Chapter Eleven

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Idea from - XxKrewxX
Y'all ain't getting the full smut scenes x
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
Noah's pov:
"You look messed up." He says fixing my hair
I fucked myself twice before I drove back here. I barely slept a wink.
"It's no big deal, I wanna ask you something." I say
I want to know how he actually ended up in that lake. Who did it and why. When I found his location, I heard sirens but no one was around, meaning to culprit must of ran off.
"What's is it?" He asks smiling sweetly, he's so cute.
"Do you remember what happened during that drowning incident?"
For a second he looks like I just told him he's been diagnosed with cancer. He steps away.
"I-" he chews on his bottom lip
He hesitates for a moment, he shuts his eyes and then takes three deep breathes, each of them shaky.

"Okay." He breathes again
I waited patiently, I had a feeling it's something that involved me, that's why he looks so afraid to tell me.
"I was at the mall, on my way out a group of men grabbed me, they took me to this dirty alleyway. Then there was this blonde girl, she was tanned and had blue eyes, she had a necklace that had the letter D on it. She grabbed me by my neck saying-"
"D? What."
Fucking Diana. Little bastard. She's the fucking reason he almost died. That's why she looked like she was thinking about something yesterday, it wasn't about my fucking dick she was trying to hide the fact she almost killed my fucking client.
Diana your so fucking dead when I see your sorry ass.
"Y-yes, she started saying if I was the person that uhm kissed you, she knew it was me and then the whole gang including her started to beat me, with a metal bat or something, I don't remember clearly."
Explains the brain damage.
"I was really dizzy when they stopped, two men grabbed me and they threw me into a van, they drove to the lake at peel park. I thought this was my chance, you know? To die. It's not like anyone really wanted me alive, you were mad at me, daddy was always busy, my mom and sister hated me to bits and my younger brother was away in Italy. My cousins were with him, I had no one, so I allowed them to drown me, I didn't fight back, mostly because I was weak too but because I wanted to die. I was close to dying when someone grabbed me but then I knocked out, they looked like you."
He wanted to die.
He wanted to fucking die because he thought nobody liked him.
He wanted to die because he thought I was mad at him.
If you add it all up together, I could've been the only source of happiness but because of Elizabeth and Mrs Afton, I left him.
"It was me." I stand up
"But, you hated me?" He blinks at me innocently
"I didn't. I found your location and managed to grab you before you actually died." I explain
"Oh." He chews his lips again
He looks pale, and tired. Then he drops, I catch him, his slow, soft breathing touching my skin. I slowly pick him up and lay him down. He still is recovering from the incident, so that's probably why he fainted. I should go confront Diana. But then I had a better plan. Something that'll make her blood boil.

"You'll actually drink with me?" He asks excitedly
"Mhm." I smile
I just need to make sure I don't drink way too much that I end up fucking Michael all the way to his death. He gasps excitedly, going to his fridge and taking out two wine bottles.

Michael was incredibly drunk, I was tipsy but not drunk. He climbed onto my lap and immediately started to unbutton my shirt. I let him, placing my hands on his waist. He started to bite my neck, kissing each small hickey right after, then he lifted his head up and smiled, his smile has never looked sweeter.
"Can I kiss you?" He hiccups
I smirk, nodding. He claps his hands excitedly before placing his lips right onto mine. That was only then did I realize he made me drink more. Fuck it.

"N-noah~" he throws his head back, whining.
He looks so pretty under me. His legs tremble with pain and pleasure, he grips onto his sheets hard, I make him let go, pinning his arms above his head, he whimpers, rolling his hips, years rolling down his cheeks.
All for me.
The door swings open, a female gasp. Michael moans not caring, he's to worked up to notice.
"Noah! What the hell is this." She shouts walking to us.
I hide Michael under the sheets.
"What about it." I reply
She can see me naked but she will not see him naked. She tries pulling the sheets away but I slap her.
"Your not allowed to look at him." I pull out and slowly pick up Michael as he squirms, trying to stay awake.
"Your cheating on me!" She yells
"No shit." I roll my eyes and rub Micheal's back, he squirms again, slowly calming himself down, he takes my hand and plays with my fingers.
"But why?" She bites her lip
"Because, I never fucking loved you, D. I was forced to fucking date you, but that's gonna change now. My dad's dead, he can't control me no more, meaning our relationship is done, it's over, D. I didn't love you, I never will. I'm not the bad guy either. Don't act like you didn't fucking beat my client, let alone drown him." I slip on my pants, slowly laying Michael down, he sleeps peacefully.
"So? He fucking kissed you." She folds her arms
"I allowed him too." I stand up, moving slowly so he wouldn't wake up.
"But, that's not what Elizabeth told me."
"Why would you fucking believe a fifteen year old who hates her brother?" I raise an eyebrow
She's dumbfounded now.
"You drowned my client."
"You cheated on me!"
"Really? I cheated, huh?" I chuckle
"Yes! With that bitch you so called "client." I just fucking caught you Noah. "
"Did you? Or did you purposely come here because you just finished having sex with older men at the club, huh?"
"Are you accusing me?"
"Look at your outfit, your hair, your sweating, your not even wearing underwear which is disgusting." I roll my eyes
"So technically, if we're bringing cheating matters into this, you've been hooking up with other men, who are twice your age, for three years straight, and then you fucking wonder why I didn't want to have sex with you, disgusting whore."
She still doesn't respond.
"We're over, leave."

I should've just killed her, right then and there, but I had a different idea. For now, I need to make sure Michael's hangover isn't bad.

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