Chapter Nine

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Michael's pov:
I graduated from college after three long boring years. I'm definitely not heading to university, I've had enough. I said goodbye to Maisie and Aiden before finding Noah in the car park waiting in the black BMW. I knocked on the window, he rolled it down nd then reminded me if I had my bag.
"Oh shit-" I ran back into the main hall
Fucking hell my bag was mad heavy. I barely managed back to the car before stupidly stumbling and falling face first on the floor. Noah laughed at me, eventually helping me up and opening my car door, throwing my bag in and then slowly sitting me down.
"You alright?" He asked scanning my face
I nod smiling slightly, he let's go of my face and shuts the door before getting in himself.
"Can we go out?" I ask
"For what?" He asks
"I don't know, maybe because it's my fucking graduation night?" I roll my eyes
"I know, I was just teasing you. Put your seat belt on, it'll be atleast an hour or two since your college is so far." He sighs
"Well you won't need to be driving me here anymore, I'm done." I giggle finding my airpods in my bag
I put my airpods in and wear my seat belt, I find my playlist playing a song and just texting on Snapchat as he drove to wherever he was taking me.

I had drifted off and woke up the moment he stopped the car. I wiped my eyes, trying to get my eyes to focus as he got out and opened my door.
"What, you fell asleep?" He chuckled
I nodded tiredly. I had to be at college by seven in the fucking morning, I went to bed at three in the morning because well, when a movie is good, you watch the full thing. I watched more than one but we don't talk about that.
"Can you walk?" He asked
"I have no fucking clue." I yawned
"I'll carry you to the doors, deal?"
I slur something out, not even knowing what I just say, he slowly held onto my waist and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me close. I could smell his faint scent, it smelt like the rain, I love the rain. Then he sat me down at one of the tables even though he said he'd drop me by the doors. I rubbed my eyes again.
"It's so pretty here." I smile looking around
"It's one of the best restaurants in the city." He smiles
"How have I not known about this place?" I asked
"It's in a cheapy type of place so people think it's bad, it's pretty good in my opinion."
"We should play a game!" I giggle
"And what's that?" He raises an eyebrow
"Get to know Noah Anderson."
"I already know him."
"I don't."

And while our order was being made I asked him simple questions. To get him warmed up.
Age? Twenty one
Fav color? Black what a surprise
Is your hair naturally red? Yes
Hobby? Crime films why wouldn't it not be?
Favorite food? Anything that's not sour
I even went deeper into the questions and he just happily answered me.
Biggest fear? Failure
He answered all of them except family questions, I didn't push, our food came in.

Noah paid even though I said we could spilt the check, he refused and shoved the money into the waiter's hands. I followed him out when he started to walk to the nearest park. It was dark outside so I stayed close to Noah, I was wearing a black crop top and Jean shorts.

All fun and games still I heard a gun shot, I flinched and turned to Noah, he was on alert and immediately pushed me to the ground, I squeaked but Noah kept me face down.
"I'm gonna count down from three, when I say one I want you to run and hide." He says
"Shut up and do it Michael."


I didn't even turn back, I immediately fled and his behind a group of trees. I wiped my face from all the tears and mud. My clothes were also dirty, I peaked slowly through a small gap through the leaves, I couldn't find Noah anywhere. What if he died? I heard gunshots and yelling. A few faint sirens, police are probably so far away. Shit shit shit. I heard a twig snap and a male groan, it sounded like Noah's coming from my left. I turned to my left to find him laying on the ground, his hand on my stomach, I ran to him.
"Noah-" I coughed
"Michael, your meant to hide." He sighs
"I ain't leaving you here, your bleeding!" I whisper yell
"I'll be fine."
"No you won't." I gripped onto a rock. Suddenly my arms were grabbed. I looked up and immediately kicked the male, standing up and throwing the rock straight into his face, his nose was bleeding.
"Drop your weapons and put your hands up!"

Noah allowed me to hold his hand since I was afraid he'd actually die. He was okay after an hour of checkups.
"It's okay prince." He rubbed my back
"Huh?" I looked up at him
"You act like a bloody royal." He chuckles
I could tell he was shit at comforting but at least he tried.

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