What are you willing to loose

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Before the episode starts.
Mia: The twins are ready I've sat them on the floor for the moment in there play circle thing I just need to brush my teeth and get my bag, are you nearly ready?
James: Yeah, I can't find my tie have you seen it?
Mia: I saw it on the sofa last night so maybe its slipped down one of the cushions so ch-
James: - Omg look at this.
Mia: Is he crawling?
James: It seems that way.
Mia: Oh I gotta get this on video for Carina.
James: Its not gonna be long before he's walking.
Mia: We need to start baby proofing this house.
James: We need at least 10 gates for every set of stairs.
Mia: Andy won't be far behind remember this is how it was with the teething. It was Aaron first and then Andy followed a couple of days later.
James: They were deffinately a couple of really tough weeks.
Mia: Yeah just wait until they're walking.
James: Oh shoot we are gonna be late.
Mia: Oh okay find your tie.
They drop the twins off at nursery warning them that Aaron Is crawling before rushing to school. At morning break.
Nick: So whats everyone doing after school?
Lilly: Me, James, Mia and the twins are going to 19.
Charlie: Well all need to have a day out again.
Mia: I'll get some days.
James: Did we tell you guys.... Aaron started crawling this morning.
Mia: I don't know who's more excited him or Carina. She hasn't stopped texting me since I sent her the video.
James: I thought her and Maya were doing another first date?
Mia: Apparently it didn't go to plan again.   
Tao: Are they still doing that?
Darcy: Yeah isn't that a bit weird?
Mia: It is but were letting them get on with it, as long as they get back together I dont really care.
Elle: Well we're all rooting for them.
Mia: I love them both i can't choose between them and I know I will have to if this doesn't work.
Tara: I get that, I'm sure it won't come to that.
Lilly: Back to the twins, It won't be long until they're walking though will it?
Mia: No I've already told him we need to babyproof the house so look forward to that.
Charlie: Come on we should get to our next class.
After school James, Mia and Lilly go to pick up the twins from nursery before going to 19.
Mia: Hello.... where is everyone?
James: Lets try the beanery.
Lilly: Ahh here they are.
Andy: Sobrina how are you all?
Mia: We're good breakfast for dinner?
Travis: Yeah is that okay?
James: It is for me.
Mia: Everyone... 19!!
Jack: Woah mini Bishop gathering us all together.
Sullivan: And using 19 to do it.
Vic: We'll make a firefighter out of her yet.
Mia: Yeah no thanks I want to show you guys this watch.
Mia puts Aaron on the floor and he starts crawling round the beanery.
Travis: Omg!!
Vic: He's crawling!!
Andy: They're growing up so fast.
Jack: Okay that's cute.
Sullivan: Yeah until they Start walking then we need to be on our guard.
Mia: Where's Ben?
Travis: He had a rough call.
Andy: He fell through a roof, he's okay he's getting checked out at Grey Sloane.
Lilly: Wow you guys love that place huh.
Vic: Where's Theo?
Sullivan: He was in the gym as I came past.
Andy: Yeah Mia what do we say?
Mia: Dismissed??
Vic: You got it mini Bishop.
A little bit later.
Travis: Hey Andy, uhh if you wanna talk about today. I know it probably brought up alot for you seeing Warren like that. And, uh.... I'm here.
Andy: Thanks.
Travis: Okay.
Andy: Trav life is short. And scary. And people fall through roofs. And people die fighting fires. We see it every day. So, when you like the boy, you tell him.
Mia: Ohh is this about the politics guy?
Travis: His name is Eli and she likes him.
Andy: No, but I can tell you do.
Travis: No, oh no I don't.
Andy: No look even before the whole situation i was trying to push myself out of my comfort zone. Me and Eli would never work but I think you two could.
Lilly: Wait you two are fighting over the same guy?
Andy: There's no fighting.
Travis: And I'm ending this conversation here with literal kids in the room.
Lilly: Oh come on all my friends are in happy relationships I need relationship gossip.
Mia: Thats incorrect Isaac isn't in a relationship.
Lilly: Because he's a book nerd.
James: Yeah but he's our book nerd.
Andy: Didn't know you could be so centimental.
A bit later.
Ben: Good news i was able to dress myself with alot of time and effort.
Mia: Uncle Ben!!
Jack: Wait were did the grandpa go?
Mia: He almost died im gonna call him whatever he wants.
Ben: Well thats new.
Theo: Woah when did that happen?
Mia: Oh this morning, not near the oven!!
Travis: I got him, yeah this just got alot harder. Go to mamma.
Mia: Come here hudini.
Ben: Hudini??
Mua: Yeah because now he can try and escape places, a little hudini.
Everyone continues mingling, wether they are talking to Ben setting the table or cooking the food.
Maya: Hey.
Ben: Hey.
Maya: Andy texted, it was a tough call.
Carina: Bring it in.
Kate: Breakfast for dinner? Seems a little 2012, think you can mix things up a little bit Ruiz?
Theo: Kate? Oh my god, what are you doing here?
Kate: Heard you needed a sub.
Theo: Ohh.
Kate: Ohh. I usually prefer to be the dom, but we've all gotta make sacrifices. Am I right Trav?
Travis: Oh, my god, Chaos Kate.
Kate: Hey now, that was the old me.
Travis: Yeah right.
The three of them laugh.
Theo: Everyone, this is Kate Powell. She worked with Mikey and me at 54.
Travis: The best.
Theo: The best.
Kate: The best.
Theo: And we're back together!!
Travis: Tied together.  The tripod.
Theo: The tripod.
Kate: Do you remember that time?
Theo: So many memories.
Kate: Oh hi, we let kids hang out at the station?
Theo: Theyve been here longer than me.
Travis: Yeah Mia is Maya's little sister but she lives with Maya.
Kate: Oh nice and the others?
Mia: My boyfriend, My bestfriend and my twins.
Kate: Your a mum? Starting off young.
Andy: Hey you don't know anything about it, ignore her Sobrina.
Theo: See Chaos Kate, already causing Chaos.
Maya: Keep her away from them, I mean it..... captain.
Carina: Lets see this big bambino anyways, I got the video.
Mia: Yeah the multiple texts and calls afterwards confirmed that.
Maya: Hey can I talk to you not tonight maybe tomorrow??
Mia: Yeah ofcourse.
Jack: Okay food is ready. Lets eat.

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