Chapter Five

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Michael's pov:
"I got dared to kiss you." I whisper to Noah as my friends watch me, I wasn't gonna kiss him if he was uncomfortable with that.
He takes his rubber gloves off, turning the tap off as he drops the dirty plate into the sink, he grabs me by my waist and kisses me. My eyes widened instantly, I melt into his soft kisses which end up turning into harsh, tongue to tongue kisses. I was so shocked with his reaction, yes I might have known he might kiss me, considering our first meet but I didn't except a whole makeout session. His hand trails down my back, lower and lower, till he lifts my pants and slips his hand in. He rubs my lower back and then does the same to my ass, then he stops and moves away. Shocked, I looked around, my friends had left. He was so stunned.
"Fucking hell, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He apologizes
"No, Noah, it's okay."
"No, it's not. We aren't meant to date each other Michael. I should've controlled myself and just pecked you." He sighs and starts washing up again
"Noah, it's okay." I repeat myself
But he ignores me, I bite my lip hard, waiting for a response only to realize he's trying to show he doesn't want me around, I left and went back to the living room.

I didn't really participate after that, I kept thinking if I might have upset him, he's right. We shouldn't be dating each other. I should probably stop trying to get him to see I was right for him, he probably has someone else on his mind.
Someone that wasn't me.
Someone I wish was me.
Who knows. That fucking ring he wears is probably a ring from his wife. I should stop. He probably thinks I'm weird.

The party ended, I looked for Noah to apologize but he wasn't anywhere. I looked for his car, there he was. Then a woman with blonde hair and tanned skin came, he rolled down his window, holding a cigarette. The woman was in a black mini dress. He leaned in to kiss her, then she moved to sit down herself and he drove off. That's probably his wife or his girlfriend or his fiance. Who knows. It's not me. It's a blondie, everyone likes blonde girls. Not a brunette gay boy who's spoiled only so he could forget the fact his family dislikes him. I sighed chewing my lip to stop myself from crying and went to daddy's office. I knocked on his door but no reply.
"Daddy?" I asked
"Michael, go away I'm busy." He yells
"Right, sorry." I silenced myself and stood there for a few seconds. Then he opened the door and told me to leave.
I wonder when was the last time he actually payed proper attention to me, when he's not faking.
When it was just me.
Elizabeth knocked on the door, doing the same motion as me and daddy let her in. What's so bad about me? Why don't I get the same attention she gets? Do I really suck that much?

Noah probably hates me now. I've probably pushed myself to much just to get a male to pay attention to me. He probably thinks he's cheating on his lover, they're probably chatting shit about me.
That's what everyone does anyways.

I left and went to my room, changing into more comfortable clothes, I looked at the ring Noah gave me. I took it off and placed it with the rest of my rings. It's just another ring. Nothing special. I went to bed, binge watching tiktok. It was only at five when I decided to actually go to sleep.

Noah didn't come back today, I went to daddy to ask why and I got the same response "go away I'm busy."
I must really be annoying.
I bet Noah quit. He quit because I was acting stupid. It was a dare, but he did kiss me. I didn't expect him to do that. He could've just refused. How's that my fault? Or did he think I lied and just wanted him to kiss me? I called up Maisie but she ignored me. She's probably with Aiden, her boyfriend and asleep.
I guess I'm lonely, again.

There was nothing to do. No one liked me and my only source of entertainment was my phone. But I wanted human attention, someone to interact with. I hated staying in my room all day long, but where would I go outside? I could go to the mall but then I'd get yelled at if I waste my monthly allowance so quickly.

It had been a week past and Noah still never returned. I smelt his Cologne, today I decided to follow it. It led to Elizabeth's room, I looked through her room through the creak of the open door.
He was helping her do her makeup. But he's my bodyguard? I chose him. Why is he working for her? That's not how it's meant to work. Is it? I opened the door.
"Noah?" I asked
He ignored me
"Go away Michael." Elizabeth threw her makeup sponge at me
My eyes filled up. Maybe he quit and decided to work for Elizabeth.
She's prettier anyways. I left her room. I hated that everyone told me to go away. I rang up Maisie and this time she answered.
"I don't have long boo, what's wrong?"
So I bursted into tears and told her everything as fast as possible. She had a life of course, I don't blame her. Atleast she didn't tell me to go away.
"Do you want to come round? Aiden doesn't mind. Come on, it'll calm you down."
"No, I'm probably annoying you." I sobbed
"No, it's okay Michael. Come on." She insisted
"Really?" I sniffed wiping my tears

I went to hers after making myself look more presentable. Her and Aiden did distract me, they included me in everything, even their own talks. Maisie insisted for me to stay at hers so I texted daddy saying I was.
Like he would pay attention to my messages anyways.

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