Chapter Ninteen

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Idea from - Donuto69
Okay idk if Maisie already met Noah or not, idgaf so pretend she didn't know him until now xx
Michael's pov:
My new bodyguard was not it. He was no where like Noah. He was grumpy bitch who legit wouldn't even let me go to the toilet alone. His name was Mr Clark I didn't know his first name just yet, Maisie said he was "soooo hott" but being hot also means caring about the other person's feelings. Well for me. It's only been a week since I've had him and the guy would stalk me in my sleep. Meaning I couldn't go to Noah's till like one am if I'm lucky. Noah just told me to allow it and maybe the bodyguard would slow down the overprotectiveness sorta thing but I do not see that happening.
"Mr Clark, how does this look on me for Maisie's party?" I asked Aiden
I was wearing a black sparkly crop top with jean shorts along with my new white trainers I recently bought.
"Why do you always wear, whore like clothes?" He asked in a gruff tone
Swear down I don't.
"Do I?" I raised an eyebrow
"Always showing skin." He sighs
"I never noticed." And I never cared.
"Do you always dress like that to grab people's attention?" He raised an eyebrow
"Are you calling me a slut?" I gasped
"No, it was a serious question."
"Well that serious question was extremely offensive, Mr Clark." My nails dug into my palms
"Then your a bit sensitive, aren't you?"
If Noah was here, Mr Clark would've been quartered by now.
"No, but you shouldn't be talking to me like that Mr Clark." I chewed my lip
"Then quit being a whore." And he left with my jaw dropped
How rude of him. I'd get him fired but the policy is to only fire bodyguards after a year being with them. A year of that asshole? No fucking way. I face timed Noah and told him every single detail.

"What a little bitch, ignore him prince. You look absolutely gorgeous in that."
"Does it make me look like a whore?" I ask
"No, your my whore and that's final. There's girls out there that show way more skin than their meant too. Your doing the bare minimum." He smiled
"He called me sensitive for taking offence." I rolled my eyes palming my chin
"That's not sensitivity, anyone could take offence that. If I were that he would've had his little penis squashed by a hammer by now."
I giggled thinking about it.
"Do a little twirl for me."
"Okay, wait I need to put jewelry on." I smiled standing up and rushing to my jewelry box.

I did a small twirl for him earning a chuckle from him.
"Absolutely gorgeous." He smirks
"What's the smirk for?" I tilted my head
"Something. Come by tonight and I'll show you."
A firework exploded in my stomach. Thousands of things he could do to me rushed through my mind.
"Are you coming to Maisie's party?" I ask
"To see you? Of course. I want to know this Maisie girl."
"She might be a bit over protective over me."
"As long as she wants you to be safe, I'll like her."

I got out the black car with Mr Clark. I hadn't spoken a word to him after our discussion in my room. That's how I wanted things to be. I didn't care either way, I get to see Noah freely. I told daddy about the incident so there's been restrictions created.
Two against one.
I had a load of gifts in a gift bag, my cousins bought presents for Maisie as well. Noah texted me saying he's in the back.

Mr Clark had to stay in the car because daddy knew I'd be safe at Maisie's house. I basically ran in the house, hugged Maisie and glared at her boyfriend, Aiden.
"I'll be back babes." I smiled and kissed her on the nose handing her the gift bag
"Girl, you did not need too." I could hear the excitement from her voice
"My family and I insisted, now, I have someone for you to meet boo." I blew a kiss at her and left

I found Noah in the back, smoking on the bench and I pounced onto him.
"Aw, hello my prince." He laughed stubbing his cigarette to hug me tight
"I miss your beautiful face so fucking much." I kissed his face everywhere
"I missed yours more, my love." He chuckled
"Do you like my outift?" I smiled sitting on my feet
"It looks beautiful on you, even better than how I saw it on you during our call, would look better if it was off though." He winked at me
Heat rose up to my face but I quickly shook it off hitting him playfully.
"I have someone for you to meet, come on." I giggled

"Maisie, Noah, Noah, Maisie." I introduced them to each other
"So this is Maisie, eh?" Noah wrapped his arm around me and smiled
I smiled and nodded.
"Maisie, this is my boyfriend, Noah. We met in England."
"You got a man and you didn't tell me?" She dramatically gasped
"I wanted it to be a surprise." I insisted
"How long." She put her wine glass down
Uh oh, inspection time.
"Three months." I smiled before moving away so she could do what she wanted. Noah frowned at me.

"Okay, your good. Break my besties heart and I will make you look like a cancer victim who just got botox surgery, don't try me. Understood?" She raised an eyebrow
"Yes your highness." Noah rolled his eyes
"Good, I'm sure we'll get along." Maisie took Aiden's wine bottle away
"You've had enough, sit down." She glared at him
He groaned but did as she said. I've always wondered how she had such good control over men. She like a beam of fire when it came to men but to me she was an angel. Noah pulled me onto his lap and kissed my neck. I giggled and layed my head on my shoulder, kissing his jawline.
"See Aiden, that's what you call a good relationship." Maisie gritted her teeth
Maisie and Aiden were going through their relationship downhill, they were arguing everyday over the most smallest things. They'd get along but also throw tantrums. Aiden tutted and ignored her chewing his lip.
"Maisie, leave it, don't make a scene." I take her hand and rub her knuckles she sighs but nods sitting next to Noah
Aiden rolls his eyes at her again before getting up and storming out the house.
"What's his problem?" I turn to Maisie
"Loves making a scene that kid does." She leans herself on her sofa
Noah's grip around me tightens. I could feel his heart thudding against my ear. I give him a "you okay" stare? He nods and kisses my forehead

Noah was a bit traumatized with mine and Maisie conversation. We didn't have much time on our own so we left at about three am after a full on make out session in the back. I didn't want to sleep so we ended up calling.
"Baby, put something on, it's cold." He says
"Your shirtless and wearing shorts." I pout
"But I'm not the one shivering my balls off, go put on my sweater." He smiled
I gasped. I completely forgot he gave me on so I ran to my cupboard to find it.

It was over sized on me but I felt a lot more warmer.
"Okay, baby I have to go now, gotta get ready for work, I love you my prince."
"I love you more, bye bye." I blew a kiss at him and waited for him to end the call

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