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ka'zier ( k3) mitchell
tuesday 11:00 am

waking up i notice naomi laying on my chest , she was still sleeping but there was a small and faint's snores coming from her .

i chuckled before grabbing my phone looking at the messages before someone called me

" yo" i said into the phone

" can you drop off?" the feen asked

" iah be over der lata on today" i said before hanging up & getting on tiktok, after a couple mins went by naomi woke up

i looked down at her & smirked

" wha happened to taking things slow" i asked

" you know most people start off with a goodmorning" she said

i laughed

" goodmorning ma" i said as i hugged her waist as i was looking at down at her

" goodmorningg" she said as she held onto me & looked up

we started to pull closer to each other before she pulled away again , i looked at her confused

" what's wrong?" i asked

" i have morning breath" she said

i chuckled before grabbing her neck & finally kissing her , her lips was soft asl

" mm" she moaned

i chuckled & pulled away

" you gotta chill fa you start sumn" i said

she laughed

" boy whateverr" she said

i shook my head & laughed

" i have a question" she said

" waddup?" i asked

" how many bodies do you have?" she asked

" in which way" i asked

" cmon you know which way" she said

"0" i said answering honestly

she looked at me shocked

" honestly?" she asked

" i promise you" i said

she nodded

" how bout you?" i asked cause now i was curious

" in which way?"she asked copying me

i shook my head & laughed

"0 also" she said

i nodded & licked my lips before i looked at her and pulling her in for another kiss , afta the kiss she pulled away & was looking at me

" what's wrong?" i asked

" i need a toothbrush" she said

" righ cmon , follow me" i said as we got up & went into the bathroom

" here you go" i said as i handed her the toothbrush walked out going to my closet & grabbing us sumn ta wear

i grabbed her some sweatpants & a black essential hoodie wit a new pair of ethikas & socks , i basically grabbed the same thing but i gotta tan essential hoodie instead

i walked into the bathroom handing her the clothes and a towel before walking out & going to my other bathroom

about 45 mins later we was done with showering, so now we was in my car listening to music before i turned the music down a li

" you hungry?" i said

& she shook her head no i nodded as i pulled into mcdonald's

" welcome to mcdonald's what can i get for you" the person asked

" lemme get 2 hasbrowns & 2 of them breakfast sandwiches but i want it as a bacon egg and cheese with 1 larger orange juice" i said

" ok your total is 19.33" the person said

" igh say nomo" i said before pulling up to pay & get my food , the person handed me my food then i pulled away & started to drive

i started to use my knees to start driving as i grabbed the food out the bag

" can i get some?" she said

i chuckled & handed her the bag

" i knew you was gon ask , so i ordered you the same thing" i said

she smiled

like 11 mins passed by & we were by her brothers house pulling into the driveway & getting out

we walked onto the porch before naomi knocked on the door

" js walk in" i said

" no that's rude" she said

not long after bando answered the door

" nigga are you ever at your house?" i asked

he laughed

" get off my dick" bando said as he stepped aside so we can walk in

" hey brandon , you smell good " naomi said as she hugged him

" waddup mimi , prsh8 it" bando said

i wondered if they ever had anything going on

" where's my bubby?" she asked

" ina living room high es" bando said

she shook her head as we walked into the living room

" waddup sis" mir said as he got up to hug her then sitting back down

" hey bubby" she said

" look at y'all matching" mir said

" ian een peep that" bando said

i smiled as i looked at her

" cmon we gotta make a drop" bando said

i looked at him then at naomi who was already looking at me

" ighh cmon" mir said

" iah be right back" i said to naomi as i kissed & hugged her

" be safe" she said

" always" i said before i walked out getting in bando's car before punching bando ona arm

" wdf" bando said

" stop saying that shii infront naomi" i said

" mmtch she don't care" bando said

" that's not da point , i care ion wan her to be involved with this shi" i said

" k3 right" mir said

" mttch whatever" bando said

not long after we pulled up at the trap , honestly i was just ready to go see naomi

damn , shawt really be on my mind heavy

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