Chapter Fifteen

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Noah's pov:
I gripped tightly onto his waist, nails digging into his bronze, delicate skin. His pace quickened even if he looked like he was gonna knock out. His thumbs rub my shoulders, his breathing growing heavier with each movement, I haven't helped him once, he rode himself. That's attractive. I slid my hands down from his waist to his thighs, I rubbed them slowly and thrusted in, he moaned, sweat and tears dripping down his face.
This is way better than having sex with Diana.
"N-no-a-h..~" he trembled, gasping, digging his nails into my back
"It's okay baby, keep going in almost there." I groaned and grabbed onto his hair, tugging till he made himself go faster
"Need help?" I asked smirking
He shook his head, his eyes rolling back and then he nodded.

I thrusted into him, matching his rhythm, his movements slowed down as he let me take control, I slowly pushed him down slightly, laying him down I started fucking the shit out of him. He was already over stimulated and I didn't expect him to continue any longer. I watched as his chest moved up and down as he breathed, grabbing onto the sheets, lips bleeding from biting, tears rolling down his cheeks and sweat all over his forehead. I kissed his perfect lips, licking his blood away till his lip stopped bleeding. I groaned loudly and I came into him. I picked him up carefully, slowly pulling out as he gasped for air, but he dropped back down onto me, screaming in pleasure.
"Are you sore?" I ask holding his waist to keep him steady
"Y-yes.. But I do-n't car-e you feel s-o f-uck-ing goooo-d~" he gasped moving himself.
"It's almost the bloody morning, baby. You need to sleep."
He whined, drooling. His face heated up I still pulled out despite his whining and he ended up knocking out the moment I was fully out. I grabbed him, taking my phone to check the time.
Five am.
We started at bloody six pm.

It's been about eleven hours and I didn't even fucking realize. How were we still going? Michael's body tensed as I got up to go to the bathroom.

Luckily, he was knocked out enough to not budge while I washed him, I did have to check a few thousand times to check if he was alive. He liked to sleep with his mouth wide open, still breathing through his nose as he let out a quiet snores. He looked so peaceful. Through his suitcase I found a pair of fluffy pajamas that were his so I put them on for him, so he stays warm, if he stays warm the pain won't be as bad when he wakes up.

The sun was so bloody bright it woke me up, I quickly shut the blinds before the sun woke Michael up, I need him to at least sleep for most of the day. Even the full day, I didn't mind. He needed as much rest possible. When we arrive in Italy, our lives would be different. I really really hope I can still see this boy. Alone.

I was making myself dinner when I heard whining from the living room, which was Michael, he slowly limped into the kitchen, a fluffy blanket wrapped around him and then he fell. I turned the stove off and helped him up, he was half asleep and his hair was a mess.
"What are you doing out of bed? Your not in the right state." I sigh
"Mm.." And then he was back to snoring
It was very debatable whether I should wake him up to eat or not, I didn't want to disturb him but I also wanted him to have some food. Eventually, he woke up himself and tiredly ate half my food.
"Is it good?" I whispered keeping him steady on my thigh
"Mm." He sleepily nodded
"You eat this, I'll go get myself another plate." I slowly sit him on my chair as he takes a sip of my tea.
I purposely made myself tea cause he needed warmth in his body. He wouldn't drink it on his own but if it was for me, he's most likely gonna drink it. I got myself a plate, adding a little more knowing Michael was gonna eat more. He hasn't eaten since yesterday at three pm, he'll obviously be extremely hungry.

"Do you want to eat anything else baby?" I ask lifting his chin
He was slightly more awake probably from the tea. He shrugged.
"More garlic bread then?" I chuckle
He nods drinking my fanta.
"Your very hungry aren't you?" I tease him as I open the oven door and take two garlic breads, placing them on the plate and handing it too him. He slowly nibbled and didn't properly take a bite till I fed him.
"Your such an adorable boy, aren't you? Your like a little kitten." I kiss his nose
"I'm gonna miss you." He sniffs hiding under my shirt
"I'm gonna miss you too, prince." I hug him, his head popping out from the head hole (what is that even called-)
"Promise we'll still see each other?" He stares at me, his blue eyes saddened.
"Of course." I kiss his forehead
"Every night." He whispered
"Every night my love."

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