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6:00 pm
1 month lateerrr

" how was school?" i asked lilli as she sat ina front

ian mind her sitting in the front as long she had her seatbelt on, lilli was in first grade & she was honestly really smart fa ha age

she begged to go to a after school program with her friends so we let her , now she don't get home till around 6

"good" she said not sounding happy like she usually does

i glanced at her then at the road

" what's wrong li lady?" i asked her

she looked like she wanted to say sumn but she was too hesitant to

" is everything ok" i asked her

she shook her head no

" i gotta know what's wrong in order to help you" i said

" why can't i be like everyone else?" she asked

" wha do you mean?" i asked as i pulled into the driveway

" everyone else has dads and moms but i dont" she said looking at me

" it ain nun wrong watchu, wha happened at school? " i asked

" there's a dance tomorrow for daddy's and daughter's but i don't have a dad" she said

i nodded

" iah go witchu" i said ta her

" it daddy and daughters not daughters and ka'zier" she said

i chuckled

" i have a ideaaa" she said

" lemme hear it" i said

" you be my dad just for tomorrow " she said as she smiled

" yeah?" i said

" yesssss you will be the best dad" she said

" igh let's go tell naomi we need to look for a suit & a dress" i said as i got out & helped lilli out the front

she held my hand as we walked in

" naomiii where are youuu" lilli said

i chuckled

" in the living room" naomi said

lilli let go of my hand and ran to the living room, with me following behind her

" how was school?" naomi asked lili

" it was bad because i don't have a dad but kd'ziers  my dad for a day" lilli said

naomi looked at me confused

" go get ina bath, dinner ah be ready" i said to lilli

" okayyy" with that lilli ran upstairs

" you're her dad for a day?" naomi asked

i chuckled

" i guess so" i said

" how did that conversation start?" naomi asked as she chuckled

" there's a father daughter dance tomorrow and she asked if i could be her dad for tomorrow" i asked

" ohhhh , what are yall gonna wear?" naomi asked

i looked at her & smiled

" i was hoping you could help" i said

" ohhh really" naomi said

" mhm" i leaned in & kissed her

" you'll be a great father even if it's for 1 day" naomi said

" i hope , ian have a father growing up so i know what's like to grow up like that" i said

she hugged me

" don't over think it , tomorrow will be fun" naomi said as she slap my chest

" wha was that for" i asked

" stop letting her sit in the front seat" naomi said

" mmtchh stop hating" i said

" yeah stop hating" lilli said as she came downstairs in her pajamas

we laughed

" im so excited for tomorrowwww" lilli said

i laughed

" me too li lady" i said

" im soo hungry my stomach touching my back" lilli said

" girlll" naomi said as she laughed

" you said what?" i said

" my stomach is touching my back" lilli repeated

i laughed

" the foods on the table come on" naomi said as we all walked to the dinning room table & sat down

" hold hands" lilli said

we prayed over our meal & lilli picked up on it

" god is gracious , god is good thank you lord for the meal you place in front of my amazing family" naomi said

" amen" we all said even lilli

" do i have to eat my green beansss" lilli asked

" yes you do li lady" i said

" i guesss" she said

i swear she's a grown lady in a little girls body

" i have to go into work tomorrow" naomi said

i nodded

" ill still be able to help yall find y'all's outfit" naomi said

" you wear black i wear white" lilli said as she pointed at me

i put my hand up in defense

" whatever you say goes" i said

" oh i know" lilli said

i laughed

" im full" lilli said

" leave your plate , go brush your teeth we will be up there to tuck you in" naomi said

" okay" lilli said as she got up going upstairs

" i'll get the plates & wash them" i said

" you sure i'll do them-" naomi said

" ma i got this" i said

she laughed

" okay ill be upstairs" naomi said as she walked upstairs

i washed the dishes & went to tuck lilli in before getting in the shower & going to bed

" ma" i said as i got in bed

" yes?" she said

" you ah move in wimme?" i asked

she looked at me

" really?" she asked

" yeah , you already here everyday" i said

" i do but i also love my house" she said

" iah buy & you can still keep it" i said

" im not letting you do that for me" she said

" we'll see" i said knowning i was still gon do it

" so you ah move in wimme?" i asked

" yes" she said

i kissed ha

" iah hire some people" i said

she nodded & yawned

" goodnight baby" she said as she kissed me & layed on my chest

" goodnight i love you" i said

" i love you more" she said

she fell asleep and not too long after i also fell asleep

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