Chapter Thirteen

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Michael's pov:
We were walking for ages, my legs were aching, I was dehydrated and starving. Noah eventually agreed to carrying me and we stopped at a really pretty restaurant, the interior was stunning. It was a red and white theme with brown tables. Noah dropped me down and I sat opposite him when a lady in her sixties came to us.
"Noah, qué lindo verte de nuevo. (Noah, oh how lovely to see you again.)" The waiter hugged him
"Hola mamá (hello mama)" he smiles
Oh so that's his mum. They do look similar, they have the same coloured eyes.
"Y tú quién eres, niño hermoso? (And who are you, beautiful boy)" she smiles lifting my chin
"Mamá, este es Michael. (Mama, this is Michael.)" Noah introduces, I smile and wave at her
"Estás saliendo con mi hijo? (You dating my son?)" She asks
I shake my head.
"Él es solo mi cliente y amigo, mamá. (He is just my client and friend, mama.) " Noah chuckles
"Cuándo me traerás a tu ser querido? Tus veintidós Noah encontrarán a alguien. (When will you bring me your loved one to me, your twenty two Noah, find someone." She ruffles Noah's hair
"pronto, mamá. (Soon mama)"

We order and Noah tells me more about his mum. He used to work alongside his mum before he moved to England to be apart of the military.
"How come you decided to quit serving the military then?" I ask
"It was too much to handle for me." He sighs
"Oh, I can tell."
"Then I became working as a bodyguard." He fixes his hair
That's when Noah's mum comes to us setting down our food.

"Did you like the food?" Noah says on our way back
"I loved it!" I smile
"That's good."
Number one and two, checked.

When we made it too our house, I was flabbergasted.
"Woah." I gasped
"Wait till you see the inside, prince."
It was like a four story mansion, it was so modern. I've never seen anything like that before. I followed Noah inside and it was even better inside, the interior was fresh and new.
"This is my house. Mine and my mom's, she'll join us soon."
"It's so..."
"Let's go to our room." He laughs
"We're sharing a room?" I ask

There was a pool in Noah's backyard, it was so blue and massive. I wanted to go into it but it also looked so damn deep. What if I end up almost drowning, yet again.
"You wanna go in there today?" He asks yawning and stretching as he fixes his bed hair
"I'm afraid I might drown again." I reply
"That's why I'll be there with you, in the pool, it's warm anyways, actually hot like shower water heat. You can just concentrate on how hot it is instead." He smiles ruffling my hair
"Okay." I chew my lip

Noah told me after I got changed to put my feet in the water, he was right. It was hot. His backyard had such a beautiful view, I could see a load of things and it looked like I was at the end of the world. Then I got a tap on my shoulder which broke me out my day dream, I looked up to see it was Noah. Woah.

Broad shoulders, perfectly sculpted muscles, abs it could be possible to grate cheese on. Masculine perfection.

I've never been so eager to come. Tattoos swirled across his chest, both biceps and one on the side of his rib cage and a deep V cut towards what, yeah. What an impressive package.

"Quit staring and get in the water." He goes in himself before opening his arms out for me.
I felt way more calmer. I slid in as Noah catches me. Shit he's so hot.
"Okay, I'll teach you how too swim, first, do you know how to float?" He asks
He swims to a black box and pulls out two orange things before coming back to me, he gestures to lift my arms out and I do.
"These will help you for now." He smiles

Noah taught me how to float, eventually I didn't need the extra floaties. Soon I got the hang of actually being able to swim.
"Your a fast learner." He chuckles
I smile, his eyes twinkle in happiness.
"Now, tell me, what was number four on your bucket list?" He asks
I blush.

Noah's pov:
He blushes, his natural rosey cheeks brighten. He looks so perfect. I want to have sex with him again. We didn't talk about what happened that night, he might not even remember, he was way too drunk.
"I want to have an orgasm, that I haven't achieved myself." He blushes
I blush myself, the thought of him masturbating rushed through my mind. Fucking hell I'm hard.
He wants you to help him, dumbass.
Oh fuck. He wants me to make him come.
"Get out the pool." I say

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