Muddling through

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Back at home that night.
Carina: I know this is going to be hard bambina, we are going to tell you what happened.
Maya: It's called r@pe and if it happens again, hopefully it won't but if it does you can tell me and Carina.
Carina: You did good by going to the police but there could have been internal injuries and you could have bled out.
Maya: When you get older you'll understand it more. Just know that if you say no and your not in control then that is what its called.
Carina: Now you have a tough choice to make bambina, you could keep the baby and me and Maya will stand by you and support you or you can get something called an abor!ion. That would be quite painful for a couple of days but then you wouldn't have a baby to look after.
Maya: It is completely your choice and what ever you decide we will support you.
Mia: Can I even keep the baby? I'm so young.
Carina: Its your body bambina, your life you can do whatever you want, its your choice.
Mia: Can I take some time to think it through?
Maya: Of course you can take all the time you need. Are you okay with school?
Mia: I still want to go to school it might be a bit difficult though towards the end.
Carina: Well we can talk to your school and figure that out.
Maya: Us 3 against the world.
The next morning.
Maya: So don't say anything to anyone just yet i'm back on shift today but tomorrow I'll come and see the principal before you start school.
Carina: Yeah and I will take you in and wait with you.
Mia: Okay.
At school
Lilly: Hey your back, you okay?
Mia: Yeah im alright thanks, doctors said it would be best for me to have yesterday off.
Nick: You gave us abit of a fright.
Charlie: Yeah please don't do that again.
Mia: I don't intend on it, I just need to take it easy.
Tao: Then please do that.
?: Hey your the new girl right?
Mia: Uhmm yeah...
Elle: Mia this is Sophie my sister.
Sophie: Older sister.
Elle: By 15 minutes.
Sophie: Still older, anyways you guys don't mind if I start hanging with you do you all my friends are idiots.
Darcy: It took you that long to figure that out?
Elle: Just don't go getting upto your old tricks again.
Mia: What old tricks?
Elle: She could be very mean to everyone before the pandemic came along and then we managed to make her behave better. Mum and dad are worried that she's going to go back to her old ways.
Sophie: Thats not going to happen.
Lilly: I say we give her a chance.
Elle: Even its the worst mistake of our lives?
All: .......... Yeah.
Tara: Come on Sophie take a seat.
Nick: So what's everyone doing after we get out of this hell hole?
Lilly: I'm going home mum Needs some help with something.
Charlie: I'm going to see my grandma.
Tao: Me and Elle are going to the mall.
Mia: I've got to go to the station until Carina can pick me up later when she finishes.
Darcy: What time will that be?
Mia: Could be anytime after 7pm.
Sophie: What do your parents do?
Elle: Sophieee, sorry she doesn't know.
Mia: It's okay Elle don't worry. I don't live with my parents i live with my older sister and her now wife. Maya my sister is the captain at Station 19. Carina my sister's wife is an obgyn at Grey Sloane.
Sophie: Good careers.
Charlie: Come on we need to get to class.
After school.
Mia: Bye everyone.
All: Bye Mia see you tomorrow.
Vic: Heyy mini Bishop!!
Mia: Auntie Vic!!!
Beckett: You let kids hang around the station??
Mia: Who's this??
Vic: New guy ignore him come on Maya's in her office we uhm don't have an engine.
Mia: Wait what happened?
Vic: New guy left his door open and the truck got taken and crashed and blew up.
Mia: I go to school for one day properly.
Vic: Maya, Mia's here.
Maya: Heyy! You got any homework?
Mia: English but I don't have my book it's in my room at home and thats what I have to do I have to read the next chapter Before tomorrow.
Maya: Make sure you do it when you get home then. Now I need to ask you a question do you want to tell the others about well the pregnancy.
Mia: I do but I want to tel tía Andy first, plus I want to deal with one thing at a time right? So let's wait until we have told school.
Maya: Okay, i can invite Andy round this weekend and then we can tell the station on Monday.
Mia: Yeah that sounds good.
The next morning.
Carina: Okay bambina come on we have to go like now.
Mia: Yeah im coming.
Carina: Your hair it's a mess.
Mia: I'll do it in the car, honestly that chapter was so much longer than I thought it was going to be.
Carina: Okay here cereal bar, lets go out the door shoo go go go.
At school.
Mia: you two are cutting abit fine aren't you?
Carina: We overslept.
Mia: That chapter of my book last night was longer than I expected.
Mia: Alright should we head in?
Boy 1: Ohhh someone's in trouble.
Boy 2: Create a scene then we get to go home.
Maya: Ughhh I forgot what being at school was like.
Carina: I hate small teenage boys in America.
Mia: Come on reception is this way.
Receptionist: Mia why didn't you come in the main door?
Maya: We really need to speak to the principal, if he's not busy its quite urgent.
Receptionist: Right and you are?
Maya: I'm Maya, Mia's guardian and this is my wife Carina.
Receptionist: Okay let me call the principal put theses visitors badges on and take a seat.
Mia: I feel sick.
Maya: Could just be nerves.
Carina: Or it could be morning sickness.
Maya: Excuse me can we have a sick bowl please.
Receptionist: We don't have any but I can let you use the visitors toilets, just over there.
Carina goes with Mia to the toilets. After they go back to Maya when the principal walks in.
Principal: I hear you wanted to talk to me about something.
Maya: Yeah and it's something important.
Principal: Okay, follow me. Right whats going on?
Carina: Due to unfortunate events Mia is uhmm...
Mia: I'm pregnant.....
Maya: A student at this school r@ped her thinking she was his sister.
Principal: I see, so what do you want to do.
Maya: Thats upto Mia not us.
Carina: Go on Bambina tell him what you want.
Mia: I want to stay in school as long as possible, for now it's going to be easy I'm not showing but later on in the pregnancy it could get hard to hide it and obviously there's the morning sickness and bathroom breaks.
Principal: Okay hang on Mia one thing at a time, legally you can stay in school until 7 months, then you can come back as soon as your cleared by your obgyn. When you do start showing I can write you a note to say you don't have to wear uniform and you can then just buy bigger clothes and I can also give you a bathroom pass thats not a problem.
Carina: we are going to try and get some medication to control the morning sickness.
Principal: Well if you can't thats alright we will support her, she will have a pass to go to the bathroom at any time. I can email her teachers none of the students will know but the teachers will so that we can keep an eye on her whilst she's here.
Maya: Thats sounds like a good plan right Mia?
Mia: Yeah lets do it.
Principal: Okay Mia were halfway through 1st class, so you can wait in her until its time for 2nd class. Mrs and Mrs Deluca Bishop let me show you out.
Maya: Okay I will pick you up later, I love you.
Mia: I love you both too I'll see you soon.
Mia just draws before heading to second class, School is normal apart from her now having a bathroom pass.

Mia BishopWhere stories live. Discover now