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ka'zier ( k3) mitchell
Thursday 3:45 am

" how my sister doin?" mir asked walking into the warehouse

" yeah how my bestie doin?" bando asked

" shes fine" i said as i yawned

" if you tired yu can go home i know my sister dont wan you out here " mir said

" na it's smooth" i said as we got in the warehouse

" hey bossmansss" the one girl said

i looked down at my apple watch , & it was 3:45 am

" brotha eww" i said as i kept walking

mir and bando started laughing & went our separate ways

once i reached my office , i check to see if everything was running smoothly, shipment , everyones pay etc

during me checking , there was a knock coming through

" come in" i said with out looking up from my computer

the person came in & i looked up

the same girl from earlier..

" watchu need?" i asked looking back at my computer

she shrugged

" get out" i said

with that she listened

i missed my girl so bad bra .

mir and bando came into my office

" yu finished?" bando asked

" yea" i said as i closed my macbook

" yall tron smoke ?" mir asked

" nigga y'know youn gotta ask me twice" bando said

i started laughing & mir starter rolling up

" y'all got that, im going home i miss my baby" i said
as i dapped them up before leaving

to my luck .. i saw the same girl

" bossmannn" she said

i kept walking

and she started to follow me

" bossmannmm" she said

" bra leave me alone fa i shoot yo dumb ass" i said

she stopped following me , and i made my way to ma car

i looked at the time it was 4:54 am

i made it home , 11 mins later

walked in the room & naomi was awake

" wassup ma ? you good?" i asked her

" yeah .. couldn't sleep" she said with a weak smile

" hollon let me get ina shower & iah lay with yu" i said
she nodded

i grabbed clothes & my towel making my to the bathroom , i started the water & got in

" baby" naomi called out

" yes mama" i said

" can i get in?" she said

" y'know youn gotta asked cmon" i said as i chuckled

not long after she got in , we did our hygiene,
& got in bed

" baby?" naomi said

" yes ma?" i looking at her

" can i get a doggg" she asked

" yu can have whatever yu likeeee" i sung to her

she giggled, & kissed me

" i could nut off that" i asked , speaking honestly

" stoppp" she said

i chuckled

" i want like a big dog" she said

" i said yu can have whatever yu likeeeee , late night sex so wet so tight" i sung laying my head on her

" im for real baby" she said

" so am i, iah get yu the dog" i said

" promise?" she said with her pinky out

" i promise"  i said locking our fingers together

she smiled

" i love yu more" i said

naomi seemed ta space out

" ma yu good?" i asked

she nodded

" just thinking" she said

" speak yo mind ma" i said

" im soo in love with yu" she said

i smiled

" same here , im dangerously in love with you.. its kinda scary like iah do anything for yu" i said

" i know .. but like when i first met yu i didnt think we would end up this way" she said while rubbing my hair

" crazyy shit" i said

" dont yu wish we wouldve met sooner?" she said

" yeah .. but nah" i said

" what do yu mean?" she questioned

" my life used ta be crazy .. i wouldnt want yu round that shit" i said

" ohh.. well at least im here now" she said with a
kool-Aid smile

" yeah , yu here forever" i said

" wouldnt have it no other way" she said

i looked at her & kissed her

" goodnight baby" she said

" goodnight beloved" i said

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