hospital and I had to drop them off at nursery before hand. 

Isaac: That's good, and if she needs a book to get lost in and forget it all for a while I have a huge selection she could choose from. 

Lilly: I would usually say not helping, but we all know that's something she would absolutely do.

Back to Mia's pov at the hospital she's just coming back in from some air. Vic and Theo have already gone on the crisis one call at this point. When Robert and Ben are talking in the waiting room Mia has gone to sit with Maya and Carina for a bit whilst Andy is sat with Jack. A little bit later Mia is sat in Jack's room with Andy and Ben when Marsha arrives. 19 gets called to assist Vic and Theo.

Andy: Alright Mia I'm gonna leave you with Marsha, don't forget Carina is here somewhere, I need you to do a really important job for me and keep an eye on Uncle Jack for me alright? We will be back as soon as we can. Ben you can stay here because you're still on medical leave too. 

A little bit later. 

Ben: You know, I'm not surprised Gibson never changed his emergency contact info. The man is allergic to official paperwork. It's like his kryptonite.

Marsha: He was driving around for four months on an expired licence. I said "Jack, all you gotta do is fill out the form, -and drop it in the mail.

Ben: Or do it online. 

Marsha: You don't even have to go th the DMV. He just didn't wanna do it. 

Mia: Sounds like Uncle Jack. 

Ben: Oh, and don't even bring up medical forms. Yeah, when we started the clinic at the station, that was one of his nonnegotiables.  No forms of any kind, no white coats. 

Marsha: Chuckles. I apologise for being so irritable...

Ben: -Oh.

Marsha: -... when I came in, and thank you for thinking of me. -He's the only family I have. 

Ben: -I get it.  He's like  my family too. 

Marsha: Oh, you're all family at that station. Even taking in your family's family. 

Ben: Yeah we are. We are, but not Gibson. I cant imagine my kids not having him around.. I mean, Pru loves her some Uncle Jack, and  Joey tells him things he would never tell me and Miranda. They've both spent time on the streets. 

Marsha: You know, when he became part of my life,  after saving me from almost burning my drunk self to death... it was like stepping out of a dark room into one with open windows and sunlight.  Did you see that? I think he just moved his fingers. wishful thinking I guess.  

Mia: I'm sorry. She runs out of the room.

Marsha: Was that my fault?

Ben: No, but I better try calling Carina. 

When Amelia and Andy are talking Mia is in Carina's office with James trying to get the twins to sleep.  Once they are asleep they take them down to the waiting room but no one else is there so they end up falling asleep on the chairs by themselves. Maya comes after agreeing to foster Liam and she sits there making sure no one tries anything with her grandbabies. When they wake up the next morning they find out that Jack woke up last night so Maya walks the twins to nursery whilst James goes to school and Mia goes to see her Uncle Jack. 

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