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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
Thursday 7:35 pm

i woke up & got ready for work an as i was getting ready , i look at my phone & saw i had a text from a unknown number



who's this?


                                                       ohh , hey

when i can see you again ?

                                              when do you want to?

shii , rn tbh

                                i can't rn , i have to go to work

what time you off?

                                            probably around 11

igh tm whenever you off
have a good day ❤️

                                             have a better day ❤️

cm when you get home

ok i will

after exiting the message thread i grabbed my car keys & phone before walking and getting into my car making sure i didn't forget to set the alarm to my house as i got into my car , i facetimed my bestfriend because i felt like we haven't talked in a while

" hey girlyyy" i said as i connect my phone to the Bluetooth

" heyyy" yaya said sounding tired

" girl why are you tired?" i asked because she's normally up around this time

" you're brother" yaya said

" y'all arguing?" i asked

" naw he just give me some bomb dick" yaya said smiling

" girl .." i said

" my bad buttt i got to tell you sumn" yaya said

" hmm?" i said looking at the camera

" so you know how i was at k3 house yesterday right" yaya said

i nodded

" they was talking about how you got home & k3 said that he took you blah blah blah thennn he said shawt pressure" yaya said

i started to smile

yaya put her whole face in the camera

" bitchhhhh" yaya started to say

"whatttt" i said

" do you like k3?" yaya asked

i shrugged

" i meann after he took us to go get some food-" i started to say before yaya cut me off

" bitchhhh , y'all went to go get food?" yaya asked

" yesss girl keep up" i said

she laughed

" but yeah after we got food together , he was dropping me off we was staring at eachother & we almost kissed" i said

" watchu mean almost?? why y'all ain kiss" yaya asked

" i stopped it" i said

yaya looked at me like i had 5 heads

" bitch why?" yaya asked

" i feel like we're moving to fast" i said

yaya nodded

" that's understandable" yaya said

" ima just fall back off him" i said

" fall back off who?" mir asked in yaya's background

" mind yours" yaya said

" i gotta go im at work love you" i said

" love you more" yaya said before hanging up

i sighed

i actually did like ka'zier but i just feel like everything is happening so fast i just didn't know what to do

i grabbed my purse & phone before walking out of the parking garage into the hospital

" hey nurse.smith" my coworker andre said

" hey dre" i said before putting my things into office & clocking in

i sighed before signing paperwork hoping time would go by fast

" code blue code blue" i heard the other nurses and doctors say i hurried and went to the location , code blue is someone has gone into cardiac or respiratory arrest

i started to respond to the code blue starts chest compressions at a rate of 100 beats per minute. The goal is to get oxygen circulating through the patient. When others arrive, they can place a backboard beneath the patient, but the first responder won't wait to begin compressions

& lucky it worked

" thankyou so much nurse smith" the other doctors was saying thank you

" can i have a word with you?" my boss said to me

i nodded as i followed him into his office

" so , i've noticed you have been doing an amazing job & want to give a you break" he said

" can you elaborate?" i asked

he nodded

" i want you to take a couple months off , it's paid time off" he said

i nodded

" think of it as a vacation but you also will still be getting paid" he said i nodded

"but you will still be called in but you don't need to come in weekly" he also said

i sat there thinking about it

" i'll take it" i said

" i knew you would've" he said as he smiled

" thanks you" i said as i was getting ready to walk out & go home to lay down

" no,thank you for being an amazing part of our team"he said as i walked out

i was happy ass fuckkkk i finally get a break
i got into my car & drove home so i can get some sleep .

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