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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
Thursday 10:30

i had just got off of work & to say i  was exhausted was a understatement , i had 5 surgeries i honestly was just ready to go home & go to sleep .

i reached into my purse and grabbed my keys to unlock my black g wagon , my brother brought me it for me as a gift after i finished nursing school.

as i got into my car , i connected my phone to the car and before i could start playing music my bestfriend started to call my phone

" bitchhhh let's go out tonight" yaya said to me

" girll , im tired as fuck" i yawned

yaya was my bestfriend , we met during our first years of college , we been inseparable since

" pleaseeee , when can leave at a reasonable time" yaya said as she made a puppy dog face

i laughed cause i knew she was lying

" girl i guess " i said

" yayy i'll pick you up in a hour " yaya said

" okay , see you then" i said before hanging up & turning on some music

i pulled out of the parking i noticed i needed gas so i pulled into the nearest gas station

i got out the car & look at the pump number and walked inside the gas station, i went to the drink section grabbing a sprite and a red bull

" can i get 30 on pump 4" ? i asked the cashier

" yes is that it?" the cashier asked

" yes and this stuff" i said putting it on the counter

" your total is $36.35 , cash or card"

" card" i said as i did tap to pay

" thank you have a good day" the cashier said

" you too" i said as i walked out

as i walked out i went to put the bag in my car & started to pump my gas

" lemme help you with that" some dude said

i looked up and saw tony , tony was a homeless guy but he also was so sweet

" thank you tony" i said as i handed him the gas pump

" mimi what have i told you" tony asked

" to be careful at night" i said

tony nodded as he was finished putting the gas in the tank

i reached into my purse handing tony $50

" thank you mimi" tony said before walking off

i got back into my car & opened my red bull and started driving to towards my house


it was currently 11:45 and yaya called me saying she was down the street so i grabbed my black purse & put everything i needed in there mace , lipgloss , money & my id

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