Chapter Four

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Michael's pov:
"I'm afraid I'll fall in love and then break your heart Michael. I won't let it happen." He says
"Please." I yawn
"It's happened once Michael, once and the girl killed herself because of how upset she was. I won't let it happen to you." He explains
"Then we can try, when your comfortable. For now lay with me."
"Fine." He lays next to me and I cuddle him

I woke up extremely late, Noah was still next to me. I checked the time, two minutes before that fucking maid comes in with my breakfast so I shook him awake.
"Quick, or were gonna get caught." I hiss
He groans but gets up and hides in my bathroom. The maid comes in just as I thought and gives my breakfast before leaving.
"Come out." I whisper yell
He comes out, his hair is a mess.
"Can I go back to sleep." He yawns
"Come here then." I giggle
He happily came back into my bed and hugged my waist slowly. I pet his hair while I ate my breakfast.
"This is weird." He mumbles
"What? The fact that were sharing a bed and your sleeping on my thigh?" I chuckle
"Me and my best friend do this, it's not weird to us."
"Who's your best friend?" He asks
"Her name is Maisie Lee." I smile
"Go on, tell me more about her."

I had to go swimming today. I didn't like swimming. It reminded me of the time I almost drowned.

"Firefly I need to go get sunscreen, I'll come back in sixty seconds okay? Don't jump into the pool."
"Okay! Mikey gonna count!"
"Okay, Mikey start counting, cover your eyes as well!" He tickles me
"Sixty, fifty nine, fifty eight, fifty seven, fifty six, fifty five, fifty four, fifty three, fifty two, fifty one, fifty! Forty nin-" someone picked me up
"Daddy?" I asked
"Keep your eyes shut, firefly."
Daddy sounded a bit different more like a girl. But only daddy calls me firefly, he probably had a voice crack. That normally happens and he sounds like a girl, it's funny.
"When can I open my eyes daddy?" I ask
I felt like I was flying then suddenly I feel water splashing onto me. I tried to find daddy's hands but I couldn't find them. When I inhaled water rushed into me. My clothes were soaked, I opened my mouth and more salty water rushed into my mouth, I choked. I screamed for help but I felt like I was being dragged underneath, I cried for help when strong arms grabbed me to shore.


I cried and cried, I spat out a lot of water and felt like going to sleep. I blacked out.

I've never been in a swimming pool since that day. It's been nine years. But recently, daddy signed me up for them, for me to get over my fear. But he doesn't understand. I'm afraid of dying. I almost died, that what the doctors told me, if I wasn't saved my daddy I would've died but he saved me two minutes before I would've started to turn purplish. I never really went into the pool though, I'm sure daddy only signed me up to these so I would stop bothering him. I knew that. The swimming instructor wouldn't be able to force me in the pool either anyways, they'd just be on their phones. I'm sure they gave up on me. Should I try?
"Are we gonna try today Michael? You did good last week with touching the pool, do you wanna try to get in?" They asked me
I shrugged. Noah was around, somewhere. Watching me.
"Yeah." I bit my lip
"Okay, let's get you in from the less deeper end of the pool, the staircases is a good start for you, you'll be able to get out easily if you get scared." They smile at me
"I want to try the deeper end though." I mumble
"Are you sure? You might be recognized from those memories Michael."
"I'm sure." I walked to the little staircase which led to the deeper end of the pool
One step at a time I felt the cool water hit my ankle. I took another step the water rushing to my knees. I took a deep breathe and jumped in. I held onto the silver rail of the staircase. The water was up to my stomach.
"Good Michael, you did so good doing that."
I let go of the pole and started to walk to the other side when I slipped mid way and sank down. I screamed and tried standing up only making me slip again, I hit my head and strong aram wrapped around me, mid way before I fell face first. I breathed harshly, coughing and spitting water out. I looked up to see it was Noah. My head ached, there was blood gushing out  my head, I felt dizzy.
"Hey, Michael, breathe, it's okay I'm here." There was something cold touching my head which calmed the blood down. I layed down on his leg and sobbed. He rubbed my back slowly and picked me up walking inside.

"Your really an idiot, this is the second time you've gone into a life and death situation." He says wiping away my tears
"Third" I sniffed
"Third? When?"
So I tell him how I almost died as a small child.
"Is that why you looked so scared going into the pool?" He asked
"You were watching me?"
He blushed slightly
"No, but I did notice you walking in before your sister came in bragging that she needs to be taking to the mall." He explains
"But your my body guard not hers!" I yell
"It's okay, calm down." He rubs my scalp
"She's not allowed to give you orders, only I can!" I hmph'ed
"And your dad." He corrects me
"All he tells you to do is to protect me, he doesn't fucking count." I fold my arms
"I thought you said you loved your dad?"
"I don't know anymore." I sighed
"Okay, let's forget about this situation, we need to distract you."
"Can we watch clueless?" I asked
"Sure." He smiled.

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