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1 month laterrr .

" ma" i said

" hmm?" naomi said in response

" you good?" i asked her

she nodded

" youn gotta lie" i said

she gotten quite, 2 weeks ago lilli's grandma came looking for her , her grandma said that lilli's dad ran away one time with lilli when it was his visiting time .

her grandma was sweet to be honest, reminded me a lot like my mawmaw

" do you miss her?" naomi asked

" of course, but she's wit her family" i said

" you're right.." she said

" per usual" i said

naomi punch my arm & laughed

" your birthday is in 3 dayssss" she said

" i know" i said

" i got you a early birthday gift" she said as she got up to go get it

" ma you ain have to" i said

" boy hush" she said as she handed me the gift

it was wrapped in red gifting paper & a li tie

i opened & it was happy at what i saw , it was a picture of me & my mawmaw from when i was a kid on a chain .

" cmonnn put it onnn" naomi said

i put & on , and went up to hug her

" thanks mama" i said

" you're welcome, you deserve it" she said as she kissed me

" wan go get some food or order it?" i asked her

" ouuu can we watch order & watch christmas movies?" she asked

i chuckled

" ma it's november" i said

" so noo?" she said

" we can" i said as i passed her my phone

" ka'zeir .." she said as she looked up at me

i looked at her

" can we get a christmas & put it up?" she asked

" when?" i asked

" tomorrow" she said

my phone started to ring i looked down & saw it was lilli facetiming me so i answered

" wassup little lady" i said

" hiii" lilli said

" watchu doin?" i asked

" i just came back from the mall" she said

" watchu get?" i asked her

" i cant tell you it's a surprise" she said as she smiled

i laughed

" can i come over this weekend?" she said

" you know youn gotta ask" i said

" let me ask my grandma" she said

" grandma can i go over my dads "  she asked

i loved that lilli still viewed me as her father even though she still with her grandma

" yes that's fine" her grandma said

" lemme speak to her" i said to lilli

lilli handed her the phone

" how do you work this" ms . tiana said

i laughed

" hey ms. tiana" i said

" can you see me?"  she asked

" yes" i said as i chuckled

" hello ka'zier" she said

" how's everything going?"i asked

" it's going well , lilli got honor roll" she said

" that's good , you straight do you need anything?" i asked

" no , i'm fine" she said

she never let me help her , which i was okay with .

" grandma can we make cookies" lilli asked her

" yes, ka'zier i'll see you this weekend" ms .tiana said

i hung up & looked over at naomi who was sleep

i chuckled & took a picture of her , i really loved this girl with my whole heart

i layed down next to her & drifted off too sleep

this summ slight my bad for being inactive, im back for good now .

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