Get it together

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Saturday morning
Andy: Good morning Maya, Carina, Sobrina come and give tìa a hug.
Mia and Andy hug eachother.
Maya: Sit down Andy we have something to tell you.
Andy: It's something serious isn't it? I can tell. You guys don't have good poker faces.
Carina: Yes it something serious.
Mia: Remember the other day, when you and Theo had to take me to the hospital because I passed out, well that was because the p.e teacher made us run track which usually wouldn't be a problem but uhmmm I'm pregnant.
Andy: Your what how?
Mia: I got r@ped on Maya and Carina's wedding day by Lilly's brother he thought I was Lilly.
Andy: Crying oh sobrina come here Andy pulls Mia onto her lap, so whats the plan? Who knows?
Maya: So far us, the school and she went to the police the day after by her self.
Carina: I told Arizona that she was pregnant she's going to be her obgyn that reminds me appointment is Tuesday after school.
Andy: So when are you telling the station? Are you telling the station?
Maya: Yeah we're going to do that Monday.
Andy: Has she fallen asleep?
Maya: Yep, I can take her to her room?
Andy: whisper shouts Don't you dare.
Carina: Looks like your staying a while then, do you want a coffee?
Andy: Yes please, How are you doing?
Maya: I'm uhmm not okay trying to be strong for her and Carina. I haven't had a chance to not be strong although I feel like Carina is being stronger than I am. I just want to go round to his house and hurt him like he hurt her but I can't.
Andy: Well..... your not going to want to hear this but his parents have a right to know, its their grandchild too.
Maya: Deal with that another day, after the scan.
Andy: Just make sure you do, they should be made to help.
Maya: Oh don't worry I'll make sure they do.
A little while later.
Maya: Oh sleepy heads awake again, come on because Andy needs to go and I've got to go out you can stay with Carina.
Andy: Apart from the station, school and hospital has she been anywhere since?
Carina: Only to the police station.
Monday after school.
Mia: Hello, is there anyone here? Ughh.
30 minutes later
Dean: Hey Mini Bishop!!
Mia: Hi, Auntie Vic!!!
Vic: woah someone's coddly today.
Mia: Where's everyone else?
Dean: Probably still on a call, im sure they will be back soon.
Vic: Come on come help me cook for everyone.
Maya: Hey, sorry that call was bad.
Vic: Oh everyone okay, wheres Travis?
Maya: Travis, Jack, Sullivan, Warren and Beckett are all at the hospital just as precaution.
Vic: What happened?
Maya: There was a fire in a basement, don't know what was down there but we had to call in hazmat.
Mia: But they're all okay?
Maya: Yeah its just a precaution, B shift are coming in to cover because we now have unsafe numbers.
Vic: Can I get off to the hospital then... please.
Maya: Yeah go, rigs are out of service anyway, see you tomorrow though for day drinking.
Vic: Omg its been so long.
Carina: Hello Bella, Bambina.
Mia: Carinaa!!
Maya: Give me 15 minutes and then we can all go home.
Carina: wait, what, why?
Maya: 5 of my team are at the hospital we are on unsafe numbers so B shift are coming into cover.
Carina: Oh, okay.
Mia: Can you meet me at the entrance to Grey Sloane tomorrow. Maya is going day drinking with 19 I don't even think she's remembered.
Carina: Do you want me to say something because I can.
Mia: No leave it, 19 need this she can always come to the next one.
Carina: You know she'll never forgive herself if she misses it. What about 19 do they know?
Mia: No we didn't get a chance to tell them when I got here they were all out on call and when they got back most of them were at the hospital.
Maya: B shift has arrived we can go.
the day after at Joe's bar.
Andy: Maya what are you doing here?
Maya: Day drinks with 19 im sure they wouldn't mind if you joined.
Andy: For christs sakes Maya, what day and time is it?
Maya: Its Tuesday 3:30pm, why?
Andy: You really are hopeless aren't you?
Maya: Thats not very nice.
Andy: I'm going to take you back to Saturday morning at the apartment what did we discuss, QUIETLY.
Maya: Mia told you about what happened.
Andy: What else?
Maya: How i was handling everything.
Andy: You missed abit.
Maya: ......
Andy: Mia has her first scan TODAY, in like 30 minutes at Grey Sloane.
Maya: Sh!t I completely forgot.
Andy: Go, i'll cover for you with 19 just get to the hospital.
Maya: I owe you big time.
At the hospital Mia and Carina are sat in the waiting room.
Mia: I wish Maya was here now.
Carina: Ha, ha I knew it. I can call her?
Mia: She won't make it in time.
Maya: MIA!!!!
Mia: MAYA!!! How did you?
Maya: Andy talked some sense into me, we are going to have to get a white board to put all her appointments on, I completely forgot.
Carina: We can go after the scan.
Mia: I'm glad your here.
Maya: Yeah me too, you could have told me.
Mia: After what happened yesterday I knew 19 needed you.
Carina: Well we are all here.
Arizona: And just in time, Mia I'm ready for you.
Carina: Come on bambina, theres nothing to be scared of.
Maya: We're both here for you.
Arizona: just hop up onto the bed Mia and lift up your t-shirt a little bit please. This gel will be a little cold and then using this wand lets see the little one. There they are looks like your about six weeks along, does that sound about right?
Mia: Yeah give or take.
Arizona: Everything looks okay baby's hrartbeat sounds healthy.
Maya: So the baby's okay?
Arizona: Just make sure she doesn't have anymore stress added, she should be okay and the baby. I want you to come back in another 6 weeks for your 12 week scan.
Carina: We will be there, I'll make an appointment for her.

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