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Friday 10:30 pm

today was really a chill day , me & ka'zier went to the fair and also went out to eat , now we was getting ready for bed

" ma" ka'zier said

"yes?" i said

" i can't stay the night tonight" he said

i looked up at him

" what ? why?" i said

" i gotta go handle business"

i nodded

" you ain gon say nun?" he asked

i shook my head no

" mmtch talk ta me ma" he said as he sat on the bed

" how long are you gonna be gone for?" i asked

he shrugged

" i honestly don't know" he said

i nodded

" can you wait until i go to sleep to leave?" i asked

" fashoo ma" he said

we layed down & talked before i drifted off to sleep

i felt ka'zier kiss my forehead

" please call me so i can know you're ok" i said tiredly

he nodded

" go back ta sleep , ima lock the doors" he said

" okay" i said

i went to sleep before my alarm clock went off

it was time for me to go to work , i checked my phone & saw that ka'zier texted me


im igh , have a good night at work mama

thanks for letting me know be safe

always , iloveyou

i love you moreee . 💙


i exited the message thread & went to go get dress for work & going to my car

i stopped at the gas station, before driving to work because i was low on gas

as i arrived to work i saw my coworker dre

" hey nurse smith" dre said

i sent him a friendly wave & kept on walking

once i reached my office , i went to go check on the patients making sure they was okay

when i was finally done doing that i heard nurses yelling

" code blue , code blue" they were yelling

i jogged towards the waiting room to see what was going on

i saw the people i was least expecting

i saw amir & brandon with blood on them

they looked at me with a defeated face

"amir.." i started to say

" they got him" amir said quietly

" they got who amir!" i yelled hoping it wasn't ka'zier

" k3" brandon said , you can tell he's been crying by the way he sounded

" no i was just texting him-" i said before i stopped

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