Chapter Six

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Michael's pov:
Daddy called me for once into the kitchen so I went.
"Did you eat all these?" He asked
There was a huge pile of chocolate wrappers layed out on the kitchen counter.
"No?" I raised an eyebrow
"Daddy, yes he did! Look at him you can tell by his clothes!!" Elizabeth yelled
I was wearing an oversized shirt, because well I wanted to be comfortable.
"What, no!" I yelled
"Enough." Mom butts in
"It's clear you did it Michael, you've put weight on, do not lie about it. We know your a fatty."
I wasn't even fat. Okay yeah maybe I put a tiny bit of weight on but it was barely visible, they only call me a fatty cause I like food. It's a comfort thing.
"Michael, your banned from eating anything sweet for the rest of the month, I'm taking money all the in your allowance for the rest of month. I will not let you put on weight, you'll make me lose my job."
Then everyone was laughing, even Noah.
Why did I fall for him if he's so ruthless? I went back to my room and immediately pulled my shirt off checking crazily if it was really that visable that I had put on weight. It didn't look like it, but who knows. I probably have. I should stop eating. I don't want daddy's business to flop just because I put on weight.

I don't know how long it had been since I last ate. But it got too a point where I felt really sick so I snuck into the kitchen and found leftovers, I quickly rushed back into my room and ate slowly.

I went out to the mall, I bought myself a few things and only drank bubble tea. I was leaving when I got dragged into a alley way.
"Your the bitch that kissed my boyfriend, correct?"
It was that same girl that went in Noah's car. There was a huge crowd surrounding me.

I felt dizzy, I don't know if it was because of the amount of times I got hit in the head or if it was because I hadn't eaten in over three weeks. They dragged me to a lake, are they gonna drown me? It saves me a fact of not killing myself then. No one would miss me anyways. They pushed me closer and closer to the edge of the grass near the lake, it looked deep and dirty.
I was in the water, the dirty water rushed into my mouth and nose, I let myself just fall deep, no one liked me anyways. I might as well just die, right?
And deeper
All I could see was darkness, I wonder how deep I was in the lake, I looked up but the water made my eyes squint. I couldn't breathe, I shut my eyes and let myself die.

I woke up again, my head was pounding, my breathing was heavy but soft. It was such a blur but i could hear.
"Why are we here William, he's useless anyways might as well let him die."
That was mom. Nice to know my own mom thinks im useless
"Cause he's my fucking kid." Daddy replied
So he does care about me, why can't he show it then?
I tried to sit up, I whimpered and coughed.
"Michael, firefly, lay down." Daddy whispered laying me back down
A doctor came in then, he told everyone to get out except from someone and daddy. I looked at the extra person. He had red hair, is that Noah? Why was he here? I didn't want him here. He's the reason for all of this. He could've refused and I wouldn't need to suffering right now.
"His lungs aren't well enough, he needs to stay in the hospital and needs medical attention." The doctor says
I felt like throwing up, daddy noticed and told the doctor. I threw up all over the floor and my eyes glue shut.

I went home, I don't know how long I was in the hospital for. I told daddy I didn't want Noah near me. I told him why as well. Noah was on leave for two weeks and came back today. Mom and Elizabeth were going mental that I was still alive, Cc on the other hand came to visit. He was married. We live in our home until were married and then we leave, loads of people use me and I still haven't found the right person for me, Elizabeth thinks she's pretty but most people think she's ugly so no male of female attention comes to her. Mom keeps leading her, I guess you could call the blind leading the blind. Daddy gave me more attention now, I hope it continues even after I recovered. He made Elizabeth and Mom apologize for emotionally abusing me, calling me fat. I couldn't eat properly but daddy was happy I still ate little. I stayed in my room for my safety, but maybe mom and Elizabeth were right. Maybe I am useless.

I could finally walk, so I got a rope and tied it too a hook on my ceiling, I tied the other half round my neck, climbing onto my bed slowly. Before I could leap I saw a spider on the ground, I screamed and immediately rushed away, untying the rope from my neck and I hid.

I did try to hand myself again but another spider appeared again and again, I think it's a set up, but who's setting me up?

I'll just try another way.

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