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Naomi .
same day .

" What kind of tree do you want?" i asked him

" its yo world mama get wantchu wan" he said

i smiled

" would you want a white or green?" i asked

" ma" he chuckled

i looked at him

" it's whatever you want" he said

" since the living room is white , it would make sense to get a white tree right?" i asked him

" righ ma" he said

" excuse me" i said to the worker

" how can i help you?" he said

" can we get this white tree?" i asked

he looked at me " how tall is your ceiling?"

" umm 20 feet.. right babe?" i asked ka'zier

" yeah mama" he said

the worker nodded his head " ill be back in 7 mins"

" okay" i said

i turned to ka'zier

" you look good mama" he said as he hugged me

" thank you , you do to" i said

my phone started to ring & i answered

" bestie what you doing?" brandon asked

" getting a tree" i said

he nodded , ka'zier stopped hugging me & sat on the bench

" i miss you kiddo , youn be fucking with me no more" brandon said

" stop acting fake hurt" i said

" you talk like a nigga now , you been around k3 to much" he said

" you know thats my wifey" ka'zier said

" ian even know that nigga was there" he said

" who did you think was going to carry the tree?" i asked

" ion even know"  he said

" your brain is fried , need to leave that weed alone" i said

" blah blah blahhh" he said

" youre so unreal" i said

" call me when you get home i got yu some" brandon said

" okay bye" i said

" aii bye " he said , than i hung up

" ouuuu here come the tree" i said

ka'zier chuckled

" the total is $674"  the worker said

" hmm. i handed him 7 $100 bills you can keep the change thank you" i said

i looked at ka'zier & he had a stank face on

" whats wrong?" i asked him

" why you paying for shit?" he asked

" it was my idea to get the tree..?" i said

" i understand that , im your man let me take care of you & whatever you want" he said

" its 50/50" i said

" its not its 100/0, just sit back , stack your bread & look pretty" he said

" sir yes sir" i said

he chuckled & opened my door for me while he put the tree in the trunk

" you hungry?" he asked

" no" i said

" yes you are watchu wan eat?" he asked

" im not hungry, i just want to put the tree up" i said

he chuckled " ma the tree not going nowhere"

i nodded

" how about we put the tree up & if you hungry we can doordash?" he asked

" okayy" i said with a smile

he chuckled and continued to drive

" if i was a dragon would you love me?" i asked

" naa i wouldnt een fuck round" he said

" so you don't love me??" i asked dragging it

" are you a dragon?" he asked

" no but-" i started

" alright then , you already know i love you , im in love with you & we getting married with 2 kids" he said

" ohhhh???" i said with a lil laugh

" im deadass ma" he said

" i know" i said grabbing his other hand locking it with mine

" do you remember when we first met" i asked

" yeah .. knew you was gon be mine" he said cocky

" i made you nervoussss" i said

" could you blame me thou?? you still make me nervous" he admitted

" you made me nervous.. you was staring hard" i said

" knew i liked what i saw" he shrugged

" we've came along way" i said

" we did .. you used to try to leave me for anything" he said 

i rolled my eyes

" but its fine, we gon get married with 2 kids so therefore ima always be in ya life" he said

i smiled , & we was pulling into the garage

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