Chapter Twelve

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Noah's pov:
Michael's family was moving back to Italy. Meaning Michael would get a new bodyguard.
"No! Why can't I choose my bodyguard, daddy!" Michael pleaded
"I said no Michael." And he kicked us both out
"I don't want you to leave." He pouts
"I don't want to leave you either, prince but it's your father's decision, he is my boss after all."
"But I don't care what he thinks! Your my bodyguard! I chose you now I can keep you!!!"
"I'm not a toy, Michael."
"You could be." He looks into my eyes then breaks into tears
I open my arms out, he hugs me tightly and I rub his back.
"Oh, it's okay Michael." I whisper
"No it isn't! I can never be happy in this family I hate it! In Italy I get treated better but I'm targeted there." He sobs
"You know your father won't budge Michael, I can't be your bodyguard after this week, you'll have a new one."
"But they're all controlling, I can't do what I want!" He coughs his mascara smudging all around his eyes

Michael calmed and ended up ringing up his cousin from Italy.
"Dante, per favore! (Dante please)" he pleads
"Non so come aiutarti Michael, non potrò corrompere lo zio. (I don't know how to help you, Michael, I won't be able to bribe Uncle)
"che ne dici di zio valentino? (What about uncle Valentino)"
"Gli passo il telefono." (I'll hand him the phone)"
"So?" I whisper
"I'm gonna bribe my uncle." He whispers back before saying hello again.

"per favore, zio, mi piace questa guardia del corpo, è gentile con me! (Please uncle, I like this bodyguard, he's nice to me.)" He sniffs
"tutte le altre guardie del corpo mi lasciano a malapena fare qualcosa da solo, ma Noah me lo permette purché sia ​​nei paraggi da qualche parte (all the other bodyguards barely let me do anything alone but Noah lets me as long as he's around somewhere)" he chews his lip

After more and more talking Michael sounds happy now.
"può restare? (He can stay)" he asks
"non mi interessa, finché è vicino a me, può essere lui il mio nuovo autista? (I don't care, as long as he's around me, can he be my driver instead?)"
"ok, grazie zio (okay, thank you uncle)"

I couldn't be his bodyguard, he'll still get a new one, but I could be his driver. His old Italian one tried to sexually assault Michael and he hasn't had a new one since, because of Michael's begging and saying he liked me I was able to be his new driver. I wouldn't be around Michael though, only when he needs to be driven somewhere.
"You'll live right next door to me! If I want to see you I'll come to your house, I don't think you'll be able to visit me in my house since well, my family is mildly overprotective over me."
"That's okay, I'm happy we can still be together somehow." I smiled
That's when I remembered what happened yesterday night.
"We have four more days before I leave, and you but yeah. You'll be my bodyguard for the last four days, I wanna do something with you." He leans back on my headboard
"Pack your stuff, I have an idea." I smirk

Michael's pov:
And with that, Noah booked a flight to Spain.
"You didn't have too, we could've just done something in England." I say
"Take this as my leaving present." He ruffles my hair
"Thank you." I smile

We landed and I was about to knock out. But I wanted to tell Noah about my bucket list. Maybe he can help me with it.
"Can I tell you something?" I ask
"Sure, what is it?" He says as he rolls both our suitcases
For once he wasn't in his black and white genre. He was wearing a grey shirt and grey sweatpants.
"I have a bucket list, four things I want to do before I leave."
"And what are those four things?" He asked checking out something and receiving keys before we were on our feet again.
"Number one is to go somewhere where no one will know who I am."
"So you don't need to worry about paparazzi?"
"Exactly, and you picked Spain, I am known here but not by many, which is good!" I giggle
"So number one is ticked off, number two?"
"Number two is too eat something, different that I've never tried before, I'm not allowed to go to other countries except from Italy or France and I barely stayed in France so I never got to try their food."
"Are you hungry right now?" He asks
"A tiny bit, why?" I ask
"We'll be walking for a while so you'll find out soon." He puts a finger to my lips, I blink.
"Number three is learn how to swim. I need to get over my fear."
"I can help you." He says
"You will?"
He smiles and nods.
"I'll tell you number four later." I smirk
"Why's that?" He chuckles
"Just." I giggle.

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