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day of the dance

" y'all look amazing" naomi said as she took me and lilli's pictures

" all thanks ta you ma" i said

" well i have to go to work , have fun" naomi said

i went over to her & kissed her

" get a roomm" lilli said

we laughed

" have a good day at work ma" i said

" i'll try , enjoy the dance" naomi said as she left

" are you ready little lady?" i asked lilli

she nodded

" igh lemme set the alarm then we can go" i said

i set the alarm then we made our way to the car

lilli stood by the door waiting for me to open it , which i had no problem doing , i wan her standers to be high so she don't settle fa less

we got in the car & started to drive to the dance

i looked over at lilli and she looked pretty

" you look pretty little lady" i said to her

she looked up from her phone and looked at me

" thank you" she said

not too long after, we made it to the dance

" you ready?" i asked lilli

" i'm kind of nervous" she said

" ill be next to you the whole time" i said

she nodded

" we can leave whenever you want" i said

" okay" she said

i got out and went to go open her door & we went inside the school

" hellooo lilli" a li girl said

" hey" lilli said as she kept walking

i chuckled

" why you ain talk to her?" i asked

lilli shrugged

i laughed as we made it in the gym

it was a female teachers & dads with their daughters

lilli & i found a table to sit at

" lilli" a young boy said

" this dance is for girls why are you here" lilli said

" my moms organized it" the boy said

the li boy looked at me then at lilli

" that's my dad" lilli said as she pointed at me

" wassup sir" the li boy said

" wassup, what's ya name" i said as i laughed

" nymere" the li boy said

i nodded

" ill talk to ya later lilli" the li boy said

lilli gave him a hug

" okay bye" lilli said as she watched him walk off

i looked at lilli and she looked at me

" you like him?" i asked

" no that's bestie" she said

i nodded

" cause no boyfriend-" before i could finish lilli cut me off

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