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Naomi ( mimi ) smith
Thursday 11:05 am

" soo.." i said looking k3

he glanced at me then back at the road

" waddup" k3 asked

" what are we about to go eat?" i asked

" watchu wan?" he asked

" mm i want some rooster" i said

he nodded & started to play some music and i'm not gonna lie , his music was hard for real , i started to steal some song & adding them to my playlist

"And, nigga, our ice and y'all ice look different"  k3 rapped as he lifted his wrist showing his watch Audemars piguet

" cmon we hea" k3 said as he walked out over to my side to open my door

" watchu fin eat?" k3 asked

" probably a roosters nest" i said as we walked inside going to talk to someone so they can give us table

" hello how may i help you" the lady asked looking at k3 & side eyeing me

" let us get a table fa 2 & i want a sprite , whatchu wan?" he asked me looking at me

" a lemonade" i said

he nodded

" add her lemonade onnat jawn , you wan sit inside or out?"

" out is fin" i said

" anything else?"she asked & rolled her eyes

" naw dats it" k3 said

" okay follow me" she said & k3 grabbed my hand following her leading us to our table where k3 pulled on my chair so i can sit down but before he could the lady grabbed his arm

" here's my number" she said as she wrote sumn down & handing k3 the paper

k3 looked annoyed

" prsh8 it" he said & she smiled and walked off

k3 ripped the paper & threw it away before sitting down and the waitress coming over

" hello , how do you know what you guys want?" he asked

" yuh , two rooster nest you want anything else ? " k3 said

" can i also have a side of tater tots please" i asked

the waitress nodded , "anything else?"

" na that should be it" k3 said

" give me a sec & your food will be with you" the waitress said before walking off

i pulled out my phone & felt someone staring at me , i looked up and saw k3 just looking at me

" lemme get ta know you" his voice rasped out

" what do you want to know" i asked

" everything" he said looking at me not breaking eye contact

" uhm soo my name is naomi , i'm 23 & im a travel nurse , i don't have any family beside my brother & brandon i never really knew my parents or relatives and my birthdays october 5th" i said doing the tada thing with my hands

he chuckled

" i like how you have something going for yourself unlike half these females " he said i smiled

" can i get to know you?" i asked

he nodded before sitting all the way up & looking at me

" i'm k3 , i was born nov 5 , the only family i had was my mawmaw but she passed early last year, & im entrepreneur" k3 said

" i'm sorry" i said

" is aight" k3 said as the waitress walked over with our food & placed it on the table

" thank you" i said with a smile before the waitress walked off i looked over at k3 plate and frowned

" what's wrong?" he asked

" yours looks better then mine" i said & he laughed

" we have da same thing , do you wan switch?" he asked

i nodded & we swapped plates

" can you pray with me?" i asked

he nodded & grabbing onto my hand as we prayed before we ate " amen" we said together before eating

Thursday 4:34 pm

after we was finished eating , we went back to the car

" wan me to take you home?" k3 asked

" yes please , i work tonight" i said & he nodded , after driving for a minute, i finally reached home before i got out i had to thank k3

" k3-" i started to say before he cut me off

"ka'zier" he said

" huh?" i questioned

" that's my name ka'zier" he said & i nodded

" well .. Everyone else calls you k3" i said while looking looking at him

" you ain everyone else ma" he said while glancing at me

i smiled & looked at him

" thank you for today" i said

" ain nun fa real" he said looking at me

we stared at each other & started to lean in as i realized what was going on i pulled away

" uhm i should get going" i said while getting out of the car

he licked his lips & nodded his head

i reached my front door , and set of my alarm before setting it back so i can go to sleep , i went upstairs & shower before taking a short nap before it was time for me to go to work .

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