Chapter One

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Idea to make this au into a book - 0Veins
Michael's pov:
My favorite day. To choose one of my bodyguards to become my personal bodyguard. Being a bodyguard and being my personal bodyguard were two different things. Being my bodyguard meant to drive me and protect me while being my personal bodyguard meant that they could, buy me stuff, hold me, come into my room, drive me, eat with me, protect me. They all stood straight, arms behind their back, head high, all in line for me to choose. Daddy watched smoking his cigarette. I fixed my heels and began walking past.
"Horrible posture, horrible hair, oof you almost killed me last time" I sighed
"Your struggling to stand, your breathe stinks, you have a shit family history, your really ugly, no offense.. You suck at driving."
I reached to the end when I saw a bodyguard I didn't recognize.
"Are you new?" I asked
"Yes, Michael." He bowed
"Ah yes, I haven't told you about this dear haven't I?" Daddy walks to me.
"Who is he?" I asked
"He's new, firefly, rich as well."
"Name?" I turned to him
He had red hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, he had a scar that went across his cheek, he wore a sliver chain, he had muscles that were easily shown by the blazer. He wasn't that ugly. Actually he was kinda my type... No. He's my bodyguard.
"Noah Anderson." He stated
Daddy had left. Meaning I could flirt. I grabbed him by his tie, long eye lashes. Gee he's actually extremely hot.
"You can be my personal bodyguard cutie." I wink
He grabs me by waist and pulls me closer to me, lifting my chin. Oh shit. I blushed.
"Don't think you can treat me like your other bodyguards. I won't let that slide pretty boy."
Pretty boy. OH MY GOD. I bit my lip and gulped. Shit my lips were almost touching his. His lips were pinky redish.
"Your getting red, what's the matter?" He raises an eyebrow
"I- uhm-" I gulped
I don't know maybe you just physically turned me on just by flirting me in the hottest way possible, what's your dick size?
"Hm?" He leaned in closer
I pecked his lips, he smirked but let me go, I quickly ran off with no hesitation.

I've been screaming for about an hour or more I think. I'm imagining way too many dirty things with him that I had to use a vibrator to distract me. This is not me. What did daddy do? Order a really hit sexy fuck boy that looks really daddy and I need him in me like seriously like this isn't even healthy, what the fuck is wrong with me, I need to do some online shopping or I'm gonna go insane.

Okay I'm calm. My door opens, Noah. OH COME ON I JUST CALMED DOWN.
"Is there anything you need?" I asked
Please say you want me.
"It's your dinner time." He says
"Oh okay, I'll be right there." I sigh and get up
Let's not mention the fact that I'm wearing a crop top that I cut up myself and shorts, I walked but I couldn't help to stare at him, oh god is he staring at me? Please stare at my ass it could be yours, your making my life extremely difficult and I've only just met you. I quickly fix myself up by throwing a fountain full of cold water onto my face my top was soaked.
"What's wrong with you?"
I screamed only to realize Noah was leaning on the door frame, arms folded his muscles looked soooo, Michael stop it.
"Oh uhm nothing, just hot-"
I scurried past him and locked myself in my wadrobe. I'm gonna look hot for my new daddy I mean bodyguard.

I chose a black crop top, white shorts and some jewelry. I did my makeup again, I took a deep breathe and unlocked the door, walking to the dinning room.

Daddy showed me Noah's files. He wasn't that bad. He's perfect for the job, not like I'd fire him either.
"I got to go firefly, need to pick your mother from the club" daddy stood up as the maid took his plate
"Okay, bye daddy! Love you" I blew him a kiss
"Love you too firefly." He blew me a kiss back before leaving. Noah was near the door, on alert. My breathing sounded a bit weird. It was more high pitched, I also felt light headed. I can't breathe.
"Are you okay?" He came over me
I shook my head keeping my hand around my neck. His eyes widened, he made me stood up.
"Your lips are turning blueish- oh god, your choking." He gasped
My face was heating up, I wanted to cry but I couldn't. A Maud had brought up a bowl. Noah's arms wrapped around my waist as he held onto my chest pushing sorta.
"Spit it out Michael." He says hitting my back
I gripped onto my thigh, I spat out the bit of steak I probably didn't chew properly. I dropped to the ground, I was shaking. Noah crouched down, lifting my chin as he tipped the water bottle to my lil, the cool water going into mouth.
"Slowly" he whispered
My hand was on his, he rubbed my fingers with his thumb. He moved the bottle away handing it to the maid as another one came to take my plate.
"Are you okay?" He asked gently
I moved closer to him, my head leaning on his chest, his arms wrapped around me, I stayed there in silence breathing quietly. A few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What happened to my son?" Daddy asked
"He choked, he's still calming down, he's okay." Noah explained
"Firefly?" Daddy lifted my chin
I squirmed, lifting my arms up, Noah's arms moved away from me as he scooted to get up, daddy picked me up, rubbing my back.
"Thank you Noah, for helping him." Daddy nodded
"It's my duty, Mr Afton." He bowed

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