Chapter Eighteen

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Michael's pov:
It was so boring without Noah being by my side twenty four hours a day. I mean we did get to call and shit but I wanted to see him face to face, that only happened at night though. It was fun, sneaking out to see him without a care in the world if we got caught. I was supposed to marry someone with the same wealth as me, that weren't Noah. Actually I didn't know myself and never bothered to ask, he never talked about his money but always let me use his card when going out. I don't really care about money that much when it comes to love though, Noah's a good guy so if he were poorer than a rat at least he's sweet. And I could just make him rich with my own money anyways. I swear these days it takes so long to become night even though it's autumn meaning we're an hour behind.

I wanted to tease Noah, I wasn't tired so that means seducing him was my go to "way to fall asleep" as in he'll easily knock me the fuck out with sex. I couldn't do it though I was so busy. Today I had a meeting with all the adults. We still managed to fuck even with my packed schedule of being the future boss for my dad's company.

His house at midnight, when everyone was dead ass asleep, my secret room during my one in a life time breaks, the rooftop when everyone was busy to care where I was, no place was off limits.

It was risky, dangerous and out of character for my status. Given how practical we were, we could practically never stop. Of course we never spoke about what would happen if we got caught even though it was simple what would happen, I would have to be supervised twenty four seven and Noah would probably be moved far away from me. So we decided to spend as much time as we could like our life depended on it. I had a plan to tell my cousins, so I could have some backup against my parents since my cousins were some risky idiots. Besides they were older they definitely had done something more crazy than this.

But as much as I wanted to spend my days and nights with Noah, I had other responsibilities. That was training myself to be a good boss.
As I explained about my boring ass presentation that I'd rather eat a frog than talk about political parties and shit.

Oh my god. I nearly jumped out my seat.

My mom paused and gave me a dirty look.
I pressed my thighs together beneath the table as the silent but powerful vibrations resumed between my legs.
I'm going to slaughter him and gut his insides out.
Noah had ordered me to wear a vibrator all day and I, a stupid ass whore, sex addict had agreed. It'd sounded extremely hot and Noah had a minute by minute breakdown of my day. He'd kept the vibrator off during my meetings, so why-
My eyes fell onto the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.
Fuck sake. We were running over, fifteen minutes over to be exact. Noah probably thought I would've been out by now.
A beam of sweat formed on my forehead as I tried not to moan, squirm, whimper or make any stupid sound that's give me away.
"Are you alright, you look flushed?" Dante raised his eye brows, his eyes sharp as he stared at me
His wife on the other hand, smirked at me trying to hide it. So she knew. I glared at her
"Yes." I forced a smile
"Perfectly fine."
"You don't look very well." Daddy pointed out, tucking my hair behind my ear
Dear god every minute they were concerned about me the more I wanted to just moan my ass off.
"It's just a bit warm in here, don't mind it, where were we?" I managed

The vibrations ratched up a notch, and my nails dug into my skin harsh it left little grooves in my palms. Daddy and Dante looked unconvinced but still continued their conversation. While Francis watched me with narrowed eyes.

Normally, I'd throw a book right into his pale face but I couldn't concentrate on anything expect the throbbing of my dick and how I'm imagining the most unholy scenes with Noah that'd probably get my executed.

