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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
wensday ( same day) 7:35

i look down at my phone & it was 7:35 , ka'zier was supposed to be here 1 hour & 35 mins ago wth ..

i was debating on call him or not , i chose not to cause im pretty sure he would've let me know by now

i sighed & got undressed, putting on comfortable clothes & laying down turning on smthn to watch .

i drifted off to sleep & it felt like not too long later there was a knock at my door i tried to ignore it but they kept knocking .. smhh

i sighed & put on my house shoes , going downstairs to open the door .

when i opened the door there was .. ka'zier

ka'zier was holding a bouquet of flowers with one hand & his other hand in his pocket while he was looking nervous

he looked cute but i wasn't going to tell him that .

" what are you doing here?" i asked him

" i'm sorry, i didn't come on time" he said

i nodded

" its nothing forreal" i said lying through my teeth

he nodded

" goodnight" i said as i was trying close the door before he blocked me from closing it

" ma " he said as he grabbed my arm

i looked at him

" cmon don't act like this" he said

" why was you late?" i asked him

" i was handling smthn with mir and-" he started to say before i cut him off

" mir and brandon" i said finishing his sentence

he looked at me

" seems like it's your world & im just living in it" i said

he didn't say anything

i scoffed before walking away

" i'm cool off you, make sure you close my door when you leave" i said as i walked to my room closing my bedroom door

i heard the door shut, so i guess he left ..
i sigh & tried to go back to sleep 2 hours later & i still couldn't sleep i grabbed my phone & start watching tiktoks until ka'zeir texted me

                            ka'zier 🫶🏽

can you come open da door

no go home

igh say nomo

it's unlocked 😒


i yawn before getting up to go to the bathroom that's connected to my room, i used the bathroom & washed my hand before walking back out

i stopped in my tracks

ka'zier was there , just sitting on on my bed

i rolled my eyes before getting in my bed

" ma" he said

i ignored him

" ima just go, you actn childish" he said as he grabbed his keys & phone

i looked at him , he looked back at me

he sat the followers on my nightstand & walked out

i got up to look at the flowers , they were beautiful i couldn't lie

" these are so beautiful" i said out loud

" i didn't know what kinda flowers you liked" ka'zier said as he was walking towards me

i looked up at him

" i thought you left.." i said

" ian wan leave on the term we are on" he said

i nodded

" let me know sumn rq" he said

i looked up at him

" you coo offa me farreal?" he asked looking directly at me

i looked up

" i don't know .." i said

he looked at me

" let me kno" he said

" no.." i said cause

he nodded & went to go sit on my bed i looked at him & he signaled for me to come sit next to him , so that's what i did

" ma" he said

i looked at him

" if i do sumn & it bothers you let me kno" he said

i nodded

" what was yall doing" i asked him

" ion like going into details with you about that , it's better if you didn't know" he said

" okay .." i said

it was silent after that

" are you sleeping here?" i asked him , looking at him

" do you want me to?" he asked

i nodded

" igh cmon" he said

i got in bed & not too long after ka'zier got in right after me after taking off his sweatpants & white tee leaving him in his wife beater & ethika underwear

i crawled on top of him & he started to massage my back & my butt

" how'd you know i was up?" i asked him

" i don't know" he said tiredly

i nodded

" ta be real , i hoped you was awake because i've told you before, i sleep betta witchu " he said

i smiled & kissed him

" you ah be my girl?" he asked

i nodded

" use ya words ma" he said

" yes i'll be your girl" i said

he smiled tiredly & kissed me

" it's your world , im just living in it" he said

" why'd you say that out of nowhere?" i asked

" earlier, you said seems like it's your world & im just living in it" he said

i nodded

" you ah look good carrying my baby" he said while yawning

" go to sleep you just tired" i said

i knew he was tired by the way his voice was sounding

he chuckled

" goodnight mama , & i'm fareal about you carrying my baby" he said

" goodnight baby" i said as i drifted off to sleep

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