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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
tuesday ( same day) 3:45

it was currently 3;45 , the boys have been gone for a li min , i was bored out of my mind on instagram watching people's stories when one story caught my attention

" i know you fucking lyingggg" i said

i was on one of my childhood friends story , she became a stripper & guess who i see in her backgrounddd k3's dumbass talking to some female

i shook my head before getting on the uber app & calling me an uber , 15 mins goes pass & my uber is finally here , i grabbed all of my purse before going out said

" you must be naomi" the uber driver said she was a middle aged white woman , she was pretty also

" that's me" i smiled as i got in the car

" would you like to listen to some music?" she asked

" no thank you" i said

" ok let me know if you need anything" she said

i nodded

i pulled out my phone & blocked k3 on everything & not too long after that, we pulled into my driveway

" is there a way i can tip you?" i asked her

" there is but i won't need it" she said

i nodded before getting out , walked into my house before going to sit in the living room

" lemme call my best" i said as i tapped on yaya contact & letting it ring

" heyy bestieee" i said

" hey girlyyy wydn?" yaya asked

" nothing wydn?" i asked

" girl in the house bored as fuck" yaya said

" some new shoes came out , wan go get them?" she asked

" yes , i'll meet you at the mall in 15 mins" i said

she nodded & hung up

i hurried & went upstairs to change out of k3's sweatpants & putting on some tights with some af1 so it can match the essential hoodie

i grabbed my keys & got in my car , turning on my
playlist & driving to the mall , when i got into the mall it was packeddd

i grabbed my phone & calling yaya to see where she was at .

" where you at?" i asked

" by the lego store" she said

i nodded & hung up cause as i approached the store i saw her

" hey girly" i said as we hugged

" heyy" she said

" let's go get some food first" she said

i nodded as we started to walk toward panda express , when we got there we order our food & waited in line for it , not long after we got our food & sat down

" soo what's newww" yaya said

" nothing really" i said

" how are you & k3?" she asked

" that's done for" i said

" whattttt?" she asked

" yeah , i was on trishas story & guess who was in her background talking to some female" i said

" i know you fucking lyingggg" she said

" i wish i was but nope" i said

we continued to catch up on what was going on in eachothers life , we finally finished our food & was walking into the shoe store

" meet me back here in 15 mins i wanna look at all the shoes they have here " yaya said

i nodded as i walked into the store , i grabbed the new "frozen moments 4's" , some new black crocs & some ethika underwear & a pair of new balances

9 mins goes by & i finally made it to the register

" you're total is $537 cash or card" the cashier said looking above me

" card" i said confused on why he is looking up when i'm right here

" ok you can pay now"

before i could pay i felt someone press against me & use their card to pay i turned around to see who it was & i grew irritated

" here's your bags" the worker said & i grabbed them & walked out

" you know most people say thank you" k3 said

"leave me alone k3" i said as i looked a him

his face scrunched up

i turned around & kept walking before he gently grabbed my arm

i turned around & looked at him

" yo wats wrong?" he asked

" how'd you know where i was?" i asked him

" yaya" he said

i nodded

" what's wrong naomi?" he asked again

" nothing" i said completely lying through my teeth

he shook his head

" why i'm blocked?" he asked

" what did you do today?" i asked completely ignoring his question

" went to the trap & went to go see somebody" he said

i nodded

" is you gon tell me why you blocked me?" he asked

i pulled out my phone & showed him trishas story

he looked at me & didn't say anything

i chuckled and walked away

"yoo wait" he said as he jogged behind me a grabbed my hand again

"k3-" i started to say before he cut me off

" hear me out" he said looking sincere

i looked at him

" it's nothing like that , she was someone i used to fuck with a long time ago & she keep telling people she's pregnant with my child" he said

" but you said you was a virgin" i said

" i am , i was there tell her stop lying" he said looking at me sincere

i nodded

we made our way to my car & driving to my house, the ride was silent as we pulled into my driveway no one said a word

making my way upstairs i got in the shower & put on some comfortable clothes & got in bed , i guess ka'zier left cause he was no longer in my room

i sighed before laying down , i almost fell asleep before someone else got in my bed

i looked up at ka'zier

he looked at me then layed next to me

" ka'zier i'm sorry for today" i said

" let me know fa real, do you like me?" he asked

i shook my head yes

" you gotta trust me onnis , we too old to be playing with eachothers feelings" he said

" you're righ" i said

" unblock me fareal" he said

" i've already did" i said

" why you do far , cmere" he said as he pulled me onto him

i looked up at him & kissed him

he smiled

" goodnight" i said

" goodnight ma" he said

not too long after we fell asleep

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