dancing with our hands tied

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1 week later.
Nick: Good morning you three.
Lilly: Morning.
James: Good morning.
Mia: Morning. Yawns.
Charlie: You still struggling with sleep?
Mia: Yeah I thought it was supposed to get easier as they got older, it feels like were going backwards.
Elle: Is Maya still aywol?
Mia: Yeah she's still acting like a
b!tch just so she can get her job back. Its still my fault even though when I told her and Carina what happened they said it was my choice and they would support me whatever I did. Me and Carina aren't exactly talking to her right now. Which leaves the apartment a very hostile place to be.
Tara: Maybe you need to leave.
Isaac: Tara could be right maybe Maya needs to loose you all to see that she needs you guys in her life.
Mia: I don't think Carina's gonna go for that and I have the twins I can't look after them on my own.
Tao: You don't have to, go to Lilly's or something.
Mia: I haven't been able to sleep back at Lilly's since it happened.
Tao: Oh I keep forgetting that sorry.
Lilly: What about your firehouse family?
Mia: Vic and Travis are going mad over this mayor thing, Ben and Miranda have enough kids to fwal with without adding another three into the mix, Tía Andy is stressing and obsessing over trying to get Jack to come back and Sullivan is just Sullivan. Theo lives with Vic and Travis and all his free time is took up by captain things and Beckett is just getting over a drinking problem.
James: I'm abit upset that I'm right here and no body has mentioned me.
Mia: James its way too early and no offence you've been great but we're just kids i don't think we can look after two baby's full time.
The bell goes for form.
Darcy: oh would you look at that we better get to form.
James: Promise me we will talk about this later.
Mia: Yeah of course we can.
Andy's pov:
Maya: Hey whats up?
Andy: Alright everyone, I have one question for you. Are we ready to be a family again?
Ben: Whay do you mean?
Andy: I, Are we or are we not a family?
All: Yes.
Andy: Right okay so are we ready to be a family again?
All: Yes.
Andy: Good because our family is falling apart and people are getting left behind. We need to help our brother Jack who doesn't know it right now but he's having a breakdown and we're all just letting him get on with it, thats not what we do. This is about our kid, the firehouse kid Mia who 6 months ago gave birth to two baby boys and since everything with Jack and that none of is have asked how she's doing or if there's anything we can do. So now we put things right, let me hear nineteen.
Andy: No, no, no bring it in, bring it in im serious bring it in on three here we go 1,2,3.
Maya does not participate in that bit. The rest of the episode is as it is. Its now after school. Mia's pov:
Mia: So we will see you all tomorrow.
Lilly: Yeah see you tomorrow.
Tara: Bye everyone.
James: I'm coming with you.
Mia: I know you are.
James: So about earlier...
Mia: Look im sorry if I upset you that wasn't what I was trying to do. I just don't think we can do it on our own.
James: We won't be on our own, my parents might not be at home but that doesn't mean I dont have adults at home. Most of them are cooks or just house keeping but a couple of them live at our house. There's always an adult there, they could help us as much or as little as you want.
Mia: But then your parents would know about me and the twins what do you think they would think about that?
James: Honestly I'm not sure but whatever they think me and you can turn their heads.
Mia: Your really serious about this aren't you?
James: I am, its clearly not healthy for you or Aaron or Andy at the apartment whilst Maya is having her episode. We are in year 10 of high school and you have 2 kids that's hard enough on anyone add having your guardian going through a life crisis makes it harder. Let me help you, I want to help you so let me.
Mia: I don't know if Carina is gonna go for this.
James: You have to atleast ask, maybe if she see's how much this will be good for you maybe she will go for it.
Mia: Keep dreaming. But I'll talk to her.
James: And until then Carina's being really good at letting me stay at the apartment to help out.
Mia: Yeah, its been nice having you there.
James: I really like you and I want us to last, do you think it will?
Mia: Honestly you've shown me nothing but kindness since the first time I met you. I think it will as long as you're sure the twins dont change anything.
James: They don't I dont know how to show you that.
Mia: Just maybe give me a little more time. My life hasn't been easy ever and I think that affects me more than I let on somedays.
James: So you'll talk to Carina?
Mia: Yes. Tonight I promise.
Later on:
Mia: Carina can I ask you something?
Carina: Of course bambina what is it?
Mia: With everything going on with Maya right now James has said me and the twins can go and stay at his, just until Maya gets the help she needs. I know what your thinking but James's parents have staff run the house there would be an adult there all the time day or night 24/7. I think it would be good for me, the atmosphere here isn't great and add ontop of that the stress of exams and revision and being a mum. I need a break just until Maya sorts herself out and helps me again. I need help, she needs help and your truing to be there for us both and its not working.
Carina: Bambina I get it, I think its a good idea. Your right Maya needs help and I'm not getting through to her maybe I need to try tough love and I dont think you wanna be here to see/here that. You've found a good guy.
Mia: I really have now I just need Maya to go back to how she was.
Carina: Come here. We will get her there gentle or tough love we will keep at her. I'll let her know maybe move on Saturday when she's at the station.
Mia: Yeah thanks and you know James lives just up the street from Lilly so we're not a million miles away.

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