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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
Wednesday night 10:00 pm

i've been in San Diego for about 3 days & honestly it is so peaceful here , i haven't talked to ka'zier since he dropped me off

i've been meaning to call him but it's like im always getting called in the office

i looked at my phone as i was laying down debating whether to call him or not because in new york it was around 1 am

i clicked his contact & face-timed him , i didn't think he was going to answered until he did

" glad to know you're alive" he said

his voice was raspy he probably just woke up or was on his way to sleep

" did i wake you up?" i asked

" mmtch why you ain call me in 3 days?" he asked

" i've been busy" i said

" you could've texted me asum naomi" he said

i nodded

" i know , im sorry" i said

"when are you coming back i miss you" he said

" tomorrow.. if they don't keep me out here for another week" i said

" another week?" he said

i nodded

" 2 weeks without chu isn't gon work" he said

my eyes started to water

" ma what's wrong" he said

" what if i'm gone too long & you get bored and lose your feelings for me" i said

" naomi what did i tell u before you left?" he said

i didn't say anything

"youn hear me now?" he said

" you said you will wait on me" i said

" im deadass about that, wipe ya face ma " he said

i wiped my face

" i love you" he said

" i love you more" i said

" can we go to sleep otp?" i asked

" igh" he said

not too long later , he fell asleep

about 25 mins later, my boss texted me i hoped it wasn't saying i had to stay

as i clicked it i read it & smiled

it said how i was able to go back home , & how they were thankful for my time

i smiled & hurried to buy a first class ticket so hopefully i could go home as soon as possible

there was a flight leaving in a hr , i hurried to buy the ticket & once my purchase was made i hurried to pack up my luggage

as i was doing this , ka'zier was still on the phone but he was snoring loud , i laughed as i took a facetime photo of him

i had 30 mins to get to the airport, & it was a 15 min drive from where i was .

i hurried and put my luggage in the trunk

as i got in the car, i had to hang up on ka'zier & i hoped he wouldn't wake up

about 10 mins went by & i was at the airport & getting on the plane

i smiled as i drifted off to sleep cause lord knows i was tired


" ma'am" someone was saying

i woke up & looked at the flight attendant

" we are here" he said

" okay thank you" i said

i grabbed my luggage & got into a cab

" where are you going?" the driver asked

i told him ka'zier address & got on my phone

i was tired but i wasn't going to sleep in a cab , cause who knows what will happen

we pulled into ka'ziers house , i looked at my phone to see the time it was 6:55 in the morning

i used my key to unlock his door making sure i locked in back before i went upstairs to his room

i opened his bedroom door seeing him still sleep

i smiled & took off my outside clothes & getting in the bed with him

he started to move around before waking up

" watchu doing here mama" he said tiredly as he smiled & hugged me

" they let me home early" i said

" why you ain tell me i woulda picked you up from the airport" he said

" you were getting your sleep" i said

he chuckled tiredly

" i woulda still came" he said

" okay" i said

" how was cali?" he asked as he yawned

" you're tired go to sleep" i said

he yawned

" how was cali ?" he asked again

" it was nice but i didn't get to really do anything because they kept calling me into the hospital" i said

" iah take you there if you want" he said

" what are you talking abouttt?" i asked

" what's one place you ah like to go" he said

" ouu cancun" i said

he nodded & yawned again

" have you been sleeping?" i asked

he shook his head no

" why?" i asked

" couldn't sleep knowing you was ina different state& we wasnt talkn" he said

" come on let's go to sleep" i said

he nodded as he held onto me

not long after we fell asleep.

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