the first fight

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Mia: Maya I can't believe what you said to mom.
Maya: Wait how do you know?
Mia: She left this note at the front desk like some sick treasure hunt. You don't think dads abusive, I told you he hit me and mom you've seen the bruises so why are you saying he's not abusive?
Maya: Mia it doesn't work like that he never abused me or Mason or mom before you came along.
Mia: So now your saying its my fault how could you say that. When I broke all the glasses I thought you were all going to be angry and shout at me and I thought I was for sure gonna get hit because of him. I now live my life in fear because of him. Thats abuse.
Ben: Hi captain sorry for interrupting but I have me and Avery for the Prt but I could do with a driver can I maybe pull someone off b shift.
Maya: You can have our probie.
Emmett: But I just finished a 24hr shift im knackered.
Maya: You rode the desk your rested enough.
Mia: Can I come with you Warren I'll stay in the passenger seat upfront please I can't be around my sister right now and Sullivans already asked Vic and Travis to do some fire inspection thing and tía Andy is going through her dads stuff. Carina's going to be with her your my last chance, please.
Ben: Its not upto me I need permission off my captain.
Mia: Great I'll figure something out.
Maya: No go with him but stay in the front passenger seat dont get in his way.
Mia: Thank you, just think about it sis, I do love you.
Ben: Come on then. We need to go now.
With the Prt.
Emmett: Okay we've been redirected to the park.
Ben: When we get there Mia you stay in the front got it?
Mia: Got it.
Avery: Oh that's not good.
Ben: Lets get him in the back of the prt.
Emmett: So are you going to be able to save this guy?
Ben: I hope so just get upfront DONT DRIVE YET but make sure you know the fastest route to Grey Sloane.
Emmett: Copy that dont drive yet i got it.
Mia: So now to the hospital?
Emmett: Yeah when Ben and Avery tell me to drive, there we go fastest route to Grey Sloane.
Addict: Get out the vehicle now!!!
Mia: What??
She grabs Mia's hair and throws her to the floor.
Addict: Drive!!
Emmett: I can't just leave her there at the side of the road she's in my care besides I can't drive until I'm told.
Addict: DRIVE!!! or I blow your brains out.
Emmett: I really shouldn't.
Emmett: Okay Okay (whispers) sorry Ben, sorry Avery and sorry Mia.
Addict: Driveeee.
Mia: Oww, Noooooo BEN, AVERY, EMMETT!!! No No No.
Civillian: Hey can I help you your bleeding really bad im gonna call for medical assistance.
Mia: No please don't just point me in the direction of Grey Sloane.
Civillian: I'm not letting you walk to Grey Sloane, come on my cars just over there ill give you a ride.
Mia: Uhmmmm im not really supposed to get in a car with strangers.
Civillian: Please your hurt i promise I'll take you straight there i tell you what I've got 911 up on my phone if it takes longer than 5 minutes to get to Grey Sloane you can dial 911.
Mia: Uhm.okay deal.
The civillian gets Mia to Grey Sloane just like she said.
Civillian: Come on lets get you inside. HELP i need help over here.
Schmitt: What happened?
Civillian: This little girl was thrown into the middle of the road if I hadn't had stopped she would have been run over.
Schmitt: What do you mean thrown??
Civillian: it was a vehicle painted black looked like and aid car though.
Bailey: What going on over here?
Mia: Bailey.
Bailey: Mia oh my what happened to you.
Mia: I was riding with Ben, Avery and Emmett in the prt, me and Maya aren't talking right now and this woman came up to us at the park, she had a g@n. She threw me out the front passenger seat and then I don't know why but Emmett drove off. He just left me there.
Bailey: Wait what, try and get hold of the prt from station 19 immediately. And thank you for bringing her here.
Mia: Yes thank you.
Civillian: I hope your okay.
Bailey: Come on lets get you sorted i know you and Maya aren't talking but why don't we try and get a hold of Carina?
Mia: Okay but last I heard she was spending the day with Maya.
Bailey: It can't hurt to try right? Healm can you page Andrew Deluca, Amelia Shepherd, Meredith Grey, Maggie and Jo Wilson please Schmitt you get in here too. This means that no one else needs to know she is here understood?
Healm: Yes chief.
30 minutes later
Carina: Thank you for calling me is she okay?
Bailey: Shes just through here, she's lucky a kind civillian stopped her getting run over then brought her here. She has a small hed wound but nothing too big. You just need to sign the discharge papers and obviously keep an eye on her.
Carina: I will thanks Bailey i hear Warren, Avery and Dixon are okay.
Bailey: They were held at gun point and robbed and lost both patients so not okay exactly. But yes They all survived.
Carina: Hey you feeling okay?
Mia: Yeah I just want to get out of here.
Carina: Everyone says the same come on then you can come and stay at mine tonight.
Bailey: Rest Mia and feel better soon.
Carina and Mia go to Maya's apartment to get some things.
Carina: Right then bambina go pack a small bag. I'll just wait here, Maya's still out.
10 minutes later
Maya: I thought you left.
Carina: I did I camevback.
Maya: Why.. I told you I need space.
Carina: This isn't about you Maya I know your trying to push me away but we can deal with anything right?
Maya: Well I slept with Jack deal with that.
Mia: Maya thats horrible how could you?
Maya: What happened to you?
Mia: I had the day from hell but you don't get to change the subject that easily, im done come on Carina leave her to it. In case you haven't figured it out yet I'm gojng to stay with Carina if she still wants me whilst you come to your senses about dad.
Maya: Seriously Mia what happened?
Mia: Why don't you ask Ben or Avery or Emmett or Bailey. Come on Carina give her "space."

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