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ka'zier ( k3) mitchell
friday 5:23 pm

" ka'zier slow down and use your hands" naomi said

" ma relax" i said while chuckling

" i value my life" she said

" y'know i value your life also" i said as i laughed

i looked in my rear view mirror heard sirens  & my smile faded

" bra what the fuck" i said as i pulled over

" relax ma , put this in your purse" i said handing her my gun

without no hesitation she did it

" Mr.mitchell" the officer said looking in the car

i looked & chuckled

it was officer mike , nigga been out to get me since forever racist ass nigga

" whos this pretty lady ? what corner did you pick her up from?" the officer said

" play wit me if you want bitch" i said

" step out" the officer said

i stepped out , & my placed my hands on the car

he began to pat me down

" this that drug money huh?" the officer said taking bands out of my pocket

" eat my dick" i said

" hands behind your back" he said

i did that & he cuffed me throwing me to the ground

" come out the car lady" the officer said referring to naomi

she out got the car

"hand me the purse" he said

she looked at me & i nodded

he searched the purse , finding nothing but her wallet, perfume and her other stuff

i was dead confused

" get up boy" he said as he grabbed me taking the cuffs off

" bet not let me catch yu pussy" i said as i got in the car

" is that a threat?" the officer asked

" its a promise" i said

he walked away & naomi got in the car

" baby look at your face" she said as she grabbed it

" im fine ma" i said

she grabbed a wipe out of her purse and began to clean my face

" yu look all better" she said

" thanks ma" i said with a small smile

" ohh here yu gooo" she said reaching under the seat

i chuckled

" thanks ma" i said with a chuckle

" can we go home" she asked

" yeah" i said

not longer after , we made it home

" cmon mama lets get in the shower" i said

" carry me pleaseee" she said

i carried her , without second thought

" wait i didnt think you'd actually do it" she said

i chuckled as i locked the door & went upstairs

" yu want me to undress you also?" i said with a smirk

" no" she chuckled

i laughed

she went to the bathroom and turned the shower on

" hurry up ka'zier" she said

i chuckled as i went inside the bathroom , she was already in the shower

" damn ma watchu do run in here" i said

" shut up" she said as she laughed

i undressed and got ina shower

" wash my back please" she said

" lemme eat it" i said

" youre like obsessed with my cooter" she said

i chuckled

" your cooter be talking to me" i said

" what she be saying?" she asked

" she be saying please eat me" i said

" boyyy" she said as she laughed

" ma yu so sexy , yu make my dick hard everytime i see you i be ready ta buss" i said

" lets wash upppppp" she said

we washed , brushed our teeth then went to bed

" bae we be in the bed at 6 like we old and married" she said

i chuckled as i laid my head on her chest , as black-ish was playing in the background

" bae?" naomi said

" yes ma?" i said

" he seemed to know yu" she said

" whom?" i questioned

" the officer.. he called yu by your last name" she said

" he been dick eating" i said

" yu have to stop talking to police like that" she said

" naw .. they think cs they got badge they gon run shit" i said

" thought yu was going to hurt him lol" she said

" i was , but not infront of yu" i said

" meaning yu are going to eventually?" she asked

" get yu sum business" i said

she laughed

" i think im about to take a nap" i said

" ill be here when yu wake up" she said

i nodded and drifted off to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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