Chapter Two

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Michael's pov:
I couldn't sleep. Noah was outside my door patrolling, so I'm gonna go up to him. Okay maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should. OKAY I SHOULD. I got out of my bed and fixed my hair and clothes before slightly opening my door and then I immediately kicked it shut and ran back to bed and then I decided to do it again.
"What is wrong with you, Michael?" He stepped into my room
"Uhm..." I chewed my bottom lip
"Can you not sleep?" He asked
I nodded
"Well, how do you want me to help you sleep?"
I shrugged and stared at him, that's when he walked to the door and came back to me, closer this time. His blazer was off, I could make out his muscles easily.
"Do I have your consent?" He asked
"I guess??" I bit my lip hard
That's when he picked me up, he sat on my bed holding me. Oh shit is he hard. OH GEE HE IS. WHAT DO I DO??????? MY SWEATING LIKE CRAZY. HE'S HOT AND HE'S LIKE TWO SECONDS AWAY FROM KISSING ME I'M GONNA SCREAMM. He held my head against his chest and I could feel his abs. He started to rub my arm, tucking my hair behind my ears. I started to feel slightly sleepy.

I woke up to be in my bed. I don't wanna get out.
Bodyguards cannot date the rich.
Mom always said that. I always hated that line. I knew she only said that because she hated that I have a better dating life than her. Well, she hates me in general since Elizabeth and Cc were born. Before she used to love me. When they were born and she found she hated me, she vowed to never think I was her first born, she ripped up every memory we had together, pictures, clothes, toys, when people would ask about her kids she'd said Elizabeth was her first born when clearly it was me. She'd say it right in front of me as well, saying that I was her nephew. I knew she tried to get daddy away from me. It did work as well. He pays attention to me and cares about me but he's always at work. She loved it that I had no one to talk too. I only had one picture frame of me and her, I hid it from her. It was on my fifth birthday, three months before Elizabeth was born. She had gifted me with nothing though since we had an argument. After that on my sixth birthday when I asked her what day it was she said it was just a normal Tuesday, when it was my party, she purposely dropped my cake, when everyone left she burned all my presents and daddy didn't do anything about it. He left for a business trip right after, he'd forgotten my birthday as well, even laughed  when mom dropped my cake. When I told him why he did that he threw a few twenty pound notes at me and pushed me out of his office. I went on my phone, seventeenth March, oh wow two days before I celebrate my birthday on my own, for the thirteenth time.

I made a cake for myself, mom was out clubbing, Elizabeth and Cc were upstairs, daddy was at work. I was alone with bodyguards. Bodyguards were the only way daddy would stop me from bothering him.
"What are you doing?" I jumped it was Noah
"Oh- I'm making a cake, for myself." I bit my lip
"How come?" He raised an eyebrow
"Because it's my birthday tomorrow. My parents aren't gonna celebrate it with me, I celebrate it on my own." I muttered taking the cake out the oven
"Oh." Was all he could say
"Don't the maids make you one though?" He asked
"They only follow my mom's orders, my mom hates me to death so I should be grateful she even let's me eat proper food, my dad doesn't say anything about it. He's always caught up in his business." I explained
"Want me to help you frost it?"
"You'd do that?" I asked
"I'm your bodyguard, that doesn't mean I can't cook or decorate, come on." He chuckled

This was probably my first cake I actually liked. Well only because Noah helped me with it. Our knuckles kept touching each other when we decorated. I kept it hidden in the fridge, please, please don't ruin this cake.

"This is your cake huh?" Mom said holding my cake
"Yes mom, can you leave it alone-." I chewed my lip
"No thanks." And she threw the cake on the ground
I stared at the ruined bits. It took me two hours just to make that. A maid came to clean up the mess, I sighed and just left, locking my room door.

I unlocked the door to see Noah waiting. He had a small bag in my hand.
"Can I come in?" He asked
"Sure?" I mumbled moving aside to let him in
He handed me the bag.
"What is it for?" I asked
"Look inside." He smiled slightly
I opened the bag slightly, it was a cupcake, I pulled it out and then there was another box, I took the out and set the bag down.
"I saw what your mom did and felt bad so I snuck off and bought you a cupcake, I saw how upset you looked watching the cake we made."
"O-h. Thank you." I smiled slightly
I opened the box, it was a Pandora ring. That one ring I was gonna buy myself because no one else buys me gifts.
"You didn't have to-"
"Too bad, cause I did." He smiled beautifully

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