Chapter Seventeen

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Michael's pov:
He hasn't spoken to me since yesterday, we were on the flight to Italy but he stayed silent, calling his colleagues and doing his work.
"Are you okay..?" I asked breaking our silence
"Yeah?" He muttered before going back to writing
I didn't want to bother him so I shut up and stared out the window. We were landing anytime.
Well that anytime was right now and I jumped thinking we were dying, Noah's arm wrapped around me and held me close, I buried my face into my shoulder.
"It's okay." He rubbed my back

Longest landing of my entire life, why we're they so slow?
"It's too dark for me to escort you to your house. Your home is five hours away from here. We'll have to go in the morning for your safety." He tells me before ringing up someone
My knuckles rub his, slowly I held onto his pinky and stayed like that.
"Right, thank you." He sighed and turned his phone off
I yawned and we started walking again it took about half an hour to get our suitcases plus find the car park for my taxi. I was so tired. Eventually we found out the taxi weren't even here which got Noah pissed. It was showering and I was cold. Plus tired and hungry. He slipped his blazer off and handed it to me, I wore it on and layed on his shoulder. He picked me up and started walking again till we were back inside.

The airport was madly expensive but Noah still bought me something to eat, including something small for himself. I wanted to eat with him but he had a phone call so I ate alone on the floor with our Luggage hiding me as he stood a few meters away to take the call privately.
"What's a young boy like you doing here?" I flinched
"I'm not young I'm an adult." I sit on my knees
"How about I give you a drive?" He smiles mischievously
"No thanks. I have a driver all ready." I take another bite of my pizza
"I don't see him." He kneels down and lifts my chin
I was close to flicking his wrist away when I heard a masculine dadd- I mean.. voice. The boy froze
"And who might you be?" Noah tilted his head
No response, I looked up at Noah, standing up. Fucking hell there was such a height difference. He looked like a pole and I looked like a dwarf. Okay maybe I was overeacting.
"Do you know him, prince?" He asked me grabbing my waist
"No." I blinked at him innocently
"Right then, I'll give you to a count of five before things start to get messy." He says in a very dangerous tone, he grabs onto me and pulls me closer and begins counting down.
And the man ran off.
"How did you not finish eating yet?" He asked
"It tastes too good for it to be devoured really quick."

"Where is our taxii." I yawned
We were waiting for the past four hours and the company wouldn't pick up.
"I have no clue, we'll wait one more hour or I'll ring another company. You can go to sleep if you want, prince." He whispered
"I wanna be with you..." I rubbed my eyes
"Baby, it's okay." He kissed my neck
I woke up in a hotel room, and I screamed as loud as possible.

Listen, I hate spiders. Deathly afraid of them he saw a huge one, so, if your gonna fucking wake up with a big black spider hovering it's one billion legs at you ABOVE YOU and you act normal, your not normal. I refused to go to sleep after that and Noah eventually gave up. Let's not talk about how that also happened at fucking three in the morning.
"Might as well get your ass ready." He sighed stretching
"Quit being moody." I lifted his chin and gave him a soft kiss before jumping off to go to the bathroom

It was raining badly and that fucking taxi driver still didn't arrive fucking hoe so eventually Noah gave up and called a new company. Guess I'm complaining. The taxi driver came twenty minutes late and I stopped Noah from having a go at him.
"At least he arrived." I whispered holding him down with my hand gently as his arm curled around me

Eventually, I was finally at home and after two full hours of greeting each and everyone of my family members I was allowed to be excused to unpack my things. I needed my room the be renovated again, last time it was renovated I was fifteen with depression and those two don't mix. I missed Noah already, now he wasn't my bodyguard. Nor my driver either, wasn't safe for me apparently. Noah lived right next door to me though so I was sneaking out when I've made myself comfy. I texted him from all my loneliness.
"Hi mlll 💕"
"Hello prince, finally free from em?"
"Yh, took me two hrs and I feel numb from js standing. I'm unpacking rn, can u call me so I have some emotional support??"
"Sure bby x"

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