Chapter Fourteen

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Noah's pov:
Michael-Rose Afton would be the death of me.
I'd known that the moment I'd set eyes on him, and my prediction was playing out in real time of devouring him. The death of my self-control, my professionalism and any sense of self-preservation I had. None of that mattered right now, when I taste how sweet he is or felt how perfectly his curves fit in my palms, like he was tailor-made for me.
Ever since I started working for him it was watching, waiting and wishing what I could possibly do to him.
Michael's arms wrapped around my neck, his body pliant beneath mine. He tasted like mint and sugar, and at that movement, it became my favorite taste in the world.
Before he could get out the pool I flipped him around, pushing him against the side of the pool and tightened my grip on his hair, my mouth not leaving his the entire time.
It wasn't a sweet kiss. It was a hard, demanding and possessive, borne our of years of pent-up frustration and tension, but Michael matched me inch for inch. He tugged on my hair in return, her tongue tangling with mine and her little moans going straight to my cock.
"Is this what you want?" I pinched his cheek.
There were other things I wanted to do on holiday, like take my sweet time exploring every inch of his luscious body.
"Yes." Michael arched into my touch
"But more, please."
I groaned. Definitely the death of me.
I gave him another hard kiss before I hooked his legs around my waist and carried him out of the pool and up the stairs to our bedroom. For what I had in mind, I needed more than a pool ledge to work with.
I placed him on the bed, soaking in how beautiful he looked. Wet hair, gleaming skin and face flushed with arousal.
I wanted nothing more than to bury myself inside him so deep he'd never forget me, but even in my lust-fuled haze, I knew that wasn't possible. Unfortunately.
If we crossed that bridge, I would never let him go, and it would ruin us both. I didn't give a shit about me. I was already ruined.
But Michael? He deserved more than me.
He deserved the world.
"Bucket list number four. Two rules." I said my words filled with gravel.
"One, if we do this, it stays here. This room, this night, we don't talk about it again. Got it?"
It was harsh, but it had to be said for both our sakes. Otherwise, I could all to easily lose myself in the fantasy of what could be, and that was more dangerous than any predator or enemy.
Michael nodded.
"Two, no fucking."
"But you said-" confusion crossed his face.
"There are other ways to make someone come, prince." I palmed his neck and swept my finger over his neck before taking a small step back.
"Now be a good boy and take off your shorts for me."
A small shiver rippled through his body, but he knelt on the bed and did as I asked. Untying the small knot on his shorts and then his bottoms with agonizing slowness.
Jesus Christ. I wasn't a religious man for obvious reasons, but if there was ever a time to believe in God, it was now.
Since I couldn't touch him with my hands, not yet, I caressed him with my eyes. Bold and rough, my gaze dragging all over his body.
"I know your a unique little bitch, you touch yourself different, don't you, whore?" I teased
"Touch yourself." I ordered.
"Let me see what you've been doing all those nights when your alone in your room."
A deep blush bloomed across his body, turning ivory into rose, and I wanted to trace it's path with my tongue. Mark him with my teeth and touch. Proclaim to the world who he belonged too, who he should belong too.
Me. I'll make him mine even if it means rules have to be broken.
My fist clenched at my sides.
Despite his blush, Michael didn't take his eyes off me as he caressed his dick, before one hand slipped behind him.

Soon, he was whimpering with pleasure, his mouth falling open and his breaths turning shallow as he jerked off and fingered himself.

Meanwhile, my eyes devoured him the way a lion would tear into a gazelle.

Fierce. Ravenous. Destructive.

