Chapter Sixteen

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Ideas from - XxKrewxX and JaeMarie886
First part is Krew's idea and the second part is Jae's idea x
This is also inspo from my man cuz yesterday he told me he'd go to a book shop w me and would listen to me talk abt books than me being like all the other girls in our school (popular ones) where they js like to go to Primark and wear Nike and stuff 💀 I'M NOT TRYNA BE DIFFERENT BY SAYING I'M NOT LIKE OTHERS GIRLS BTW.
Michael's pov:
It was our very last day in Spain before I moved to Italy. And I created one more item on my bucket list.
"Noah, I have a new thing I want to do before we leave." I say watching as he sprayed his cologne at his neck
"Bucket list number five, eh? What is it then?" He smiles
"To ask my crush out." I chewed my lips
His muscles tensed. I took a deep breathe.
"So, Noah, will you be my secret boyfriend?"
Silence filled the room for two very long minutes. I chewed onto my nails. Please say yes. He sets his cologne down on the desk, walking towards me he gently lifts my chin, I stare into his eyes. God, I never expected blue eyes to be that blue. Baby blue but brighter, his eyes glistened with the sunlight making his eye colour look more bright, almost white. His pupil grew, our faces almost touching, I was touching his nose with mine. With that, I took the risk and gave him a small peck on the lips.
If there was a world record for the longest eye contact, we would've won. He pulls me closer, just by an inch, my lips are touching his pink lips. You could make a lipstick shade out of our lip colours. His lips are placed onto mine, for a long hot minute I freeze, his warm lips tingle against mine, almost like a lip plumper. Who needs lip balm when I have his lips? His arms wrap around my waist and pull me so close I could collide into him. The fresh smell of freshly open books and the smell of rain fill my nose.

He finally let's go, I flutter my eyes open and stare into his eyes, I could stare at them all day. He tucks my hair behind my ears and plants a kiss on my forehead.
"Yes." He whispers, kissing my nose that it tickles.
"You smell like books." I hug him
"Book shop date, me and you, at twelve." He kisses the back of my neck as he hugs me back
"Your so precious, it hurts Noah. I want you to be mine only but there's things that are taking me away from you. I want to stay here, with you." I blink away my tears
"It's okay, we'll keep this relationship a secret, alright? Your mine and I'm yours, that's final."
"But what if, we..." I stop myself from finishing my sentence
"Break up? No. We won't. We fight, we'll talk it out. I'm gonna make you mine Michael-Rose Afton, you just need to be patient for me, understand?"
I nod.

"Can you help me put this bow on Noah?" I asked blinking at him as he turned his phone off
"Sure." He smiled taking the black bow from my hands and slowly gathering my hair together before putting the bow on.
"Ready to go?" He asks
I smile and nod, taking his hand as he leads me out.

He listened to me the whole time, as I just completely talked about fictional men and how they acted to their girlfriends, he'd even agree with me sometimes which only made me talk more. While I payed with his card he went and bought me Starbuck's, he was so perfect in every single small way.

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