Stand Up

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Season 4 Episode 12
Maya: Mia can you please set up in sullivans old office again today or in the beanery.
Mia: Yeah I can, I can't wait to go back to school.
Andy: I can't believe I heard them words come out of your mouth I would have killed to have all this time off school.
Maya: Dont give her any ideas.
After lunch Mia doesn't have any classes.
Mia: Maya im done for the day.
Maya: Okay everything good?
Mia: yeah everythings fine.
Maya: Okay do you think you could quickly clean the lounge please?
Mia: yeah I can.
After cleaning the lounge Mia goes to see Diane.
Mia: you don't know me and I don't really know you either but I know Maya asked you here for the firefighters because of George Floyd but I need to get all of this feeling out of me.
Diane: I dp know you Mia, Maya's sister right?
Mia: Yeah my dad was abusive as you probably know because you know Maya but he would actually hit me for years. Growing up I thought that when you did something wrong like dropping a cup or calling him dad and not Lane that you would get beaten up I thought that was normal. I thought it was normal for everyone to always be angry and shouting and now I can't be anywhere near raised voices. I want to help and Maya's said we can go to these protests but I don't know if i can because if a fight kicks off I don't know how I will react. I mean its been months now since I came here shouldnt I be over it by now?
Diane: There is no time scale on this kind of thing its hard when someone we love hurts us in the way that your dad hurt you. Your dad is paying for his crimes right? He's in jail? And as for the protest thing try these. Alot of people with autism wear them in crowded places if they work there yours it might be good for you to have them.
Mia: Thank you also i thought I would be okay but the atmosphere here its way too tense and im tired is it normal to be tired after something like this.
Diane: It is completely normal to feel like that after a counseling session which is essentially what this is. Is carina at home?
Mia: You know about Carina? Of course you do, yes she's at the apartment she's going to Italy so she's away from Grey Sloane at the moment.
Diane: Talk to Maya see if you can go home to Carina rest and recharge and then Carina can bring you to the protest in the morning and you can wear them and hopefully support your family because I know thats what this firehouse is to you but also you won't freak out if there is shouting and screaming.
Mia: Yeah I will thankyou Diane.
Season 4 Episode 14
Mia: I don't want you to go.
Carina: I know bambina but hey listen to me as soon as I can im going to come back and me and you will have a funday no school work no work work just me and you baking and making a mess.
Mia: Can I call you?
Carina: No I'll call you bambina when I can and if its a sensible time here because the time difference is going to make it hard.
Mia: Shouldnt Maya be home by now?
Carina: Yes she should and you should be online for school go on I'll bring you some juice in a minute.
Later when Maya and Carina are first arguing
Mia: Why are you two arguing?
Maya: Shouldnt you be at school.
Mia: I can't hear what my teachers are saying over all the screaming and shouting you have 10 minutes to sort yourselves out, I need to be able to hear myself think.
Carina: Bambina we will try to argue more quietly.
Mia: I would prefer it if you didn't argue at all Carina is going back to Italy for god knows how long Maya, you should'nt be arguing, you should be telling each other how much you love each other, saying how much your going to miss each other and just making the most of the time you have together. Because life is too short for silly arguments and fights.
Carina: How is our 13 year old smarter than us?
Maya: She deffinately doesn't get that from me or dad or mom?
Carina: I hope she's okay whilst I'm away.
Maya: She will still have me you know.
Carina: Its not the same Bella.
Maya: I know, she's grown to love you its going to be hard for her like it is for me. The station and i will get her through it.
Carina: As soon as I can I'll come back.
Later when they are arguing again
On the phone.
Lilly: Mia whats going on?
Mia: Carina's visa is expiring and she's having to go back to Italy until they open up all the immigration offices again, she's also going because Italy is her home and its been hit hard with Covid 19.
Charlie: so why are they arguing?
Mia: I don't know they've been on amd off with each other all day.
Elle: How are you feeling about it all?
Mia: crying im trying to be strong but its so hard it has never been just me and Maya and when she gets angry she reminds me so much of my dad. Carina is usually the one who keeps her calm with her gone what if?
Nick: Dont even finish that sentence, she's your sister.
Mia: Yeah and my dad was my dad he shouldn't have hit me either but he did. I'm going to miss Carina so much.
Tao: But surely that will just make it better when she comes back?
Mia: Yeah maybe..... she just left......
Lilly: what?
Mia: she just left without saying goodbye.......
Mia hangs up the phone and curls herself into a ball in the corner.
Maya: Hey Mia are you....... shit Mia whats wrong?
Mia: Why were you so mean to her? She didn't even come to say goodbye....
Maya: Ahhhh you heard all that?
Mia: Yeah I did im scared Maya and im really going to miss her.
Maya pulls Mia onto her lap and holds her close to her chest.
Maya: Yeah i know, im going to miss her too.
Mia: Do you think she will come back?
Maya: No matter what happens between me and her, she loves you she will be back. Come on tía Andy just called grandad Ben needs our help he's in the hospital and we're going to go and be there for him.
At the hospital
Andy: So i- scoffs you just- you just let her go?
Maya: What am I supposed to do i was awful she was awful and then Mia needed me straight after that.
Andy: B- but you guys are going to get back together right when she gets back from Italy. Plus Mia seems fine now.
Maya: Thats her putting on a brave face she's crumbling inside.
Andy: Maya.....
Carina: Marry me.... marry me, I know im a stubborn idiot and I don't want to get married just because the government says we have to, and I still think marriage was invented to keep women as property, but I'd much rather do something that I don't want to than lose you.
Maya: Carina i don't know if I want kids i mean we have Mia and im always messing that up and the world is a mess right now.
Carina: Yes the world is a mess and the world is changing right now as we're standing here, the world is changing and its beautiful, we can worry about kids later and you are doing everything you can to reverse the damage your parents did to Mia and yeah we don't get it right all the time but no one ever does and usually we have all the cuteness first and there too little to understand but we were thrown in at the deep end and she's already a teenager and understands everything and has trauma, but what I know is that as long as I am stood by your side in this beautiful wonderful world that is changing and is a mess we will pull through with each other. Please, please Bambina marry me?
Maya and Carina kiss
Mia: I want to just run up there to both of them.
Jack: Maybe give them a minute longer.
Maya: yes.
Carina: Yes?
Maya: Yes
They kiss again just as Ben and Robert come out.
Ben: What did I miss?
Mia: Grandpa Ben are you alright.
Ben: I'm good mini Bishop sore but good.
Robert: Seriously what did we miss?
Carina: Were getting married!!
Ben: Woah what!!
Mia: Does this mean you don't have to go back to Italy?
Carina: Only for a month Bambina, you okay? Sorry I didn't come and say goodbye i didn't think.
Mia: Its okay you came back.
They all hug!!!

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