My cock was hard it hurt, but I didn't touch it. Not yet.
"You thinking of me, prince?" I asked silkly
"Hmm? Are you thinking of how much you want me to pin you to the bed and tongue fuck you until you come all over yourself?"
Michael whimpered as his fingers worked faster at my filthy words. He was still kneeling, his thighs trembling from his ministrations.
"It's a yes or no question, tell me." I growled
"Who do you think about when your finger fucking your tight ass?"
Michael shuddered as his head tilted back and his eyes fluttered close.
"What am I doing to you?"
He moaned.
I stalked to the bed and grasped his chin in one hand, forcing him to meet my gaze again.
"What. Am. I. Doing. To. You."
"Fucking me." He gasped
I was close enough to smell his arousal and hear the slick sounds of his fingers sliding in and out of his hole.
"While I'm bent over that dresser, and I can see you from the mirror, behind me. Pulling my hair. Taking me from behind. Filling me with your cock."
Fuck. I hadn't come in my pants since I was in year nine, but I was already so close to blowing my load.
I could tell he was about to come, but tonight, all his orgasms belonged to me.
I pushed him down on the bed and pinned his wrists above his head, taking my belt off and deftly tying them together with my belt.
"What are you doing?" A mixture of trepidation and anticipation filled Michael's face.
"Making sure I can take my sweet time with you, prince. Now lie back and let me check off the last bucket list item for you."
I captured his mouth in another kiss before moving my way down his neck. Collarbones. Shoulders. He was panting and trying to wriggle out of his makeshift bindings, but the belt was too tight.
I stopped him and began leaving hickeys before slipped my hand in between his legs, going for his hole, I pushed one finger inside of him, then two, stretching him out.
A groan tore out my throat.
"Your so fucking tight."
"Please." Michael's skin was hot to the touch.
"I need... I need.."
"What do you need?" I kissed my way down his stomach until I reached his v-line. I pushed my fingers deeper inside him before I dragged them out, then thrust them in again. Enough to bring him to the edge, but not enough to tip him over.
"I need to come." He moaned
"Maste-, Noah, please."
"What did you just call me?" I stilled.
I lifted my head, and he stared back at me with lust and something else shining in those gorgeous blue eyes.
"No, the other name." I grabbed his neck
"Master." He repeated in a whisper
The sound of that name on his lips maybe the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
I exhaled a sharp breath before I resumed my ministrations.
"You'll come prince, but not until I say you can."
I lowered my head again and flipped him around carefully. Between me finger fucking and him on the edge, sweat dripped down his thighs.

Michael's movement's frantic and desperate, and his pleading whines grew louder.
I finally took pity on him, turning him around again, pressing my thumb on the tip of his cock and started giving a hand job until the movements made him shatter.
"Come." I ordered
The word barely left my mouth before Michael arched off the bed with a sharp cry. He came so long and hard it took a good five minutes for his trembles to subside, and the sight of him orgasming was almost enough to make forget the rule I'd imposed.
No fucking.
I untied him and stroked the faint red marks where the belt had dug into his skin.

Michael lay in a boneless heap on the bed, but when I moved to get off the bed, he stopped me.
"Your forgetting something." He stared at the obvious bulge in my pants.
"Trust me, I'm not forgetting anything." It was hard to forget when it was so hard it could hammer nails.
"Then let me take care of that for you."
I sucked in a breath when his fingers brushed against me.
"That wasn't part of the plan."
"The plan changed." Michael pulled down my pants. His eyes widening as he took in my size.
"Michael.." My protest morphed into a groan when he wrapped his arms around me.
"You said my name." He flicked his tongue over the head of my cock and lapped up the beads of pre-cum before he took me fully in his mouth.
I didn't respond. I couldn't.
Everything had ceased to exist except his warmth around my cock, and I was pretty sure heaven itself couldn't feel better than this.

My blood coursed through my veins like liquid fire and my heart pumped with a mixture of lust and something else I'd rather not name as I tangled my hands in Michael's hair.
So fucking beautiful.
He tried to fit all of me down his throat, but I was too big or the angle too awkward. He let out a small, muffled sound of frustration, and I rasped out a laugh before I withdrew and repositioned him until he layed on his back again.
"Tell me if it's too much." I slid the tip of my cock across his lips before I nudged it into his mouth. I paused ever few inches to let him acclimate to my size until I was finally, blissfully buried all the way down his throat.
Michael choked and sputtered, his eyes welling with tears and I pulled out until just the tip remained.
"Too much?"
He shook his head, his eyes dark and eager and I pushed myself inside him again with a groan.

We worked up a rhythm slowly at first, then faster as he got more comfortable. Michael's sputters gradually eased replaced with moans that sent to my vibrations shooting up my cock, and he reached down to finger himself again.
"That's it." I growled
"Take ever inch down your throat like a good boy."
Sweat beaded down on my skin as I drove in and out his mouth until I couldn't take it anymore. The silkly warmth of his mouth, the sight of him playing with himself while his throat bulged around my cock...

My orgasm slammed into me like fireworks and exploded behind my eyes. I pulled out last minute and erupted, covering his chest with thick ropes of cum. I came so fucking hard I almost collapsed.

He climbed over me, his tanned skin shinning with the dim light from the moon outside
"You've got a lot of stamina." I gasped
"Lay down. I'll make you feel good." He smirked.

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