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ka'zier ( k3) mitchell
monday 9:04 pm

"yo?" i said

"ian mean ta yell at you" i said

still no response , i shook my head & pulled over
then she looked at me

" what are you doing?" she asked

i just looked at her

" naw wha are you doing?" i asked

" wha-" she started to say

" you gotta boyfriend?" i asked

she shook her head no

"what's the prollem naomi?" i asked

" what are you talking about" she asked

"you ghosted me for 2 weeks & you're acting like i'm the problem" i said

she ain say nun

" let me know if you not feeling me  so i can fall back , we too old ta be playing around naomi" i said 

" seems like you already did" she said

" wat da fuck is you talm ab" i said

she looked at me

" what are you talm about naomi" i asked

" i heard what you said while you were on the phone  with mir" she said

i nodded

" i'm posed to sit round & wait fa you?"i asked

she shook her head no again

" do you wan me or not naomi?" i asked getting straight to the point

"i do but-" she started to say

" but what , if you like me i like you what's the problem?" i asked

" i feel like we are moving too fast" she said

i nodded , cause i did just meet her 3 weeks ago

" understandable" i said

" i'm sorry" she said

i looked at her

" watchu sorry fa?" i asked

" ghosting you.. it wasn't right i should've let you know" she said

" it's igh" i said

" k3-" she started to say

" ka'zeir" i corrected her

" right , why me?" she asked

i was confused on how to answer that, cause what did she mean?

"watchu mean?" i asked

" like .. you obviously have other options, why me? she asked again

" i've told you already"

she looked at me

" you ain everyone else ma" i said

she smiled

" you 1of1 typeshii" i said

" how many people do you tell this to?" she asked

" only you , i real life don't talk to nobody" i said
truthfully , cause ion talk to no other female the way i talk to naomi

" mhmm okay" she said

i looked at her & licked my lips

" soooooo , you like me & i like you" she said

i nodded

" i want to see where this will go" she said

" me too" i said

" i just don't want to get my heart broke" she said

" ian een on that typa timing , im 25 i know what i wan in my life & it's you , on some real ass shit naomi" i said

she smiled

" i know what i want too" she said

" you fuck wit me & i fuck wit u so let's not fuck wit nobody else" i said

" okay" she said

"watchu wan do?" i asked

" go home honestly, i have bad cramps" she said

" wan watch a movie & chill?" i asked

she nodded

on the way back , i stopped at cvs

" what are we doing here?" she asked

" i need sumn outta hea , iah be back" i said

" okay" she said before i got out

i walked into cvs looking fa a representative & i finally found one

" yo excuse me" i said & she turned around

" how can i help you?" she asked

" i need them pussy diapers and the other thing females used" i said & she laughed i looked at her confused cs wat is funny

" okay so you need tampons & pads" do you know where to get or do you need help

" i need help" i said

" follow me" she said

i followed her , we ended up gettn the pads & tampons with a heating blanket wit some snacks , the total was like $53 but i tipped her another $50 cause she helped ah nigga out

i grabbed my bad & walked to the car before opening the door & seeing naomi sleep

i shook my head & laughed before taking a picture then driving off to my house , not long after i woke her up so she can go inside

i carried the bags in the house & started go upstairs

" cmon ma" i said & she followed me into my room

" your room is nice" she said

" prsh8 it , you can make yourself comfortable" i said
& she wasn't een shy or nun , she took her shoes off & got ina bed & laying down

" oh hea u go" i said handing her the cvs bag

she gave me a tired smile before getting up & hugging me , i hugged her back wrapping my hand around her waist & rested my head on her shoulder

" thank you" she said sounding like she was crying

i stepped back & looked at her

" ma why are you crying?" i asked

" you're so sweet" she said

"only fa you" i said before she got back in the bed laying down & turning on moana , i shook my head before getting in bed

" why we watchn dis?" i asked

" i can turn it off if you wan" she said

" naw it fine i'm fin go ta sleep" i said

she nodded before continue watch moana , after 10 mins naomi turned around & layed on my chest

i thought she said we was moving too fast

i wasn't one to complain so i layed there & wrapped my arms around her waist before drifting off to sleep

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