Thankfully, I was let off early and I took a rush for that with a quick bow and waved goodbye and rushed off. I didn't want to raise their suspicions any further even if I was a hair's breadth away from orgasming till I knock out.
The instant I was in the hall, the vibrations ceased.
Course they did.
I smoothed a hand over my pants to hide my obvious bulge and managed to walk semi normally to my office where Noah would be waiting for me, before tripping when I walked through the doors. Luckily I grabbed the handle before embarrassing falling.
My heart leaped when I saw him leaning against my desk. Eyes dark, arms crossed over his chest, his pose casual and arrogant.
Wouldn't really mins if he looked at me like that when I'm tied down against the draws, legs spread wide open, crying for merc-
I shut down my stupid thoughts.
"That was cruel." I pinned him with a stern stare even as my dick throbbed again, not from the vibrator stuck up my ass but from the sight of him. The stubble, the tattoos, the way he looked at me like I was the only person in God's green earth... Stop it Michael, focus.
"I was in a meeting."
"Which was meant to end half an hour ago."
"It ran over."
"Clearly" Noah's eyes lit up with a wicked gleam
"Come here, prince."
I shook my head, even though I was so turned on the faintest gust of air against my skin caused my breath to quicken. It was the principle of matter.
"That wasn't a request."
"You can't tell me what to do."
"Come. Here." His voice dropped to a dangerously soft decibel.
"Before u bend you over my lap and spank you so hard you won't be able to sit for days."
My thighs clenched together at the mental image, and I almost refused so he could do exactly that. But after hours of teasing, I couldn't wait anymore and I walked forward on shaky legs until I stood infront of him.
"There. Wasn't so hard." Noah grabbed the back of my neck and pulled towards him.
"Remember, in public your my prince, but in private your my whore." His other hand and reached down and shoved his finger up ass until I squealed, and the beginning tremors of an orgasm rocked through me.
"You'll do what I say, when I say it, and you'll take my cock however I want. Won't you?"
Oh god. Another rush of moisture flooded between my legs.
"Yes." I breathed
The word hadn't fully left my mouth before he swallowed it with a hard, knee buckling kiss, and any vestiges of resistance crumbled.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, reveling in the taste and feel of him. We'd been insatiable since the night in Spain and I still couldn't get enough.
The sneaking around, the late night trysts and loaded glances in rooms full of people.. It could all crash down around us at any second. But for once in life, I didn't care.
I'd never felt more alive.
"How as your day, baby?" Noah breathed against my lips, his tone gentling from moments ago.
"Good. Frustrating." I said pointedly I, too softened my voice
"I missed you."
I hadn't seen him since breakfast which was when he dropped off Starbucks for me through the basket rolling thing I have connected to my bedroom window.
His eyes crinkled into a beautiful smile, and my heart soared so high I thought I might float off the ground.
"I missed you too." He gave me a softer, lingering kiss before he slid his hand up again and a low groan escapes his throat.
"Bend over and lift your shirt up."
I obeyed, the prospect of having him inside me soon making my fingers shake as I bent over the desk and yanked my oversized shirt over my hips.
"Take off your pants."
I slipped my hand into the waistband of my pants and shimmied them down until they pooled around my ankles.
Heat rose on my cheeks when I realized Noah now had an unimpeded view of my vibrator and the mess it'd left behind.
Still, I was turned on enough to brush past my embarrassment.

I gripped the edge of the desk, my body taut with anticipation but there was only silence. No words, no touch. I twisted my head with confusion. Noah stood behind me, his eyes ravenous as he soaked me in. Between his hunger stare and my current position. I felt like a sacrificed lamb waiting for a lion to pounce and devour me.
"Spread your legs wider."
Heat scalded me from head to toe, but I did as he asked
"So beautiful." He palmed my ass with both hands and squeezed
"What would the good citizens of Italy say if they could see you now, hmm? Their prim and proper future boss bent over and spread wide, waiting for a hard cock to fuck him."
Was it possible to come from words alone? Because I was just this close to doing so.
"Not just any cock." I panted
"Yours. Now are you going to keep talking, or are you going to actually fuck me?"
Noah laughed. He made quick work with his belt and pants, and my mouth dried. I would never get over how huge he was. Thick, long, and hard, the head already dripping with pre-cum.
"That's right." He pulled the vibrator out and positioned the tip of his cock at my entrance
"Mine. Only mine. And don't you forget it, prince."
He drove into me with one deep thrust, and my initial yelp turned into a series of whimpering moans as he pounded into me from behind. They mingled with his grunts, the creaking of the desk as it shook beneath the force of his fucking, and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. A delicious, filthy symphony that muddled my thoughts until all I could focus on was the feel of him thrusting in and out of me-
"Michael? Are you there?"
It took a few seconds for her voice to penetrate my sex drenched fog, but once it did, my eyes flew open and I tried to stand up, only for Noah to push me down again.
"Not done with you yet, prince." He thrusted into me again and clapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my moan.
"Noah. She's right outside." I hissed when he loosened his hold enough for me to speak. I desperately needed to come, but my stomach churned at the prospect of being caught.
I could've pretended I wasn't there, but Heaven and I had a scheduled meeting I'd completely forgot about until now.
"The doors locked."
"She could hear us."
We spoke only loud enough for the other to hear, but to my paranoid ears, we might as well be shouting.
"Then you better keep quiet, hmm?" Noah's hot breath slid over my skin. Another jolt of lust rocketed through me.
"Michael." Heaven sounded impatient now.
"The doors locked, is everything okay?"
"Y-yes. I'm-" Noah slammed into me with a particular brutal thrust
My last word devolved into a gasp as my orgasm crashed over me in a tidal wave.
I buried my face in my arms and bit down to stifle my screams.
Noah's breathing changed, and a second later he came with a quiet grunt before sliding out of me.

We didn't have the luxury of basking in post coital bliss, and the aftershocks of my orgasm were still rippling through me as we cleaned ourselves up.
"One minute!" I called put for Heaven's benefit
I glared at Noah, who'd fixed himself up in record time and he was trying not to laugh.
"This isn't funny."
"Nice double entendre there at the end." He said with a smirk
I'm coming
I flushed as I finished straightening my clothes and my hair. A quick glance in the mirror told me I still looked disheveled, but I could blame that on running about the house all day.
I was halfway to the door when he stopped me.
"Your forgetting something."
My face flamed when he held up the vibrator
"You are trying to get us in trouble." I snatched the vibrator from him and wrapped it hastily with a tissue before shoving it into a desk drawer. I'll deal with that later.

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