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saturday 4:45 pm

" do you think it's a good idea?" i asked naomi

" yes .. but do you?" she asked

i shrugged

we was currently talking about if I should go see that child that I saved from ole dude . I believe that I was making the right choice but honestly I don't know how to raise a child.

" whatever your choice is I'll support you 100%" she said 

I nodded

" can you come with me?" I asked.

" yes... We can go right now if you want" she said

" igh bet cmon" i said

we got up and went to the car, but before going to the car, i made sure that I set the alarm to my house and also all doors was locked.

We talked as I drove to the orphanage that she was at, mir, had someone look into to see where she was placed at .

Not long after we pulled into the orphanage and by looks of it this wasn't a happy place for a child to be at'

" cmon Ma" I said as I got out the car to go open her door

When she got out of the car she held on my arm as we walked inside

" hello how can I help you?" the receptionist said.

" I needa visit somebody" i said

she nodded

" who are you here to visit?" she asked.

" her name is Lillian" I said

" oh Lillian she's a wonderful child. She just got placed here not too long ago" she said

i nodded

" well come on this way you have to fill out paper work" she said

We follow behind her to fill out the paperwork but it didn't take that long. It took about 15-20 minutes Max.

" thank you. I will go and get Lillian for you. Hang tight." she said.

" igh" i said

Not gonna lie I was nervous as shit cause what if she don't want to see me or what if she don't remember me?

" you don't have to be nervous" Naomi said as she held my hand

I chuckled

" ain't nobody scared ma" I said

" actions speak louder than words" she said

I chuckled

I looked over to the door as it open and saw Lillian
And the receptionist

Lillian smiled at me

" hey Lillian" I said

She ran up and hugged my leg

" I'll leave y'all to it" the receptionist, said, as she walked out

" I remember you" Lillian said

" I remember you too" I said

" where is my daddy?" she asked.

Naomi looked at me as I looked at her

" you won't have to worry about him anymore" I said

She smiled

" I go with you?" she asked.

I chuckled

" do you want to go with me?" I'll ask her.

She nodded her head yes

" alright I'll see what I can do" I said

" who is this pretty lady?" she asked.

" oh, my girlfriend, Naomi" I said

" hi Naomi" she said

" hi beautiful" Naomi said

" you go with us?" Lillian asked Naomi.

Naomi shook her head yes

Lillian smiled

" Cmon" I said, as we walked out, going to go find a reception

" hello how can I help you?" the reception said

" is there a way she can leave with me?" I'll asked

" You have to sign some papers and one of our staff have to view your house to see if you have the proper living space for her and there will also be monthly check-in to make sure she is OK" she said

" igh is anybody available now?" i asked

" there is actually" the receptionist said

The receptionist found someone and they follow me towards my house, as we approach my house, I unlock the doors and set the alarm so it wouldn't go off

With the person behind me who here to check the house

" perfect here you just need to fill out these papers and she's able to stay, there will be monthly check-in as you know on the seventh of every month" the person said

I nodded

I signed the papers and the person left

" let's get you in a tub" Naomi said as she and Lillian walked upstairs

Naomi put Lillian in the shower and I asked Naomi to tell me what size wearer clothes and shoes so I can go to the mall and get Lillian some new clothes .

I got in the car and drove to the mall but as I was driving, couldn't help but think how I had a little family already maybe things were moving too fast but I'm igh wit it

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