Chapter Twenty

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Michael's pov:
I was having a party at mine. For my nineteenth birthday, I invited Noah of course. The party was going well. I'd received way too many presents I had to start taking them into my room. Noah helped out so he could have more time to talk to me. It was the thirteenth time I'd walked up to my room with Noah to put presents down.
"You look happy." The firelight from the fireplace flickered over his face, casting dancing shadows over his strong jaw and chiseled cheekbones.
"Far happier than I've seen you in a long time."
He noticed. Of course he had. He was the most observant man I'd ever met.
"I love it." I admitted
A small smile touched Noah's lips.
"I always knew you'd make a great boss."
"I'm not the boss yet."
"You don't need a certificate to be a boss, prince."
The words slid over my skin, leaving a trail of tingles in their wake. I let myself soak in them for a minute before I changed the subject, painfully aware who and what we were to people.

Everyone was busy getting drunk and dancing, I stayed in the corner when Noah joined after talking to a thousand people.
"If you told me you disliked Italy, why did you choose to stay here?" I asked
Noah's expression relaxed into a smirk
"You got a real pretty face." He smirked
"I don't know, it felt right at the time."
cupping my face in his hands as he pulled me in with his foot.
"We always end up where we're meant to be." I said softly
"Maybe." His eyes lingered on mine
He disliked Italy, yet he decided to permanently stay here, for me.

Everyone was leaving now, it was three in the morning.
"Well." I forced a smile once everyone finally left and it was just me and Noah downstairs
"I should turn in for the night. Got another thousand meetings tomorrow."
"I'll walk you to your room."
The soft cream of the wooden stairs beneath our feet mingled in with the sound of our breaths. Mine shallow and Noah's deep and even.
Did he feel it? The electric current running between us?
When we arrived at my room, I didn't open the door and he didn't leave.

Noah's eyes dipped to my legs. I followed his gaze and noticed how my shorts were actually short shorts.
I should leave, but Noah's molten gaze pinned me in my place, erasing my earlier chill and leaving a deep, fiery ache in its wake.
"You know what you said earlier? About how we always end up where were meant to be?" He grazed his hand over the side of my neck, and my heart thudded so hard against my ribcage I half expected it to leap out of my chest and into his arms.
I couldn't bring myself to speak, but I managed a small nod.
The heaviness of the air caressed me like a bold lovers touch, and I knew, deep in my gut, I stood on a dangerous precipice. The slightest movement from me and I would fall.
"Perhaps.." Noah's touch skimmed down my neck and over the curve of my shoulder. I shivered, my skin blossoming with a thousand more goosebumps.
"I was always meant to find my way to you."
Oh, god.
Every ounce of oxygen disappeared from my lungs.
"You should go into your room, prince." His voice was full of travel, dark and rough.
"Go into your room and lock the door."
"I don't want too." I shook my head
Whatever was happening, it was different from Spain. We didn't have a bucket list or excuses to fall back on. It was just him and I, making a choice that had been a long time coming.
Noah groaned, and with that one sound, I knew he'd made his choice.

Breathe. Even when there was no oxygen, no air, nothing but him. Breathe.
He dipped his head, but instead of kissing my mouth, he kissed the hollow of my throat. It was so soft it was more than a whisper of breath than a kiss, it was enough to make my knees weaken.
I was a lightening rod, and Noah was the strike that lit me up from the inside out.
I closed my eyes and stifled a moan as he dragged his mouth up my neck, inch by inch. Just as the lazy possessiveness of his touch lulled me into a semi-stupor, he yanked me towards him with one hand and and sank his teeth into the curve between my neck and shoulder. Hard. Almost as hard as the thick arousal pressing against my stomach. Noah's other hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my surprise yelp.
"One last chance, prince. Tell me to stop."
I was all too aware that my parents, cousins, uncles and aunties slumbered behind the doors in either side of us. It would only take take one late night bathroom break, one light sleeper to hear us and blow the situation to hell.
But somehow, the danger only intensified the thrill running through my veins.
Noah hissed out a breath and released my throat, only to curl around the back of my neck. He yanked me to him again, crushing my mouth to his, and my world imploded.
Tongues, teeth and hands. We devoured each other like the world would end and this was our last chance to feel something. Perhaps it was. but I wouldn't think about that now, not when our bodies pressed so tight against each other we might as well be one, and I was falling, falling into an abyss I never wanted to get out of.
I tugged on Noah's hair, desperate for more. More of his touch, his taste, his scent. I wanted to fill every inch of my soul with this man.
He drew my bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. I gasped, so aroused I could feel my wetness slicking my thighs.
"Quiet." He rasped
"Or someone will hear." He swept his palm up my inner thigh to my dick and let out a low groan when he discovered how wet I was.
"Your killing me prince."

He rubbed his thumb over the tip of my dick through my drenched boxers, and I fought back a moan as I arched into his hand. He slid my boxers to the side, and-
A bed creaked behind the door next to mine.
Noah and I froze in unison, our breathing harsh.
We'd gotten so wrapped up in what we were doing we'd forgotten all about the people sleeping just a feet away.
We heard another creak, followed by the shuffle of someone getting out of bed. Francis, if the direction of the sound was any indication.
Noah cursed under his breath and pulled his hand away. It was the smart thing to do, but I still wanted to weep at the loss of contact.
He opened the door to my room behind me and gently pushed me inside.
"Tomorrow night. Gazebo." He said in a low voice
"We'll go together."
There was a gazebo behind an abandoned farm fifteen minutes away from our houses.
"And prince.. Don't bother wearing any underwear."
The throbbing between my legs intensified.
Noah closed my door right as Francis opened. Their voices filtered through wood as I tiptoed to my bed and climbed in, my head spinning from the events of the past hour.
Would the pleasure be worth the eventful pain?
I only had to listen to the frantic beats of my heart to know the answer.

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