Heat wave 🌡🔥⛱

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Wednesday Morning.
Maya: Right Mia I haven't heard anything so go to school if it gets cancelled you will have to walk to 19 me and Carina are going to be there all day.
Mia: Okay, are we going to tell 19 today?
Maya: If we get a chance im expecting us to be really busy today.
Carina: Bambina you can't wear your jumper.
Maya: I've not heard from school saying otherwise same as she's going in.
Carina: Well let me drop you off and then I'll come to 19 Bella.
Maya: Sounds good to me, see you when I see you and I'll see you soon.
Carina: Come on bambina.
50 minutes later, Mia walks into 19 behind 23.
Mia: School got cancelled.
Maya: I know i got a text, come with us we're doing the engine push in. You can help I suppose just don't over do it.
After Maya's speech.
Maya: Okay come on everyone we're gonna push her in.
Woman 1: Owwww.
Man 1: Thats hot.
Kid 1: Daddy!!!
Robert: Okay everyone back, stand back from the engine.
Jack: Ohhh yeah thats hot.
Beckett: Well who didn't see this coming? This is what happens to metal in 98 degree weather.
Maya: Okay probie put a sock in it.
Carina: Okay come on lets get you inside look at them fingers.
Warren: Why don't you all come in, we can wait for the engine to cool down and then try this again.
Maya:Where did Mia go? I know she got burned too.
Warren: Me and Joey will find her come on.
Maya: Joey listen to Ben.
Beckett: Are we turning this place into a babysitting house now?
Maya: Go clean the toilets I've had enough of you.
Warren: Mia, you okay?
Mia: Yeah just a touch of redness on the hands.
Warren: Let me see.
Joey: Maya started getting worried.
Mia: Yeah she's doing that alot lately.
Warren: Well I've dressed them for you and I know carina knows this but I'm just going to tell you no direct ice keep it dry.
Mia: Yes Grandpa.
Warren: Mia I sware thats not even funny.
Joey: Wait what?
Mia: Everyone here calls him dad but everyone here are  my aunts and uncle's so he's my grandpa.
Joey: Why have you never told us this?
Warren: Because its not something I would like to stick. I'm going back downstairs you two can stay here for a bit if you want.
After Carina has treated the little boys hands.
Maya: you okay??
Carina: mhmm
Maya: Carina, hey its okay to be sad its valid.
Carina: I know it is.
Maya: So you don't have to pretend to be fine just for my benefit.
Carina: I'm here to do my job Maya.... but heres a question for you.
Maya: Hmmm.
Carina: What if I told you I never wanted to gave s!x again.
Maya: What?
Carina: Yeah and I just didn't discuss it with you, didn't debate it all the way through just declared it and ended the conversation. Boom. Like this. Boom. I'm actually, im nod sad, im ahhh.... I have to go to work.
Maya: But thats different because we both love s!x. Look I know this is hard for you but I told you when we got married I didn't want to have kids.
Carina: Yeah and I can handle that but I just want a rough idea of when you will be ready i said we would cross that bridge when we came to it. Well guess what we're there and we need to cross it even if its just halfway.
Maya: I'm scared im not going to be a good mum okay. All I've ever been taught is the wrong kind of love and your now teaching me the right kind and I love that but I'm still scared that I'm gonna end up like Lane. And now we have whispers Mia's situation. I just think we should wait and see what happens with that. Do we really want to be bringing 2 kids into the apartment at about the same time.
Carina: You would be an amazing mum, look at how you've handled this with Mia and how you've  been there for her....... even if it is getting a little too much.
Dean: Carina Robert could use your help.
Carina: Lets talk about this more at home please.
When they get back from the car accident scene.
Maya: Ohh that looks good.
Robert and Carina start arguing in Italian.
Maya: Hi, uh can we speak English please because this sounds angry.
Robert: Your wife is trying to blame me for you not wanting kids. I will not take the punishment for that aswell. I hold my hands up we could have worked better together earlier but your wife made her own bed.
Once they have cooled themselves down.
Maya: Mia can i have a word in my office please.
Carina: Bambina do you want to tell 19 today?
Mia: Wait really?
Maya: its completely up to you.
Mia: Uhmmm no not today I don't think they would be able to process it with all this heat.
Carina: Okay so Saturday? We could both spend the day here?
Mia: Sounds like a plan.
Maya: Okay so Saturday.
The next morning.
Warren: Hey, you two doing okay?
Joey: Night shifts suck.
Warren: Yeah you get used to them.
Mia: I'm gonna go fill my bottle up..... again.
Joey: It's not fair.
Warren: No, no it is not. You still want to do pre med after all this?
Joey: Yeah, well I just finished my essay " My day at the firestation."
Warren: Listen Joey I'm sorry about yesterday.
Joey: Its okay Ben, you don't know what its like to be homeless, thats a good thing.
Warren: I set up a little surprise for you later.
Joey: You did? What, what is it?
Warren: Its just something to cheer you up.
Joey: Is it a swimming pool because its really hot outside.
Warren: Yeah it is, even with the AC.
Joey: Me amd Mia were talking you guys have hoses here why don't we use them to hose ourselves down?
Warren: You two are geniuses. In Maya's office. Sorry to interrupt has she told you her and Joeys wonderful idea.
Maya: Whats that Warren?
Warren: We use the hoses to create a waterfall of sorts over the engine to cool the metal down then we can do the push in.
Maya: Gather everyone outside, I'll call 23.
Andy: We're trying this thing again?
All: Whoooo
Warren: Yeah we are.
Maya: Okay is everybody ready? Turn on the water!!!
Mia: Come on Tía join me.
Travis: Come help me and Warren soak uncle Jack.
Mia: hahaha run Warren run.
Maya: Hey Mia... Surprise.
Mia: My friends!!!!
Lilly: We are here to help with the push in.
Darcy: I'm just here for the water to cool off.
Elle: Darcyyyy.
Mia: Auntive Vic and Theo just got Beckett.
Robert: Yep she's cool as a cucumber okay everyone lets push her in.
Maya: Whispers just be careful.
Jack: And she's in.
Maya: Well done everyone and thankyou for coming to help us, may this tradition live on. See you all in 48.

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